If you are looking for ways to start using the law of attraction to manifest your dreams and living your life to your fullest potential, it’s time you started thinking about the law of attraction and how you can practice it in your everyday life.

What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that has been around since ancient times. It teaches us that we create our reality through thought and intention.
The more positive and loving you think, the more you send out energy that attracts things to you that match that energy.
In other words, what you think about comes about. You have probably heard people say, “I’m sick of my life” “I’ve got too much on my plate” or “It’s just not fair” when discussing their current situation. These kinds of statements give off negative energies.
The next time you find yourself feeling frustrated with your life, stop and take note of the thoughts going through your mind. Do this exercise for at least two minutes. Then write down as many of those thoughts as you can remember.
After writing them all down, ask yourself if any of these thoughts are helpful. Are they empowering you towards achieving your goals? Or are they holding you back?
Law Of Attraction For Beginners
If you want something badly enough, you will make an effort to bring it into existence. When you decide to change, you begin a process of manifestation.
You may call it “creative visualization” or simply visualizing, but the basic idea is the same. Whatever you choose to visualize must be realizable within your daily experience.
Your vision must include both the external world (the object of your desire) and the internal world (your feelings toward that object).
When you believe in yourself and follow your heart, amazing things happen. You become unstoppable. You go from being wishy-washy to confident.
You go from believing that you aren’t good enough to becoming good enough. You go from hearing ‘no’ to getting yes!
You shift from victim to victor. And you don’t even notice the transition because you’ve become so accustomed to success!
You might feel like you’re starting over again, but the truth is, you’re already on your way just as you are. So why would you keep searching for a new start?
Start acting like someone who knows better today — someone who lives in total alignment with their highest self. That way, you’ll attract more of what you truly deserve.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Make A Vision Board
Whether online or on paper, gather pictures and images that inspire you. Get rid of anything that doesn’t reflect your desires.
Put together a photo collage of yourself where you’d love to live, surrounded by the things you love most.
Be sure to surround yourself with things that make you happy, as happiness attracts more happiness.
Do What Feels Good
Think about what you want. Make a list of it all. Now, look at each word carefully. Try to understand the meaning behind every single one of them. Look up synonyms of each word. Don’t limit yourself to big dreams like ‘getting rich’ or ‘having a family’ – smaller ones work too.
If you want to know how to manifest money easily, then don’t just focus on the fact that you need some extra cash right now. Maybe you need to pay off debt, save for a car repair, or buy groceries. The trick is to feel grateful as if it has already happened.
A Simple Exercise

Get out your notebooks – yes, manifestation does require you to put in some effort!
Step 1
Write down five things that you want to achieve in a certain time frame, whether it’s one week, one month, a year, or five years.
When you are writing these things down, write them as if they have already happened/you already have them.
For example:
- I am working at a high-profile publishing company, writing books on topics I am passionate about.
- I have three beautiful children.
- I drive a 1960s blue Porsche Carrera.
Write these somewhere obvious to you – look at that book every day, or write these manifestations on a notice board or by your mirror so that you see them every day.
These are no longer wishes. Notice your language and how you are saying them. They are statements – true and honest representations of your life.
Step 2
Attach feelings to these statements. This is called accessing the Law of Vibration. Do you ever just ‘vibe’ with something? A person, an object, a place?
We all live on specific vibrations and we can attract these higher vibrations into our lives by emulating them ourselves.
If you are constantly stressing and worrying, you are bringing low vibrational energy into your life – do you often find that when you do this, those around you are affected and you bring down their mood?
This is affecting their vibrations, and you can improve your mood and those around you by assigning positive feelings like accomplishment and joy to the things that you consistently think about.
If you want to manifest certain things in your life you’ll want to think about them often – so ascribing positive feelings with a higher vibration will help you make room in your life for these things to happen.
Let’s take those 3 things I listed and attach feelings to them – what do you feel when you think about having achieved the things you want in your life?
- I am working at a high-profile publishing company, writing books on topics I am passionate about. I feel proud, joyful, and content.
- I have three beautiful children. I feel nurtured, loved, and fulfilled.
- I drive a 1960’s blue Porche Carrera. I feel rich, accomplished, and self-confident.
Do this for your dream manifestations – say those statements out loud and think of the feelings that come to you as you speak them – let them fill you up.
Now write down next to your statements the feelings you get when you imagine that your dreams are fulfilled. You are joyful, complete, excited, contented, whatever that gut feeling is, write it down.
Do The Work
Positive thoughts and daily reminders are a great way to get started but remember the golden rule – the universe doesn’t work if you don’t!
So get your butt in gear and think about what you can do to achieve those goals.
Take your goals from step 1 and write them down again. Underneath each one, write down a task that you can do TODAY to get you one step closer to this goal.
Revisit your goals every day or every week once you have ticked off this tiny step, and without much effort, you’ll find you are slowly making small strides towards achieving goals that seem impossible.
For example, let’s go back to our 3 things:
- I am working at a high-profile publishing company, writing books on topics I am passionate about.
Write out my CV to reflect my interests in this field.
- I have three beautiful children.
Book a medical appointment with my nurse or doctor.
- I drive a 1960’s blue Porche Carrera.
Gather together my debts in one place.
Small steps over a long period will make all the difference in the long run.
Final Thoughts
You may not believe that you can change your life because you don’t know how to. But you do. It takes work. And the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Remember that the Universe doesn’t care if you’re happy or sad – it only cares that you’re conscious. So keep doing what you’re doing – and notice where you end up.
It’s not magic. It’s science. It works.
So start practicing now. Your future depends on it.
If you really want to dig deeper then we recommend the book E-Squared by Pam Grout – it’s an excellent starter book for those of you looking to start your journey in manifestation.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical