Moldavite Affirmation

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

Moldavite is a rare mineral and the stone is said to bring good luck and fortune. Is it true?

Moldavite Affirmation

Moldavite is also known as Russian jade or Russian jadeite. The name comes from the town of Moldavia where the stone was discovered.

Moldavite is believed to have healing properties. In particular, it is thought to improve memory and concentration. It may be used for weight loss.

Moldavite is often found in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and other countries.

And is commonly used across the globe with affirmations, so how do you use moldavite with affirmations? And what affirmations should you use with moldavite?

What Is Moldavite?

The Moldavite Stone is an extremely rare mineral that has been around since ancient times. This stone is named after the region of Moldova and Moldavite is one of the most sought-after stones on earth today.

It’s believed that this stone can help people who are looking for wealth, love, health, success, and happiness.

Moldavites are usually greenish-blue in color but they come in different shades such as yellow, gray, white, pink, orange, brown, black, etc.

Moldavites are very hard and can weigh up to 10 pounds each. They are mostly found in Russia, Kazakhstan, and China.

However, they are used all over the world for affirmations and their healing properties.

Moldavite Properties

Moldavite has great power and magical healing properties. It is believed that using moldavite will bring good luck and fortune to its users.

People who wear moldavite believe that it will help them find the right person, get better grades, win money, and even lose weight.

Moldavite is considered a powerful stone because it helps balance your body’s energy system.

When you wear moldavite, it will help you release negative emotions and feelings. Moldavite is also said to increase your confidence and self-esteem.

How To Use Moldavite?

You can use moldavite while doing affirmations. You can place a piece of moldavite under your pillow at night before going to bed.

Or you can keep a small piece of moldavite near your computer or phone when working online.

You can also use moldavite during meditation. Place a piece of moldavite on top of your head while meditating.

If you want to use moldavite with affirmation, you can say something like: “I am happy and wealthy. I attract wealth into my life. I am healthy and strong. I am confident and successful.”

How To Use Moldavite For Affirmations

How To Use Moldavite For Affirmations

1. Work Out Your Intentions

Before starting any affirmations, make sure you know exactly what you want. Write down your intentions clearly on paper.

Then put these intentions inside a jar or box. Keep them somewhere safe until you need them.

2. Choose A Colorful Moldavite

If you plan to work out your affirmations by wearing moldavite, then choose a colorful moldavite. Green moldavite is believed to be especially helpful for attracting wealth.

Yellow moldavite is said to help you attract love. Orange moldavite is said to help you attract success. Blue moldavite is said to attract happiness.

White moldavite is said to attract abundance. Black moldavite is said to bring prosperity. Pink moldavite is said to bring beauty.

3. Cleanse Your Moldavite

Before placing moldavite on your body or nearby when using it for affirmations, cleanse it first. Wash it thoroughly with water and let it dry completely.

4. Wear Moldavite While Doing Affirmations

Once you have cleansed your moldavite, you can start working out your affirmations. Just remember to always do affirmations positively.

Either wear the moldavite before breathing and saying your affirmations or place it next to your jar of affirmations.

Picture the moldavite absorbing your affirmation and intention, making it stronger every time you repeat it.

5. Carry Moldavite With You At All Times

Once you finish working out and saying your affirmations, carry your moldavite with you at all times. This way, you’ll always have it handy if you feel the need to repeat your affirmations or remind yourself of what you are trying to manifest in your life.

5. Repeat The Affirmation Daily

Repeat your affirmations daily. This will help you develop a habit of repeating your affirmations. It will also help you create an inner connection between your thoughts and actions.

Moldavite Affirmations

My Moldavite opens my green Heart chakra to love and calls on my cosmic lover.

Final Thoughts

We hope these Moldavite Affirmations have helped you in some way. Moldavite is a wonderful stone to work with because it helps us connect to our higher selves and the Universe.

We encourage everyone to use Moldavite to improve their lives and to attract more love and happiness into their lives.

Affirmations with Moldavite are very effective and we recommend them to anyone looking to manifest their destiny and live a healthier, wealthier, and happier life. 

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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