
Hematite Affirmation

Hematite Affirmation

In this post we give you not just one hematite affirmation but 9. We show you how you can use Hematite in your spiritual practice

Pyrite Affirmations

Pyrite Affirmations

In this post we give you a handful of incredible Pyrite Affirmations that you can use in your daily life for protection and prosperity.

Clear Quartz Affirmations

Clear Quartz Affirmations

In this post we share with you some amazing clear quartz affirmations to help you feel unstuck and to reduce overwhelm.

Rose Quartz Affirmation

Rose Quartz Affirmation

In this post we give you a Rose Quartz Affirmation to open your heart chakra and help bring more love and connection into your life.

Amethyst Affirmation

Amethyst Affirmation

In this post we show you how to get the most out of your Amethyst affirmation; how to choose, cleanse, program and charge your crystal.

Affirmations For Anger

Affirmations For Anger

In this post we give you some affirmations for anger so that you can start to practice identifying and releasing these negative energies.

Affirmations For Hope

Affirmations For Hope

Affirmations For Loneliness

Affirmations For Loneliness

In this post we uncover some beautiful and powerful affirmations for Loneliness that can help to lift you up and feel connected again.

Affirmations For The Throat Chakra

Affirmations For The Throat Chakra

Affirmations For Social Anxiety

Affirmations For Social Anxiety