When someone mentions dowsing, your first thought might be about using a forked stick to find water.

While this might be one of the most common depictions of the art of dowsing, it is only a small portion of what this spiritual practice involves.
Dowsing is a technique that uses rods and pendulums to locate points of intense energy.
This isn’t just used to find water, but can also be used to find spots of spiritual energy, treasures, and even for healing purposes.
Dowsing healing has been a popular form of alternative healing for hundreds of years.
This form of therapy involves using rods and pendulums to locate energy blockages and spots of negative energy in the body.
Dowsing healing is often practiced alongside other forms of spiritual healing therapies in order to cleanse and heal issues with a person’s energy.
If you’re interested in learning more about dowsing healing, then you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we’ll take you through everything there is to know about dowsing healing therapy, from how it works to the ways that it is performed. So let’s get right into it, shall we?
What Is Dowsing Healing?
As mentioned above, dowsing healing therapy is a form of alternative healing that uses dowsing to find and resolve issues with the body’s energies. However, there’s a bit more to it than that.
When people talk about dowsing therapy, they are usually referring to finding locations of positive or negative energy.
For example, if someone had a blockage of energy in their body, dowsing healing could be used to locate where this blockage is.
Dowsing healing can come in two main forms, which differ by the tools that they use. These methods are pendulum dowsing and rod dowsing.
These two methods are pretty self-explanatory – rod dowsing involves using rods to point in the direction of the negative energy (these rods are typically made out of crystals or copper).
Meanwhile, pendulum dowsing uses a pendulum dangled from a string or chain, which is used to identify energy points as well as aiding the flow of energy through your body and mind.
Pendulum dowsing is the most common form used for dowsing healing, and it can help with the healing of negative energies on top of simply identifying them.
Pendulums have been used since ancient times and were originally used for divination. They can still be found today in many different cultures around the world.
Most dowsing pendulums are made out of crystals, especially ones that are used for dowsing healing.
While pendulum dowsing is fairly easy to learn, it does require some training before you can start practicing it.
But as long as you follow the right steps and know what you’re doing, you can learn to benefit from dowsing healing in no time at all!
How To Use Dowsing Healing

The basic premise of dowsing healing is simple: you need to locate areas of negative energy within the body. Once you do so, you can clear these blocks away and allow your body to return to its natural state.
To begin, you will first need to choose whether you want to practice rod or pendulum dowsing. The choice between these two types of dowsing depends on your personal preference.
The main differences between these methods are the tools you use and the way you use them. Pendulum dowsing is generally the preferred method, though both styles of dowsing healing are beneficial.
Once you’ve chosen your style of dowsing, you can get to the healing aspect.
Like dowsing for any other point of energy, dowsing healing relies on letting the energy within the body direct your dowsing tool towards it.
This can require some patience, and learning to identify the subtle changes of your dowsing tools can take practice. Here’s a breakdown of how to use the different dowsing tools:
For Pendulum Dowsing
In pendulum dowsing, you’ll need to hold the pendulum while swinging it back and forth. You should be able to feel the vibrations of the pendulum when it’s moving.
When you feel a change in vibration, you’ll know that you’ve reached an area of blocked energy.
You can also set the pendulum in a circular motion, and use the shrinking circle to guide you to the energy spots by triangulating the position.
You may also notice that the pendulum will stop vibrating when it reaches an area of blocked energy, but it won’t necessarily drop.
If this happens, try to move the pendulum again until you find another spot where it stops.
When you reach an area of blocked energy in the body, you can use other forms of spiritual healing and cleansing therapies to remove the blockage and help your energy flow throughout your body.
Releasing these spots of blocked or negative energy will improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health, and dowsing healing is a great way to locate these energies.
For Rod Dowsing
Rod dowsing works similarly to pendulum dowsing; however, you’ll be using a stick instead of a pendulum. There are several ways to use rods for dowsing healing purposes.
Using a dowsing rod involves using the rod to guide you towards the negative or blocked energies in the body.
It does this by changing direction based on the location of the energy through subtle movements.
If you have trouble finding the energy spots, you can use the rod as a pointer to show you which parts of the body are affected.
For example, if you feel pain in your leg, the tip of the dowsing rod will direct you towards the energy point that is causing it.
These changes can be hard to read, especially when you’re just starting out, and it takes a while to get used to reading the dowsing rod.
This is the main reason why pendulum dowsing is more common as it is easier to perform; however, rod dowsing can give you a much more specific idea of where the energies lie.
Which means that it can be more accurate at pinpointing the cause of your issue.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Final Thoughts
Dowsing healing is a fascinating form of alternative healing that can have many benefits, from identifying an issue to helping you resolve it.
By using natural methods to locate negative or blocked energies within the body, dowsing healing therapy can help you find out the cause of spiritual issues and get your health back on track.
So now that you know a bit more about what dowsing healing is and how it’s performed, you can give it a try for yourself!
Whether you’re performing dowsing healing on yourself or visiting a dowsing therapist to do it for you, give dowsing healing a try and see if it works for you. You’ll be surprised by the results!
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical