Affirmations For Letting Go

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  6 min read

Affirmations are powerful tools for self-improvement. They can help us overcome our fears, improve our relationships, and even change our lives.

Affirmations are a great way to boost your confidence, achieve goals, and become happier.

In fact, they’re also a proven technique for overcoming anxiety and depression.

Affirmations For Letting Go

Learning to let go of certain people, events, attitudes, or behaviors is something we all have to do at some point in our lives.

However, we know just how painful and debilitating it can feel.

However, affirmations can also help you to let go of what you need to, to make room in your life for more positivity, love, and abundance.

Take a look at the info-packed guide below to learn how to use our affirmations for letting go. They will change your life!

Why Is Letting Go So Hard?

Letting go is hard when you identify with the thing you are trying to let go of.

You feel so safe in a familiar place that stepping into the unfamiliar future seems scary and unreasonable!

Even if the thing you need to let go of hurts you in some way, if you have experienced that hurt for a long time, it may feel comforting in a certain sense.

But, regardless of how hard it is, letting go is a necessary part of life if you are to have a fulfilled, content, and happy existence.

Affirmations For Letting Go

There are many different things that you might want to let go of. It might be a certain person, emotion, fear, event, control, or even possession of yours.

The affirmations that will work for you will depend on what exactly it is you want to let go of.

Check out our favorite affirmations for letting go of a range of circumstances below.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of The Past

These affirmations will help you let go of negative emotions from the past.

  1. I am free from my past.
  2. I no longer remember any bad experiences from the past.
  3. I forgive myself for everything I did wrong in the past.
  4. I release all the pain I caused others because of my actions.
  5. I forgive everyone who has ever hurt me.
  6. I forgive myself for being angry and resentful towards others.
  7. I do not deserve punishment.
  8. I take responsibility for my mistakes and learn from them.
  9. I am ready to end that chapter of my life and move on.
  10. My past doesn’t control my present or future.
  11. I can let go of what I can’t change.
  12. Out of difficulties grow new beginnings.
  13. The universe has a bright future in store for me.
  14. I am open to living my life in new and exciting ways.
  15. The past has no more power over me.
  16. The things I experienced and did do not define who I am now.
  17. I am free.
  18. I have no reason to dwell on the past.
  19. I am strong enough to let go of past traumas.
  20. I am without guilt.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Someone

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Someone

These affirmations will help you let go of someone that is not in your life anymore or does not deserve to be in your life.

  1. I am healed and whole.
  2. I am grateful for all of my past relationships.
  3. I am ready to move on.
  4. I am better off without them.
  5. I do not need them in my life.
  6. I embrace my new chapter without them.
  7. Letting go of toxic people comes naturally to me.
  8. I am open and excited to meet new people.
  9. I attract people with positive energy.
  10. I deserve to be surrounded by love and positivity.
  11. I deserve to be valued by those around me.
  12. People who are meant to be in my life will be in my life.
  13. I am ready to meet my true soulmate.
  14. Some people are meant to be a lesson.
  15. I am full of limitless possibilities.
  16. When I let go of __, good things will happen for me.
  17. I am not scared of letting go.
  18. I am strong.
  19. I am brave.
  20. I deserve love.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Stress

These affirmations will help you let go of any worries or stresses you are experiencing.

  1. I will focus on the things that I can control.
  2. When I exhale, I release my stresses.
  3. I let go of what I can’t change.
  4. Anything I give my attention to will flourish.
  5. I deserve to rest.
  6. I surrender all of my expectations.
  7. I am calm in the chaos.
  8. I choose to feel steady and strong in all situations.
  9. I am resilient.
  10. Nothing can shake me.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Fear

The affirmations below are great if you’ve been struggling with excessive fear.

  1. I am brave and confident.
  2. I embrace my fears with open arms.
  3. I can overcome any obstacle and fear.
  4. I am not afraid to move on.
  5. New things excite me.
  6. I can face challenges and stand back up after a setback.
  7. I feel hope and courage when I look to the future.
  8. I set myself free of all of the fears that try to control me.
  9. When I exhale, I let go of my fears.
  10. I am fearless.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Control

Finally, the affirmations below will help you let go of control.

How To Use Affirmations

Before we finish, it’s important to leave you with this final reminder – for affirmations to work properly, they need to be accompanied by action and consistency.

Letting go of anything is hard. You will only be able to do so if you get up each day, affirm yourself, and take small steps to try and achieve your goals.

If you are trying to let go of an ex-partner, state your affirmations and try to spend more time with friends who adore you.

If you are trying to let go of fear, state your affirmations and do one tiny thing that scares you.

It is also important to remember that your progress might not be linear.

You might feel as if you have made tremendous efforts only to have seen minimal progress – that is ok.

These things take time and dedication. But, you will get there, and it will be worth it.


Affirmations can be powerful tools! I hope these affirmations helped you get started on your journey towards letting go.

If they did, please share this article with others so they too can experience freedom from their burdens.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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