Tiger’s eye is a stone that has been associated with prosperity since ancient times. Is it true that wearing a tiger’s eye helps you achieve success?

The tiger eye is a stone of the third eye chakra, which is located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows.
It is said to be one of the most powerful stones for opening up psychic abilities and developing intuition. The tiger eye crystal is also known as the “eye of wisdom” or “third eye”.
This crystal helps you to see the truth, understand others, and find answers to life’s questions. It can help you to become more intuitive, psychic, and spiritual.
The tiger’s eye stone was discovered in India and China during the Neolithic period. It was believed to bring good fortune and wealth.
Today, the tiger’s eye is considered to be a powerful crystal that brings abundance and prosperity. It is said to attract love, money, and luck.
In this article, we have come up with some affirmations that you can use with your Tiger’s eye to attract success and other benefits.
Why Should I Use Tiger’s Eye Affirmations?
The Tiger’s Eye stone is one of the most powerful crystals for attracting abundance and prosperity.
If you are looking for an affirmation to help you manifest abundance and prosperity into your life then the tiger’s eye is a perfect choice.
It is said that if you wear a tiger’s eye daily, you will see amazing results. The tiger’s eye is also known as “the lucky stone” because it is believed that it brings prosperity and good luck.
The tiger’s eyes are highly beneficial for all types of people. They are used to attracting abundance, wealth, happiness, and many more things.
You can wear the tiger’s eye stones or place them under your pillow at night. You can even keep them in your wallet or purse, so they are always close by.
Tiger’s Eye Affirmations For Courage, Willpower, And Self-Confidence
Using the affirmations below will help to promote success, creativity, wealth, and more.
- I am courageous and strong.
- I am confident and self-assured.
- I am brave and fearless.
- I am determined and focused.
- I am successful and happy.
- I am wealthy and prosperous.
- I am loved and happy.
- I attract abundance and prosperity.
- I attract love and joy.
- I am attracted to health and wellness.
- I attract good luck and fortune.
- I attract positive energy.
- I attract abundance.
- I attract prosperity.
- I attract financial freedom.
It is important that you set your intentions clearly so that you know exactly what you want to attract. In addition, make sure that you speak these affirmations out loud every day.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
How To Program Tiger’s Eye With Affirmations

Once your crystal knows its specific purpose and what you want from it, then you will begin to see the benefits.
It will be much easier for you to manifest, and you will sooner notice changes within your environment. Here is how to program your Tiger’s Eye crystal with affirmations:
Find The Right Intention
Before you start programming your Tiger’s eye, you need to find out what you want to attract into your life. What do you want to change about yourself?
Do you want to feel better physically? Are you seeking love? Or maybe you just want to experience more abundance and prosperity. Whatever you desire, write down your intention.
The clearer that your intention is, the easier it is going to be to manifest. This is because when you set clear goals, you can focus your mind on achieving those goals.
When you don’t have a clear goal, you may get distracted easily, confused, or lost along the way.
Cleanse And Charge Your Tiger’s Eye Crystal
To cleanse your tiger eye crystal, place it under running water until all dirt and debris come off.
You may want to use a soft cloth to wipe away any remaining residue. Then dry it with a towel before storing it somewhere safe.
You can charge your tiger eye crystal using a pendulum. Hold the pendulum above the crystal and let it swing back and forth. As the pendulum swings, think about what you would like to bring into your life.
You can also charge your crystals in moonlight or sunlight. Simply place your crystal on a flat surface and allow the light to shine directly onto it.
Program Your Crystal
After you have written down your intention, you need to program your crystal. This means that you need to create a clear picture of what you want to manifest.
For example, if you want to attract money, you could say something like “Money flows through my hands like water”.
Now take your crystal and hold it over your heart chakra. Say your affirmation out loud while visualizing what you want to manifest.
Remember to keep your eyes closed as this helps you to focus on your visualization.
Repeat this process several times per day until you feel that you are starting to notice changes within your life. This is when you know that you have programmed your crystal properly.
Final Thoughts
There are many ways to use affirmations with your Tiger’s eye crystal. However, the most effective way to get results is by repeating your affirmation daily.
If you are having trouble getting started, try saying one affirmation at first and work up to five. It is also useful to write your affirmations, to visualize and put them into physical actuality.
Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you to achieve anything you desire. They should not be used lightly but instead should be practiced regularly.
You must always be sure to be clear and specific with your affirmations so what you are trying to manifest actually happens.
The tiger’s eye crystal will help you to connect with your inner self and gain insight into your own personal power.
By using your crystal you will learn to recognize when you are being blocked and how to overcome these obstacles.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical