How often do you say things out loud to other people that you would never even consider saying to yourself?

If you want to improve your relationships, you should start practicing positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself over and over again.
They can be anything from simple phrases like “I am beautiful” or “I love myself” to more complex ones like “I am worthy of happiness” or “My life has a purpose.”
These thoughts can become powerful self-fulfilling prophecies.
When you practice positive affirmations, you’re telling yourself that you deserve good things.
This helps you believe that you already have them, and you’ll eventually get them. As a result, you’ll begin to attract more of the same into your life.
Take a look at our favorite affirmations for friendships below!
Why Affirmations Are Important For Friendships
Everyone needs friends. However, making friends can be tricky, especially when we’re talking about making long-lasting, life-enhancing friendships.
To make such friendships, it is important that all parties are putting in the time, effort, and positive attitude necessary to forge a lasting bond.
To be able to do so, it is necessary that you feel confident in yourself and motivated to develop and nurture your relationships with others.
Using affirmations is an excellent way of working to reach these positive states.
By repeating positive affirmations every day that are focused on developing your self-perception and self-confidence.
You will soon see a huge improvement in your attitude, mood, and how you handle your relationships.
Affirmations For Friends
Here are some great affirmations for friends:
- I bring out the best in others.
- My friends support me.
- I value my friends and make it known to them.
- I can rely on my friends for support.
- I am valued within my friendship group.
- I am brave.
- I attract people with good energy.
- I am good at making lasting connections.
- I attract meaningful relationships.
- I am ready to meet new people.
- All of my friends are lovely in their own way.
- Today I am open to making new connections.
- I am capable of amazing things.
- I am confident.
- I am exactly where I need to be.
- I have the power to change my circumstances.
- Every day is an opportunity to forge new friendships.
- Friendship comes easy to me.
- Having a best friend is a priority for me.
- I cannot wait to meet my future friends.
- I am a loyal friend.
- My friend circle is rich, varied, and always growing.
- My friendships bring me joy.
- I am honest with my friends and they are honest with me.
- When talking to new people I am confident and calm.
- I have so much to offer the world.
- I am full of infinite possibilities.
- I am challenged by my friends in a way that fosters growth.
- I challenge my friends so that they can grow too.
- I am deserving of long-lasting friendships.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
How To Successfully Use Affirmations For Friends

It is important to remember that affirmations are most successful when they are combined with positive actions.
For the best results, we recommend choosing a handful of affirmations that resonate with you and your aims.
Then, make sure to say them to yourself every day (we like doing so in the morning). You shouldn’t be shy when you say them to yourself.
It is important that you try to believe the words you are saying. Be sure to project the affirmations with enthusiasm and excitement.
Alongside this practice, we have found that making a small change every day (or week if that’s too much) works best.
For instance, if you feel as though you are struggling to nurture your friendships, you could reach out to one in particular and aim to make plans with them.
Or, if you want to meet new friends, you could reach out to colleagues that you feel you may get along with.
Begin a conversation with a friendly neighbor or stranger that you sit next to on the train, or even take up a new hobby that would force you to introduce yourself to new people (e.g. join a book group).
Finally, it is necessary to note that, once you start to attract new friendships, you need to choose which ones to nurture.
Not everyone you meet is destined to be your best friend – so don’t force it! You will meet people that you resonate with, and when you do, make sure that you nurture those relationships!
Affirmations To Make Your Friends Feel Better
There is one other way that you can use affirmations to nurture your friendships – you can affirm your friends!
This is a particularly lovely thing to do if your friends are struggling with something. Take a look at our favorite affirmations to affirm our friends below.
- You are fun!
- You are more than enough.
- You add value to all of your friends’ lives – including mine.
- You are capable of amazing things.
- You are important to me.
- You make me laugh every day.
- You support your friends incredibly well.
- You are exactly where you need to be.
- You deserve to feel loved and supported.
- You are wonderful!
We hope that these affirmations for friends have helped you find some ways to improve your friendships or develop new ones!
Just remember – consistency is key. You won’t see results overnight, but the effort is definitely worth the payoff, trust us! You’ll soon feel surrounded by positive and supportive friends.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical