A common question that people have when beginning their manifesting journey is how long will it take to manifest their desires?

The answer isn’t that simple. The time it takes for you to manifest something will be different from someone else, as many factors affect how long the process takes.
These include your self-belief, whether your vibrations are aligned, or how detached you are from the goal.
We’ll cover these factors in more detail below. You’ll gain a better understanding of how long manifesting takes from reading this article, including how to shift your mindset to manifest your dreams a little faster.
Factors That Affect How Long It Takes To Manifest
Your Belief That You Can Attract Anything You Want
The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like. If you believe that you can attract anything you want into your life.
Then you’re going to create results much quicker than if you don’t believe that you can attract what you desire.
If you truly believe that your desires and goals are within reach, the Law of Attraction will work faster. Self-doubt is counterproductive, but even the most positive among us have subconscious beliefs that can be working against them.
For instance, things your parents or childhood friends may have told you in the past may stay with you.
Though you may not think of them regularly, these beliefs may stay within the subconscious, affecting the energy you currently put out.
If your parents or family members often say things like, “Money is the root of all evil”, you may unconsciously not want money in your life, as you may feel that it’s inherently bad.
Even if you consciously want money, the unconscious is powerful. This can make it difficult to manifest the things you want.
There are ways to counter these self-limiting beliefs. One way to find out lingering unconscious thoughts is by paying closer attention to the areas of your life you aren’t happy with.
For example, if you aren’t happy with your financial situation, think about your childhood and things people told you about money.
Did your teachers tell you that rich people were con artists, or did your parents tell you possessing money is greed?
After you figure out things that were told to you when you were a child, you can start monitoring your thought process.
Whenever you find yourself thinking about anything that isn’t in alignment with your goals, stop yourself there and then. Tell yourself that these thoughts aren’t true and that they only serve to limit you.
Next, tell yourself a new, positive belief to counter this thought process.
For instance, if you see someone with a designer handbag and find yourself thinking, “They probably didn’t have to work hard at all for their money, they probably aren’t nice at all”, stop.
You can then tell yourself something like, “This probably isn’t true. They may have worked hard to get where they are in life, which is why they are doing so well.
They may be a good-natured person with values.”
Switching your thought process can be hard, but it’s one of the best things to do to speed up the manifestation process.
Your Vibrational Alignment With The Things You Want To Manifest

When we talk about vibrational alignment, we are talking about how you feel energetically. When you feel positive and energetic about the things you want to manifest, they are more likely to come to you.
To align with your goal, you’ll need to try and feel the way you would if you had already manifested your dreams.
For instance, if you want to manifest wealth, you need to try and feel the way you would if you had that money. If you keep telling yourself that you are broke, you won’t be in alignment with your dream.
Naturally, it isn’t always easy to visualize having lots of money when you don’t have it, but you need to stop telling yourself that you aren’t going to achieve what you want.
Here’s a simple tip that can help you shift your vibrations. We’ll stick with the topic of manifesting money, but you can use this exercise with anything you want to manifest.
Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes, letting your mind go. Then say to yourself, if you had all the money that you wanted, what would you spend it on? What would you do? Where would you go?
Instead of saying, “I have all the money I want”, you’re saying “If I had all the money I want.”
This opens the mind up to new possibilities, but more importantly, you’ll start to feel the way you would if you had the money.
This technique can help you shift your vibrational alignment from being negative about wanting something, to feeling excited and enthusiastic about what you want.
It will also help you realize that you’ve got what you need already and that you just need to make sure you act upon it.
Being Detached From Your Desires
Lastly, you need to make sure that you’re completely detached from the things you want to manifest. In other words, you need to forget about them.
The reason for this is that when you think about something too much, you become attached to it. That means you’re giving energy to it, therefore making it harder for it to manifest.
If you keep worrying about whether the things you want to manifest are here or not, you’ll notice that they are absent.
This will just leave you frustrated and angry, which is the opposite of what we want when we are manifesting.
You need to keep in vibrational alignment with your wishes so you don’t need to worry about them.
Once you stop being desperate to have these things in your life, the universe will provide them to you, usually in a way that you least expect!
The Bottom Line
Unfortunately, you can’t manifest your dreams and goals immediately. Manifesting your wishes and desires will take time.
The factors that affect this process are your beliefs, vibrational alignment, and whether you are detached or not from the outcome.
It can be hard to shift your mindset into alignment with the universe, especially if you’re struggling with self-belief and doubt.
However, the most important thing is to stay focused on your goal and believe that these things are in reach.
Remember, the universe doesn’t care how long it takes you to manifest your dreams. All it cares about is whether you are fulfilled along the journey.
So, if you’re ready to start manifesting your dreams, keep determined, and you’ll eventually get there.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical