Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity for affirmations in relation to abundance and prosperity.

Thanksgiving, as implied by the very name, is a time for everyone to come together and give thanks for everything they have, within and without.
And as you succumb to these strong feelings of gratitude that are conjured at this time, this can bring a real and authentic attachment to your affirmations.
That can lend great strength to using these affirmations for the law of attraction, and getting more of what you love about you and your circumstances.
And in the spirit of the theme of abundance, this article is not going to provide you with just one Thanksgiving affirmation, but multiple ones.
But before we get onto those, let’s first talk about using Thanksgiving as an opportunity to appreciate everything that’s going right for you.
Even if you’re in difficulties at the moment, you should endeavor to notice all the things that are working for you.
For example, if you are single at the moment, do not focus on any loneliness you might feel.
Instead, give thanks for all the friendships you have in your life, and all the freedom you have to do exactly as you please in your free time.
And if you have trouble with your mental health, take the time to appreciate all the people who care for you, and give up their time for you, and are there to support you whatever you may be going through.
Concentrate on the things that are making your life a sunny, happy place to be.
What makes you smile, what makes you laugh, and everything that makes your day-to-day life that bit easier, and that bit more fun.
And from that genuine appreciation of all the good in your life, you can state (and repeat) your affirmations with a good feeling that will not only lift your spirits.
But in doing so, also attract more of the same through the law of attraction.
And now, I’ll present you with some of my favorite affirmations for Thanksgiving.
They have really helped me, and I just want to share them with you too, to give you that extra boost to take your happiness to the next level!
Affirmation 1: I Have Everything I Need
The beauty of this affirmation is its sheer simplicity, which makes it incredibly easy to remember.
So, even if you don’t have Wi-Fi to bring up this article on your phone, you should still be able to remember it because it’s uncomplicated and just 5 words long.
Whenever things aren’t going smoothly, or you’re concerned about what the future may hold for you or your loved ones.
Simply reflect on both the material things you have to sustain you, and also your inner resources.
Such as your strength, your determination, your resilience, your skill set. Not to mention your support network and everyone who holds your happiness dear to their heart.
Affirmation 2: I Am Going To Be Grateful Every Day, Not Only On Thanksgiving Day
You know what? Gratitude really isn’t just for Thanksgiving. If you can bring your sense of thankfulness and gratitude into your everyday life.
This could send your moods soaring above where they may otherwise have been.
Thanksgiving is an excellent opportunity to consider the value of thankfulness and gratitude.
And to make a genuine promise and commitment to yourself to bring these feelings and positive acknowledgement into your day-to-day activities.
It is especially important to do this on your worst days. Even in times of great loss, you can find comfort by making yourself more aware of what, and who, you do still have.
I would recommend making the effort to find something to be grateful for everyday of your life. And to reinforce these feelings of thankfulness and gratitude, why not journal it all down?
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Affirmation 3: I Am Grateful For The Abundance In My Life

Now, this is the perfect affirmation for drawing the benefits of the law of attraction. You know, you really don’t need to be filthy rich in order to have a lot to be thankful for.
Being grateful is honestly rarely about money and material possessions (though if you do have them, that’s great).
The physical trappings of success are a symbol that you and/or your family are achieving everything that’s needed to sustain not just a comfortable existence, but a happy one too.
However, you can find a sense of abundance without riches. Ponder for a while on all the people you have in your life, and your support network, and how they enrich your days.
Think about all the people who would stop everything at the drop of a hat to come rushing to your aid. That makes you very rich indeed!
Affirmation 4: I Am Happy And Grateful To Be Who I Am
I would say that this is, sadly, one of the most overlooked affirmations. But I would argue that it’s one of the more important ones.
When you have nothing else, you at least have yourself. And even the most cold and vengeful of us can have some redeeming qualities.
Even if you find yourself really down in the dumps, you can reflect on your good points, each one in turn, and know that you are someone who is truly worthy of self-love.
Regardless of whatever your good points may be, I can assure you they are there, and they can be incredibly beneficial to your life ahead in any and all of your future pursuits.
And even if you’ve been unkind to people in the past, you can look back at your naivety and innocence.
And realize that you’ve really grown as a person since those days, and forgive yourself for your wrong doings. No-one is perfect, after all.
Wrap Up
Thanksgiving is a perfect time for reflection, and it makes an excellent focus point for your energies as you focus on everything that’s good in your life. Fill your heart with gratitude. Namaste!
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical