
Monday Affirmation

Monday Affirmation

Kickstart your week with a simple and powerful Monday Affirmation. These powerful affirmations will help you fight those Monday blues.

Selenite Affirmation

Selenite Affirmation

In this post about the Selenite Affirmation, we show you how to program your crystal to help feel safe and aligned with your higher purpose

Smoky Quartz Affirmation

Smoky Quartz Affirmation

This post is all about giving you the right Smoky Quartz Affirmation, and to show you the true potential of this awesome crystal.

Positive Affirmations For Friends

Positive Affirmations For Friends

If you want to improve your relationships, you should start practicing positive affirmations for friends and people you love

Amazonite Affirmation

Amazonite Affirmation

In this post we give you a Amazonite Affirmation to help you to clear negative energies and to bring balance to your relationships and life.

Sodalite Affirmation

Sodalite Affirmation

In this post about our Sodalite Affirmation, we show you what affirmations work best and how to use them with this amazing crystal.

Opalite Affirmation

Opalite Affirmation

Use this Opalite Affirmation to work on your spiritual growth, clear negative energies, and to bring balance and joy to your daily life.

Fluorite Affirmation

Fluorite Affirmation

If you are looking for a Fluorite Affirmation then you have come to the right post. As well as that we you all about this amazing stone.

Hematite Affirmation

Hematite Affirmation

In this post we give you not just one hematite affirmation but 9. We show you how you can use Hematite in your spiritual practice

Pyrite Affirmations

Pyrite Affirmations

In this post we give you a handful of incredible Pyrite Affirmations that you can use in your daily life for protection and prosperity.