Anxiety is more common than ever in our modern world, especially with the meteoric rise of the internet and the increase in division between people.
Thus, now more than ever, many people are coming to see the value of protecting one’s sense of self and their identities.

But finding ways to protect one’s identity can be quite difficult. How do you protect something that is abstract, and what actually works?
You’re probably reading this now because you’ve heard about the power of affirmations, and the wonderful effect they can have on mental health and self-esteem.
But are there any that are perfectly suited to protecting one’s own identity? Read on below to find out now!
I Am Completely Healthy, Peaceful, And Balanced
Sometimes it can be enough to simply remind yourself of the positive energies that are already present in your life, and the control that you already exert over it.
This particular affirmation is perfect for this because it is a quick and memorable reminder that you can recite to yourself when you need it that reminds you of the fact that your body and mind are healthy, that you can achieve a sense of peace, and that you feel balanced.
Even if you don’t necessarily feel healthy, peaceful, or balanced all of the time, this affirmation helps you to feel as though you are!
I Am Safe And Fully Protected
Often, during times of high anxiety, we can find ourselves feeling as though we are completely unsafe, even when we know that we are actually totally safe. This is why an affirmation like this can help us to feel safe again.
It reminds us that no matter how bad things may seem at the moment, we are still protected and safe from harm.
Reminding yourself that you are safe and protected from danger helps you to put everything in perspective, which can do wonders for anxiety.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
I Trust The Universe To Keep Me Safe And Sound
This is a very wonderful affirmation as it reinforces the idea that though we may not be able to control every single thing in the world, we can still control how we interact with it.
When suffering from symptoms of anxiety, it can be easy to believe that the whole universe is against us and that we should be doing more to keep it in control.
This puts a lot of pressure on our shoulders, which can be highly destructive to our self-esteem.
This affirmation reminds us of the importance of letting go and accepting that sometimes things are out of our control, but that ultimately we trust that we will be okay despite the uncertainty.
I Only Allow Positive People Into My Life
Sometimes one of the best things we can do for our own sense of self-esteem is to cut out people who have a negative influence or who are bad for our positive energies.
This affirmation serves as a quick and concise reminder that we deserve to surround ourselves with people that lend us positive energy and that we are allowed to cut out the people that drain our energy and replace it with negative energy.
Nothing External Can Harm Me In Any Way
This affirmation is perfect for protecting your sense of self in times when you may feel as though it is under threat.
It reminds you that you are in control of how you perceive yourself and that how you react to negative energies from people is also under your control.
This affirmation also subliminally strengthens your sense of self, which means you are less likely to feel offended by people’s cutting remarks.
I Feel Safe Knowing That I Am Fully Protected

Sometimes we can take for granted the way that it feels when we feel protected. Thus, this can quite often lead to us forgetting that we are protected.
This affirmation reminds us that when we feel safe is when we are being protected. This helps to subconsciously remind us of when we are being protected so that we take note of it more often.
Other People Don’t Control My Emotions, I Do
Losing a sense of control is a frequent and powerful source of anxiety for many people.
This is why it is important to remind ourselves of the control that we can exert over ourselves. This affirmation does just that.
It reminds us that we are in charge of our emotions and that though other people can sway them, we can choose to not let them fully impact our behavior and our thought processes.
I Take Responsibility For My Joyous Life
This helps to remind us of the important role that protection plays in controlling how our days are perceived.
A lot of the time, an increase in joy in life is dependent upon choosing to accept joy and to be grateful for the small things that bring joy.
This affirmation is perfect for reminding you of the fact that you are responsible for your happiness and that allowing yourself to feel joy is a powerful step in improving your sense of joy in life.
I Choose Faith Over Fear
A lot of anxiety stems from the uncertainty of the future. This is why this affirmation proves to be so powerful.
It helps us to put our fears into perspective and to remember that there is always something that we can count on – even if sometimes it is only faith.
Once again, this is a perfect affirmation for letting go of the need for control in every aspect of life, and an acceptance that sometimes bad things happen, but that we can move forward and have faith that things will be good again.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Write Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are much more potent if they are written in the present tense.
Make sure it is a statement that starts with something definitive such as “I am”, and that you use a positive tone throughout.
You should also make them short so that they are easy to repeat.
How Many Times Should I Repeat Affirmations?
If you want affirmations to really stick in your mind, try to allow yourself 5 minutes every day to relax and repeat them to yourself so that they can more efficiently enter your subconscious.
Can I Say Affirmations In My Head?
Yes. Affirmations are made to be potent and effective regardless of whether you are saying them out loud, or just repeating them to yourself in your mind.
To Wrap Up
Make sure to try out some of these affirmations multiple times each day, until they become internalized.
They will very quickly go from morning mantras to internal belief systems that can vastly improve your quality of life. The power of affirmations is very real and very powerful.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical