What Are Manifestation Examples?

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

If there are goals that you want to achieve, manifestation can be a handy way to achieve them. Manifestation is the process of bringing something into reality from your thoughts.

What are manifestation examples?

It’s not magic or anything like that, but it does work, and it works well for many people. It’s all about focusing on what you do want in life instead of what you don’t want.

You have to learn how to use this skill because it takes practice and time. But once you get the hang of it, you will find yourself attracting more money than you ever thought possible.

Benefits Of Manifestation

The Law Of Attraction states that whatever we think about comes into our lives.

We attract things based on our own energy, which means that if we focus on negative feelings such as fear, worry, anger, frustration, etc., then those energies will radiate out into the Universe, and we will experience negativity in return.

On the other hand, when we feel good, happy, grateful, loving, appreciative, etc., these positive emotions will also draw upon the Universe to bring us more abundance.

The law of attraction is one of life’s most powerful tools for success. With the right understanding of its principles, you can use it to improve almost every area of your life. In fact, you’ve probably already started using the law of attraction without even realizing it.

For example, did you realize that everything in your life has been happening precisely the moment you have accepted responsibility for it?

Have you noticed that whenever you’re feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, you tend to go through a string of bad luck?

When you catch yourself complaining, do you notice that complaints come back around again and again in your life to manifest your desires?

Help to clarify exactly what you want so that you no longer drift off course.

This clarity can help you stay focused on your goal and avoid getting distracted by side-tracks along the way.

Plus, having written proof of your desire can give you confidence that you really are heading towards achieving it!

How To Get What You Want By Visualizing

Affirmations are an effective tool for changing limiting beliefs about yourself and others. They allow you to take control over your mind and change the story you tell yourself about who you are and what you deserve.

Affirmations can be used to overcome fears, worries, anxieties, and doubts. They can also be used to create new habits and behaviors.

If you believe that you were born with certain qualities, talents, abilities, or traits, you will always live up to your expectations.

Expectations set you up for disappointment. The only thing you should expect is greatness.

Focus on the possibilities and not on the limitations. Look for ways to improve daily. Take massive action toward reaching your goals. And keep moving forward.

You must understand that if you want to become successful in any field, you need a mentor. Someone who has done it before. Someone who can show you the ropes. Someone who has walked where you want to walk. Someone who has blazed trails where you hope to travel.

A mentor is someone who is willing to share their wisdom and knowledge with you. It’s someone who is going to challenge you to grow. It’s a relationship built on trust and respect.

How To Write Down A Manifestation

What are manifestation examples

Writing or recording a manifestation is easy as you simply need to think about what you want and apply a positive mindset. However, this doesn’t mean that you should sit in front of a blank piece of paper waiting for something to happen.

If you don’t actively work towards your manifestation, it won’t materialize. So make sure you put some effort into writing down your thoughts.

The Law Of Attraction Quotes

Think about all the things you’ve ever wanted but never had. Now imagine that these things are actually yours—just reach out and grab them by the collar (but not too tight!).

Seriously, what would make you feel happy now? What could you let go of to bring more happiness into your life?

These are just a few questions to get you thinking but remember: Your answers determine your results.

Examples Of Manifestation

If you want to get a raise in work, say to yourself “I am going to get a raise” rather than “I want a raise”.

If you want to lose weight, say to yourself “I am going to lose weight” rather than “I want to lose weight”.

If you want to attract money, say to yourself “I am going to attract money” rather than “I wish I had money”.

If you want a better relationship, say to yourself “We are going to have a better relationship” rather than “I’d like us to be closer”.

If you want a promotion at work, say to yourself “I am going to get promoted” rather than “I want a promotion”.

If you want to manifest love, say to yourself “I am going to find true love” rather than “I’m looking for true love”.

If you want to manifest a job offer, say to yourself “I am going to get offered a great job” rather than “I’m applying for jobs right now.”

Why Is It Important To Manifest?

Manifestation is one of the most powerful tools available to us today.

When we use the power of our minds to ask for what we desire, it creates an energetic vibration that attracts everything that we want into our lives. This process is called manifestation.

Manifestation Process

In order to manifest anything there are 3 steps to follow:

  1. Know exactly what it is that you want.
  2. Visualize yourself already having it.
  3. Act as though it was already happening.


Visualization is a very powerful tool when using the law of attraction because it helps you to connect to your desires.

Once you have visualized yourself achieving your goal, you will then create feelings of excitement and joy around it. This makes it easier to take action toward achieving your goal.

Imagine yourself being excited about getting what you want. Imagine how good it feels to achieve your goals. Feel the emotions associated with your desired outcome.

As you visualize yourself having what you want, see every detail of it. See yourself enjoying it. You can even hear the sounds of people talking about how amazing it is.

Acting As Though It Is Already Happening

Once you have created a strong feeling of excitement and joy around your goal, you need to act as if it has already happened.

If you believe something enough, you will eventually start to experience it. So, don’t wait until you think you’re ready before acting.

Take small actions each day toward achieving your goal. For example, write down three ways you’ll achieve your goal on Monday morning. Then, do those three things by Wednesday afternoon. By Friday, you’ll notice that they’ve manifested in your life.


A manifestation is a powerful tool for achieving goals and putting yourself in a positive mindset.

Whether you want to improve your relationships or have a specific financial goal to achieve, manifesting them will help you along the way.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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