Looking for a new protection crystal to add to your arsenal? Let’s talk Pyrite.

What Is Pyrite?
Pyrite is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used for thousands of years as an effective medicine. It is also known by many other names, including: pyrite, iron sulfide, red lead, bloodstone, and marcasite.
The most common use of pyrite today is in the production of jewelry. Pyrite can be found on Earth’s surface or underground. It is often found in association with copper deposits.
What Does The Pyrite Crystal Do?
Pyrite is considered a powerful protection stone, and it’s believed to protect us against negative energy and vibrations.
It’s also believed that pyrite enhances and stimulates our memory so that we can call on information when needed.
On a physical level, pyrite is also believed to possess powerful healing qualities. Pyrite has been used to strengthen the immune and respiratory systems, fight off fevers, and fight viral infections.
The Magic Of Pyrite
Pyrite is one of the most magical stones available. It is said that pyrite can help us to manifest our desires, and it can even help us to heal from emotional trauma.
It is also said that pyrite protects us from negativity and evil spirits.
Pyrite crystals are usually clear, but they may appear milky white if they have been exposed to air for long periods of time.
They may also appear brownish-red if they have been exposed too much to sunlight.
Do You Need To Charge Pyrite Crystals?
It is not necessary to charge pyrite before using them. However, some people choose to do this because they believe that charging their crystals will make them stronger.
Charging your crystals should only take about 15 minutes.
How To Use Pyrite Crystals
You can wear pyrite on its own, or you can place it into a crystal grid. If you want to put pyrite into a crystal grid, then you’ll need to first cut your quartz crystal into four equal parts.
Then, you’ll need to drill two holes through each part of the crystal. Next, you’ll need to string your pyrite onto the crystal. Finally, you’ll need to wrap the crystal around your body three times.
You can also carry pyrite in your pocket or purse. This way, you won’t have to worry about carrying a large bag full of crystals!
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Pyrite Healing Properties
Here are some of the ways that pyrite helps us to heal:
- Pyrite helps to cleanse the auric field.
- Pyrite helps to remove toxins from the body.
- Pyrite helps to balance emotions.
- Pyrite helps to stimulate the mind.
- Pyrite helps to boost the immune system.
- Pyrite helps to improve circulation.
- Pyrite helps to relieve stress.
- Pyrite helps to reduce pain.
- Pyrite helps to increase energy levels.
- Pyrite helps to promote good health.
- Pyrite helps to attract abundance.
- Pyrite helps to bring love.
- Pyrite helps to release anger.
… and so much more!
Why Should You Use Pyrite Affirmations?

The reason why you should use pyrite affirmations is that they are very powerful. They help to bring about change within your life.
When you repeat them over and over again, it helps to create new habits that will last a lifetime.
These affirmations work because they are based on truth, and the truth is what we all seek when we make decisions in our lives.
We want to know if something will benefit us or not. If we have no idea how something works, then we don’t really care whether it does or doesn’t.
This is why pyrite affirmations are so important. They give us insight into how things work, and this gives us the power to choose the right path for ourselves.
How To Align Pyrite With Your Affirmations
When you align pyrite with your affirmations, it creates a strong connection between the two. The more times you say these affirmations out loud, the stronger the connection becomes.
As the connection grows stronger, you will notice changes in your life.
For example, if you were having trouble getting up in the morning, you would feel better after saying these affirmations, and you might even notice that you started waking up earlier than usual.
Another example is that if you had a habit of being late for appointments, you might arrive early for meetings instead.
In addition, you may notice that you are starting to lose weight or that you are sleeping better at night. These things are signs that you are beginning to connect pyrite to your affirmations.
Pyrite Affirmations You Need to Know
There are several pyrite affirmations that you need to know. Here are some of the best ones:
Pyrite Affirmations To Attract Wealth
- I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. I am wealthy beyond measure.
- I attract wealth like a magnet attracts metal.
- My financial situation is improving every day.
- I am attracting money like crazy.
- Money flows to me from all directions.
- Money comes to me effortlessly.
Pyrite Affirmations For Protection
- I am protected from harm.
- Nothing bad can happen to me.
- I am safe wherever I go.
- No one can hurt me physically or emotionally.
- I am safe from any danger.
- I am protected from all evil.
Pyrite Affirmations For Prosperity
- I am prosperous beyond belief.
- I am blessed by God.
- God provides for me abundantly.
- I am prospering financially.
- I am experiencing great success.
- I am enjoying prosperity.
- I am living comfortably.
Pyrite Affirmations To Balance The Solar Plexus Chakra
- I am balanced in my solar plexus chakra.
- I am centered in my solar plexus chakra.
- I have inner peace in my solar plexus chakra.
- I release stress from my solar plexus.
- The energy in my solar plexus chakra is flowing freely.
- I am feeling good inside.
- I am happy and peaceful.
- I am calm and relaxed.
- I am filled with joy.
Final Thoughts
Pyrite is deeply connected to the earth’s energies, and it can help you ward off any negative energies. Its affirmations are versatile, meaningful, and powerful, so why not try some today?
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical