Angelite Crystal Meaning

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

Angelite is a form of quartz that has a beautiful green color. The name comes from the Latin word angelus, which means “little messenger.”

Angelite Crystal Meaning

This stone is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. What does it mean when someone says they have Angelite crystals?

Angelite is a type of quartz that contains high levels of lithium. Lithium is a mineral that helps regulate mood and energy levels. People who wear or carry these stones often report feeling calmer and happier.

Angelite is said to bring good fortune and happiness. If you want to receive good fortune and happiness, then wearing or carrying Angelite crystals would be beneficial.

In this article, we will further discuss the meaning of the Angelite crystal, its benefits, properties, and how you can use it.

What Is Angelite?

Angelite is an opaque greenish-blue-colored variety of quartz. It is also known as “green jade” and “lithium quartz”. It is one of the most popular types of quartz in the world.

The name comes from the Greek word for “messenger” because the shape resembles a little angel. The name was given by early European explorers who found them on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The name “Angelite” was first used in the 1820s by French geologists. In the past, people thought that the stone had healing powers.

People who like to wear or carry Angelite crystals believe that it brings good luck and prosperity.

What Is The Meaning of Angelite?

Angelites are powerful stones that bring good fortune. They are said to bring happiness, success, and protection.

They are great tools to attract wealth and abundance. If you are looking for ways to improve your financial situation, then Angelite is the perfect tool.

They are known to enhance intuition, creativity, and psychic abilities.

Angelite is one of the most popular crystals among spiritual seekers. People use it to connect with their higher selves.

There are many types of Angelite crystals available. Some of the most popular include:

Healing Properties of Angelite

Lithium Quartz is a natural substance that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. It is used to treat depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia, stress, and other mental health issues.

It is believed that lithium helps balance brain chemistry, making it easier to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. It also reduces feelings of anger and aggression.

It is recommended that people suffering from depression take lithium supplements daily. However, no studies are proving that lithium prevents depression.

Benefits Of Angelite Crystal

Angelite is believed to help improve your overall well-being. It is said to increase confidence, self-esteem, and positive thinking.

If you want to feel more confident, then wearing or carrying an Angelite crystal would be beneficial.

Wearing or carrying an Angelite stone will make you feel happy. You will feel motivated and energetic all day long.

You will enjoy life more than usual. You will become more optimistic about everything around you.

You will find yourself smiling more easily. You will experience less stress and anxiety.

How To Use Angelite Crystals For Healing And Protection

How To Use Angelite Crystals For Healing And Protection

Angelite is considered a protective stone. It is believed to protect you against negative energies such as black magic spells.

You can place Angelite crystals inside your home to keep away evil spirits. Place it under your bed or in your closet. Place it near doors and windows so that bad spirits cannot enter your house.

Angelite is also used to attract wealth and abundance into your life. To do this, hold the crystal in your hands while visualizing money flowing into your life.

Place it under your pillow when you go to bed at night. This way, you will have a better dream and wake up feeling wealthy and successful.

What Chakra Is Angelite Good For?

Chakras are energy centers located along the spine. They are associated with certain emotions and physical functions. Each chakra corresponds to one of the seven main colors of the rainbow.

The color red is associated with the throat chakra. The color orange is linked to the heart chakra. The color yellow is related to the solar plexus chakra.

The color green is associated with the third eye chakra. The color blue is connected to the sacral chakra. The color indigo is associated with the crown chakra.

The color violet is associated with the root chakra. It is believed that violet is the most powerful color because it is the only color that contains both purple and blue.

Angelite is good for the throat chakra. When you wear or carry an Angelite crystal, you will feel more relaxed and calm. You will feel happier and more positive.

When you use an Angelite crystal to heal another person, you will feel compassion and love. You will not judge them. Instead, you will try to understand their situation.

When you use an Angelite stone to protect someone from harm, you will feel safer. You will feel protected by the Angelite crystal.


Angelite is a very powerful healing crystal. It has been known to bring peace and happiness to its wearer.

If you suffer from any kind of mental illness, then using an Angelite crystal may help you overcome those issues.

It is important to note that you should never use Angelite stones if they are broken or damaged. Doing so could result in the stone not working correctly.

Angelite is said to be helpful for people who want to manifest wealth and prosperity. It helps you to achieve goals faster. It also helps you to get out of debt. It is good for boosting your confidence level.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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