How Do You Make A Manifestation Board?

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

A manifestation board is a visual representation of the things that you want in life. It can be anything from money, love, or health.

How Do You Make A Manifestation Board?

The idea behind it is to create a board where you can see all the different aspects of what you want.

You then try to work on each aspect one at a time until you have achieved everything that you desire.

Why Are Manifestation Boards Good?

Manifestation boards are great because they give you a way to focus on what you really want.

They also show you how far away you still are from achieving your goal. This will motivate you to keep going.

You can use this method for any goal. For example, if you wanted to lose weight you could put an image of yourself with a healthy body on your board.

Then you would start working on losing weight by eating healthier foods and exercising more.

You can even use them as motivation when you feel like giving up.

If you look at your board every day you will always be reminded of why you started doing this in the first place.

How To Make A Manifestation Board

There are two ways to make a manifestation board.

One is to draw out a picture of what you want and cut it out. Or you can just write down all the things that you want.

If you choose to draw out a picture then you need to decide exactly what you want. Do not worry about making it perfect.

You only need to get the main ideas across. Once you have done this then you should cut it out into pieces.

These pieces can represent different aspects of your goal.

For example, if you were trying to lose weight you might have a piece of paper with pictures of food on it. Each piece represents a certain type of food.

So you could have a piece of paper representing exercise and another representing diet.

When you have finished cutting out all the parts you will need to glue them onto a big sheet of paper.

Make sure that you leave enough space between each part so that you can add new ones later.

Once you have glued all the parts together you need to decorate it.

You can either paint it or draw something over the top. Whatever you do, make sure that you cover the whole thing.

Once you have decorated your board you can start using it. Every morning before you go to bed, think about what you want to achieve during the day.

Put these thoughts down on your board. When you wake up in the morning take a look at your board and remind yourself of what you set out to do.

This will help you stay focused throughout the day. You can also use your board to help you remember important dates.

For example, if you want to meet someone you could put their name on your board and then put a date next to it.

What Else Can I Do With A Manifestation Board?

What Else Can I Do With A Manifestation Board?

The best thing about manifestation boards is that there is no limit to what you can do with them.

There are many other uses for them. You can use them to:

So whatever you do, don’t underestimate how powerful they can be. They are one of the most effective tools available to us today.

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to succeed while others fail? The answer lies within our subconscious mind.

We all know that we have an unconscious mind, but we often forget that it has its own power.

It is capable of creating anything from bad habits to good ones.

We must learn to control our subconscious mind because it controls everything that happens in our lives.

If we want to change our life we must first change our subconscious minds. This means changing the way that we think.

It is possible to change the way that we think by visualizing ourselves we think. One of the ways we can do this is by visualizing ourselves as being successful.

By doing this we give our subconscious mind permission to create the things we desire.

Visualization works because when we imagine something happening in our mind’s eye it triggers a response in our body.

Our brain interprets this reaction as real. If we imagine ourselves as being successful we will soon begin to feel more confident.

We will start to believe that we deserve to be successful. Our subconscious mind will respond to this belief by creating the things we want.

When we think about what we want, we should always try to picture ourselves having achieved it.

By thinking like this we will eventually become what we thought about becoming.

By visualizing ourselves as being happy we will soon begin to experience happiness.

As long as we continue to think positively we will continue to attract positive results into our lives.

So the next time you find yourself feeling negative just stop and ask yourself “what am I telling myself right now?”

If you are saying negative things to yourself then you need to change those words.

Instead, say positive things such as “I love my life” or “I am going to achieve great things”.

You may not see any difference at first but over time you will notice that your thoughts are beginning to change.

As your thoughts change so does your life. Remember that whenever you think negatively you are sending out a message to your subconscious mind.

You are telling it to do certain things. So if you tell it to go somewhere it will go there.

The same goes for positive thoughts. Whenever you think positively you are giving your subconscious mind permission to create positive things.

This is why it is important to use affirmations daily. Affirmations are very powerful because they allow you to control your thoughts.

They also help you to change the way that you think.

Affirmations are simply statements that you repeat to yourself. These statements are usually positive.

For example: “I am a success” or “My future looks bright”.

Affirmations work because they cause you to focus on what you want. They also put you in a state of expectancy.

When we expect something to happen we tend to get it.

Whenever you think positive thoughts you are setting yourself up for success.


In conclusion, manifestation boards have many purposes and can be used for all aspects of your life to make positive changes whatever they may be.

Whether you want to work on a personal goal such as losing weight, or you have a financial goal to achieve, there are many ways to utilize manifestation boards.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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