A blockage in any of your chakras can be disastrous, but luckily it’s very easy to open them up with the correct healing stones and affirmations – but what affirmations can you use for each chakra?

Here, we are going to be looking at the root chakra and all the different affirmations you can try to help ground yourself again.
So, if you ever feel overwhelmed by your fears and insecurities, try out some of these affirmations so you can feel the earth beneath your feet!
What Is The Root Chakra And What Does It Mean?
The root chakra is also known as the base chakra and it is the first of the seven main chakras that we all have in our bodies.
It can be found at the base of the spine and is often associated with the color red. Spiritually, the root chakra has a lot of meanings.
It is mainly connected to feelings of safety and security and our human need for a safe place to feel comfortable and at home – no matter where that may be for each individual.
Not only that but the root chakra is also associated with feeling grounded and stable which is why it is often blocked by feelings of fear and insecurity.
Blockages in the root chakra can be caused by anxieties and fear caused by certain events.
Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed by a lot of work or emotion, or you have lost a friend that you often turned to for support – even simply moving to a new home can be enough to unstabilize us and cause an imbalance with our root chakra.
Because how the root chakra is imbalanced by doubts, fears, and insecurities, it can also be strengthened through affirmations.
Simply by repeating a few mantras made specifically for the root chakra, you can improve your strength and begin to feel more grounded and secure as you repeat these sayings out loud.
But what affirmations should you say?
Let’s now take a closer look at some affirmations that you can say to strengthen and balance your root chakra!
Affirmations For Your Root Chakra
Affirmations are a great way to replace negative thoughts with more positive ones, and certain affirmations are better suited for strengthening certain chakras.
Because the root chakra is often damaged and weakened by negative thoughts (either by your own or those imposed on you by others), then it can also be easily strengthened with positive thoughts and affirmations.
So, let’s take a look at some of the affirmations you can try out when feeling insecure and afraid.
I Am Safe
Safety is usually a big concern when it comes to your root chakra.
Because it is so closely associated with security, it is often the chakra that is weakened the most when we are put in situations where we feel unsafe and afraid.
Anxieties and fear can easily eat away at your root chakra’s strength but reminding yourself that you are safe is a great way to build up your spiritual strength.
Situations where you may feel unsafe vary from person to person depending on our fears.
Those who are afraid of water may feel unsafe when stepping onto a boat, or those who are afraid of heights may feel that heading onto an airplane is dangerous.
While logic and facts can help soothe these fears, so can positive affirmations.
So, try out this affirmation whenever you feel like you are stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.
This way, you won’t be held back by your fears no matter what they are.
I Am At Home
Security is often connected to where we feel at home and this can be a range of places other than the place where we live.
Some of us may feel more secure in our bedrooms while others prefer to be among our friends.
Home could be a specific spot outdoors or in a public area – but the important thing to remember is that home is more than just a place, it’s a feeling.
That comfort and security that you feel when you are at your special place can be carried with you wherever you go, and it’s that feeling that helps you find new homes in strange places.
So, if you are facing a big change or move in the near future, reminding yourself that home is wherever you are through this affirmation will help you adapt to your new situation and overcome any anxieties you are experiencing.
I Am Grounded

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and washed away these days.
Between relationships, stress, work, school, concern for your country’s situation, or the earth’s environment can all build up and make you feel like there is just too much negativity for you to deal with.
There’s nothing to be ashamed of when you feel swept away by all these problems, but it’s important to try and ground yourself so you can find peace and calmness for yourself.
Using this affirmation will help you find the earth beneath your feet once more and ground you in reality so you aren’t swept away by problems and issues that can make you feel small.
Once you feel more at ease and grounded, it’s a lot easier to start solving these problems and taking the weight off your back – like having a deep conversation with friends to resolve any arguments, or chipping away at those projects you need to get done.
So, reminding yourself that you are grounded through this affirmation will help you be able to take a new perspective on things and help you feel less hopeless and helpless no matter the problem.
I Feel Secure
Like we said earlier, insecurities and doubts have a huge impact on your root chakra but sometimes those insecurities are related to your position in life rather than your physical location.
Perhaps you feel like you aren’t where you want to be in your career or that you are feeling low for being single when you want a loving relationship – these are natural doubts and insecurities that a lot of people have.
This affirmation helps you feel more secure with yourself by reminding you that you are worthy and secure no matter what.
When things go wrong or your plans fall apart, this affirmation is a great way to ground yourself and remind you that it’s not the end of the world.
I Am Worthy
Doubts and insecurities can often be caused by the hurtful words and opinions of others, so a great way to overcome this is to repeat this affirmation to yourself.
Bullies, abusive partners, and those with negative energies thrive on breaking other people down and causing them to doubt themselves and believe that they are not worthy of things like love, respect, and happiness.
However, everyone is entitled to these things – and so are you.
This affirmation serves as a reminder to yourself that no matter what other people may think or say about you, you are always worthy of some love and respect.
Sometimes, you just have to find the right people for the right kind of validation but until then, you can learn to love and respect yourself by believing in your self-worth.
I Am Confident
A lack of self-confidence makes it easy for others to break you down and for you to feel unsafe.
So, use this affirmation to build your confidence back up so you can face the world feeling grounded, safe and secure.
Confidence is the key to getting things done and even if you’re not 100% sure of what you are doing, simply acting as you do can help you get to the places you want and need to be.
By improving your confidence, you can help build up stronger relationships with others and broaden your horizons by venturing into risky territories.
Don’t be held back by your insecurities and doubts.
Use this affirmation to give you the strength you need to go boldly to new places, try out that new pair of shoes, or take a chance with a bit of online dating.
If you simply believe you can do it, then you can!
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
So there you have it – affirmations that will help you improve your root chakras and bring balance back to your body, mind, and soul.
These affirmations are simple and easy to remember and can be used anytime you need a little boost of positivity in your life.
They can also be used to help you through difficult times and to keep you feeling grounded, safe and stable.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical