Affirmations For Abundance

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Increasing abundance in your life can be done even just by having the right mindset!

But how do you achieve that ‘right mindset’? Is there a key to it? How does it work?

Affirmations For Abundance

You’re probably here now because you’ve heard about the immense power of affirmations when it comes to improving behavior, as well as your mental state.

Affirmations may just be simple repeatable phrases, but they can prove incredibly powerful when it comes to shifting your mindset.

They can even help to increase the sense of abundance in your life, whether it be an abundance of love, money, or success.

But what are the best affirmations to achieve this? Let’s take a look together!

I Am Grateful For The Positive Things In My Life

Often, when we seek change and positive impact in our lives, we can tend to forget about the abundance of positive things that are already present in our lives.

If you want to remind yourself of the positive presences in your life, then this affirmation is perfect for you.

It helps to remind you that, even when seeking new positive energies in your life, there are still plenty already in abundance in your life from family, and friends.

I Am Open To Receiving Unexpected Opportunities

Abundance and reward can only truly come with some amount of risk.

This affirmation is the perfect reminder of the fact that some of the greatest rewards carry some of the greatest risks.

This affirmation will help you to feel much more open and welcoming to new situations and thus more willing to take risks to seek reward.

I Am Aligned With The Energy Of Abundance

Sometimes it can be enough to simply convince your mind that you naturally attract abundance.

This will set your mind to subconsciously seek out and pursue opportunities that can result in abundance.

This also helps you to better be able to recognize when you already have abundance in your life, so that you are more appreciative of what you already have.

I Attract Loving And Positive People Into My Life

Sometimes we seek abundance in the form of other people.

Feeling as though there are plenty of people around us that love us for who we are can help us to feel like there is plenty of abundance in life.

This affirmation will help you to better appreciate the people already in your life so that you can feel more appreciative and grateful, which in turn improves your mental health and your mood day to day.

As well as this, this affirmation also reminds you that there are still plenty of opportunities to welcome more people into your life in the future and that you just need to wait for them.

This will help you to feel enthused and excited about meeting new people and making new connections.

I Am Proud Of The Life I Am Building

Whenever we seek to build a life for ourselves or just to change the circumstances of our lives, we can often find ourselves forgetting how far we have already come in striving for that new lifestyle.

This affirmation helps to remind you that you have already achieved great things in your life and that you should be proud of where you are today.

It also helps to motivate you to keep moving forward towards achieving your goals. It’s a truly powerful affirmation despite how simple it seems on the surface.

I Am Worthy Of Abundance

I Am Worthy Of Abundance

A crucial step in building abundance in our lives is reminding ourselves that we deserve to attract it.

It can sometimes be difficult to remind yourself that you have a right to attract abundance no matter what.

Many times we get caught up in regrets and past events that have happened in our lives and forget that we do indeed deserve abundance.

However, this affirmation will help you to remember that you are worthy of abundance and that you are not beholden to regrets or mistakes in your past.

I Trust Myself To Create Abundance

This is a wonderful affirmation that helps to remind you of the role that personal agency plays in creating abundance.

Repeating this to yourself will motivate you easily so that you feel ready to take on every challenge the day throws at you, so that you can achieve truly great things, and thus bring plenty of abundance into your life.

It also imparts that not only can you find abundance, but you can also create it.

You can change how you perceive the abundance already in your life, which will allow you to feel much more appreciative.

I Am Worthy Of Receiving The Fruits Of My Efforts

When we have lofty goals, such as making a certain amount of money or making a certain number of friends, it can be very easy to lose track of how far we have come in pursuit of those goals.

We can tend to view the fact that we have yet to fully achieve those goals as a sign of failure when all it is a signal of is the fact that we are still on a journey towards those goals.

This affirmation will help you to put things into perspective so that you can then be more appreciative of how far you have come and then move forward with renewed enthusiasm.

I Am Grateful For All Of My Blessings

Creating abundance in life involves a lot of personal agency, and the ability to seek out and pursue positive energies and exciting opportunities every day.

However, sometimes abundance can come about unexpectedly out of the kindness of others.

By repeating this affirmation daily, you’ll be able to remind yourself of all of the blessings in your life, and how grateful you are for them.

This will help you to stay focused on gratitude so that you can learn to hold close to those who bring positive energy into your life.

To Finish Up

So, there you have it. These are easily some of the best affirmations you can use every day to increase the sense of abundance in your life.

Each one is easy to repeat in your mind or out loud so that you can come to believe them.

They will help you to attract opportunities for abundance, while also allowing you to be appreciative of the abundance you already have!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Write Affirmations For Success?

If you want to create your affirmations to increase success, then you will need to ensure that you make use of definitive statements that begin with things such as “I am” and “I Will”.

Such definitive statements make the affirmations more potent, as they set up the expectation that they are true.

This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as you will expect them to be true, which increases the likelihood of them being true.

What Is Morning Affirmation?

Morning affirmations are simply affirmations that you utilize at the beginning of your day to get your mind into a great space so that you feel more capable of taking on the challenges of the day ahead.

This gets your day off on the right foot so that you are more likely to find success for the rest of that day.

Can Affirmations Make You Rich?

Affirmations may not directly make you richer, but they can help to create the perfect mindset to pursue opportunities that will make you richer.

If you are looking to increase your wealth, then you should consider utilizing affirmations that focus on abundance.

They will help you to create an environment where you will be open to receiving new opportunities so that you are more likely to take greater risks to pursue greater rewards.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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