Achieving your dreams and desires is possible, but you have to be willing to do the necessary work. The power of intention and visualization are tools that can help you achieve your goals.

These are features of the Law of Attraction, one of the most popular topics in the self-help world today.
It’s no wonder why — it works! If you’re having trouble manifesting what you want or doing something, chances are, you just haven’t thought about what you really want.
You may not always know exactly what you want, but if you think about what matters most to you, you’ll naturally move toward getting more of those things.
One way of harnessing this law at work is by writing a letter to the Universe. This technique can help you get clear on what you want, allowing you to ask for guidance when you need it.
It’s also a great tool for manifestation because it allows you to direct your attention outward instead of inward.
When you focus on what you want, rather than on your feelings about what you don’t have, you make room for abundance in your life.
You’ll learn how to write your letter to the Universe in this article. We’ll cover the steps you’ll need to take to ensure your letter will be received with open arms, so you can achieve what you want later.
How To Write A Letter To The Universe
Step 1: Write Down What You Want
To write a letter to the Universe, you’ll need to write down what you want to ask it for. This may be a physical object, an emotion, or an experience.
The first step is to identify what you want. Start by thinking about what you’d like to create in your life. Do you want to find love?
Create a business? Get promoted at work? Save money? Be healthier? Have better relationships? Whatever it is, write it down here.
Asking for something specific will give you clarity and direction. Once you know what you want to manifest, write your request down, for instance, “I am asking the Universe to provide me with a new job.”
Once you have written this down, expand on this request in more detail, remembering to keep specific. Write down some positive things about the things you want to manifest.
Use the five senses to help you, writing about what you may hear, see, smell, touch, and taste when you achieve this desire.
This visualization step will help you to feel as though you already have what you want. By using all your senses, you will begin to believe that you already possess whatever it is that you are requesting.
This will help you align with receiving energies and vibrations later.
Step 2: Think About The Vibrations You Want
Now that you’ve written down what you want and expanded upon it, it’s time to start figuring out which vibrations you want to align yourself with.
Think about the thing you want to manifest and how you will feel when you achieve it. Everything within the Universe, along with your emotions, is created from energy.
This energy will all vibrate at different frequencies depending on what they involve.
The Law of Attraction then comes into play, as it states that energies with similar vibrations pull towards each other. To manifest something, you’ll need to align yourself with the feeling you’ll have once you have it.
If you want to attract love, for example, you’ll need to think about loving thoughts. As you do this, you’ll be sending out these loving thoughts and attracting people who share the same vibration.
In your letter, begin a new paragraph under the things you’ve noted down in step 1. Start writing down all the positive energies you want to experience.
As you write this down, keep in mind that higher vibrations are associated with positivity, while lower vibrations are linked to negativity. Avoid writing down any negative thoughts, as this will prevent you from manifesting what you want.
Step 3: Finish Your Letter Off With Appreciation

Now you’ve written down the positive vibrations you want to feel, you can finish your letter with gratitude.
Appreciation and gratitude are some of the highest vibrations one can match with.
Expressing your gratitude in your letter to the Universe will charge it with positive energy, helping you align with higher vibrations.
Begin a new paragraph under the things you wrote in step 2, then note down a few things that you’re currently grateful for. This can be anything that makes you feel appreciative.
These may be things you have manifested previously, gratitude affirmations, or your appreciation of the power of the Universe itself.
You may even want to write down your gratitude for your goal as though you’ve already achieved it. Think about how appreciative you would feel if the thing you wanted to manifest came to you right now.
Step 4: Go Over The Letter Again
Once you’ve done writing your letter, you can now read over it to make any changes. This doesn’t only involve correcting grammar errors! Take note of any areas you want to expand in further detail.
After you’re done editing the letter, use this time to highlight or underline any phrases, words, or sentences that you feel connected with.
These may be helpful when you’re meditating and visualizing your goals later.
Step 5: Connect With The Positive Energy
This step involves mediating the positive energy you want to create. You can do this by visualizing and meditating, as these processes can help you shift your vibrations into alignment with your goal.
Manifesting involves thinking about the feelings that will happen when you achieve your desire, then letting that dream come into reality by aligning your emotions, thoughts, and actions with it.
Visualization will help you do this, as it makes you concentrate on the positive feelings you want to experience later.
Creating strong images of your desire in your mind’s eye will help you develop the feelings you will experience when you achieve your goal.
Step 6: Thank The Universe
The last step involves thanking the Universe for giving you your wish. Your desire is on the way to you, so you won’t need to worry about it. You just need to let the Universe provide.
As you thank the Universe, you will enter a grateful state, which can help you align with positive energy and achieve the thing you want to manifest.
Now you can sign your letter, fold it up, and place it in an envelope addressed to the Universe.
You can do whatever you want with this letter, such as storing it in a box, burning it, or letting it soak in the ocean. Do whatever you need to let go.
You have now asked the Universe for the desire you want to manifest, so try not to stress about achieving this, as this can affect how soon you’ll receive it.
If you start to worry, remember that the Universe is handling your request and that you don’t need to worry about it anymore.
Writing a letter to the Universe can help you manifest things you want into your life.
Remember to try and keep negative thought patterns away while you write this, as these can prevent you from accessing positive energy later.
You can write this letter along with other Law of Attraction processes, like meditation, as these can help your desires come to you at a faster rate.
However, remember that feeling worried or stressed about whether your desire is on its way or not can prevent you from achieving it.
Try to keep positive and have faith in the Universe, as your request is in motion! Be grateful, believe in yourself, and trust that it is on its way. Your desire will be here before you know it.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical