Sometimes we find ourselves becoming rather short-tempered and irritated at things that are very often out of our control.
And while anger is a natural part of human behavior, if it is left unchecked and unmanaged it can often explode in dangerous ways.

Many of us have trouble developing mechanisms to help us to cope with our anger and settle it down before it grows out of proportion. So what can be done to settle down when angry?
Have you ever tried using an affirmation to help you to cope with anger and to help to calm your mind? If not, then you have come to the perfect place.
Read on below to find out some of the best affirmations for anger that you can try right now!
Acting Out My Anger Is A Choice, A Choice That I Choose Not To Do
Giving in to anger can often result from a feeling that you have lost control and that your feelings are running wild and unchecked.
In order to effectively slow down your mind, you will need to reiterate to yourself the fact that you do have control over your anger, and that you can control how you act as a result of your anger.
If you begin feeling short-tempered or outraged, simply use this affirmation to remind yourself that you are not beholden to gut instinct and your emotions and that you can make well-informed decisions even when irritated.
I’m Strong Enough To Ask Someone For Help Or Support
There is something of a stigma associated with the notion of asking for help.
For many people, the idea of asking for help is tied with the notion of accepting failure, which is something that many people do not like to do.
However, accepting that you are fallible, that you make mistakes, and that sometimes you need a helping hand to improve your situation can be a great way to begin healing, as well as to deal with intense emotions and difficult situations.
Admitting that you may be dealing with a little bit too much stress and that you need help is a very valuable step to take and can help you to calm your mind and return to a sense of neutrality.
This affirmation also emphasizes the fact that it is not a moment of weakness to admit that you need help and that it in fact takes a lot of strength to admit that help is needed.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Feeling Stuck Is A Feeling Not A Fact
This affirmation is simply wonderful. One of the worst parts of becoming frustrated is believing that you will never break out of that frustrating situation and that anger is destined to result.
This affirmation helps to remind you that you will not be stuck in your intense feelings and that they will soon pass, and that it is just a matter of allowing them to pass.
This will help to lessen the feelings of frustration, and will quickly have you feeling more in control, which you can then use to calm yourself down.
I Relinquish My Anger, And Instead, Choose A More Constructive Outlet
This simple affirmation implies that releasing your anger in a destructive manner is a matter of choice and that you also have the choice to use your passionate emotions to fuel more creative and positive endeavors.
For example, you could funnel your frustrations into art, or into a pastime, such as playing a cathartic videogame.
This affirmation is wonderful for allowing you to feel like you are back in control of your emotions, and that you are able to choose what you want to do with those emotions rather than letting them run rampant through your body.
It’s important to remember that you don’t always have to let your emotions get the best of you. You can channel them into something positive.
I Am More Than My Thoughts. I Am More Than My Emotions
It can be very easy to believe that we have no direct control over our thoughts and feelings and that they instead control us.
However, this affirmation exists to help you to remind yourself of the fact that your thoughts and mental processes can be controlled, and that you can choose how you react to your thoughts and feelings.
Unconscious thoughts can very often force themselves into our conscious minds, but our conscious thoughts can be very powerful in allaying them and making them far less potent.
I Acknowledge My Anger Without Losing Control OF My Behavior
While it is important to keep feelings of anger under check, it is also equally important to completely neglect feelings of anger outright.
Doing so can cause those same feelings to then bubble up in a much more potent form later on.
This affirmation seeks to make it easy to acknowledge your feelings of anger and to allow you to process them in a healthy manner before letting them go.
This is useful for allowing you to understand what has made you angry, so you can then more effectively come up with a solution to deal with your emotions.
Control is an important word when it comes to anger affirmations as it reminds us that we can choose to be better when it comes to our feelings and what they say of us.
I Am A Forgiving Person
Many feelings of anger come about out of a sense that one has been wronged in some way.
This affirmation seeks not only to remind us of that fact so that we can know the root cause of our anger but also imparts the importance of forgiving those who have angered us without forgetting what it is that has angered us.
This allows us to navigate stressful and frustrating situations in a way that is healthy and does not run the risk of developing into more harmful behaviors.
Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Instantly Calm My Anger?
One of the most important things to do when you are angry is to breathe. Take some time to take a deep breath and begin processing your thoughts.
This will help you to better understand why you are feeling angry, which in turn will help you to calm down and avoid any rash decisions such as resorting to violence.
Try to also leave the stressful situation to recollect your thoughts and gain a sense of control.
Is Anger A Mental Illness?
Definitely not. This is why many people often find themselves unable to deal with feelings of anger.
Feeling intensely angry or frustrated is not a mental illness, and is in fact a very natural part of being human.
Accepting that your feelings of anger are natural will help you to then begin to calm down, as you will know that you are still very much in control.
Why Do I Get Angry So Easily?
Many people get angry often because of a sense of injustice or impatience.
Those who suffer from frequent bouts of anger find themselves in such situations because of a lack of patience and understanding.
It is therefore vital that you learn to understand that being impatient is not a bad thing, and that it is a natural part of human behavior.
To Conclude
Feelings of anger can often be very difficult to deal with, especially because of how potent of an emotion anger is.
This is why it is important to remember and recite some of these effective and useful affirmations frequently, especially when feelings of anger begin to manifest in the mind.
You may find that these affirmations work well for you and that you wish to use them regularly as part of your daily routine.
This helps to improve their potency and ensures that they will subconsciously repeat in your mind whenever you begin to feel angry, which helps you to keep your intense emotions under control.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical