Smoky quartz has quite an enigmatic look to it. It may be very similar to clear quartz in terms of its physical appearance, but it has a darker, shadowy, more mysterious aesthetic.

But we do know what it can be good for, including:
- Clearing the energy field and bringing back balance
- Helping with emotional healing and releasing past traumas
- Protecting against negative energies and bad luck
- Increasing psychic abilities
- Creating harmony between people
- Balancing the emotions
- and more…
So, with so many benefits attributed to it, it will be of no surprise to you that there are a great many affirmations that you can program your smoky quartz with, to really make the most of its properties.
And that is the focus of this article. I’ve got some great affirmation suggestions for you that go perfectly with the properties of smoky quartz.
Let’s get straight to it!
Affirmation One: There Is Always Hope
If there’s any affirmation you need to get you through your darker days it has to be this one.
Of course, there may be some emotional pains that may never truly leave you, such as the loss of a loved one. But, if you set out to believe better days will come, then such days are bound to follow.
Hope is like a beacon of light, and there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long and dark the said tunnel may be.
Affirmation Two: Tomorrow Is A New Day
Even the most upbeat of us have occasional bad days, it’s to be expected. But this does not mean that you have to get down about it and dwell on things that you may never be able to change.
And even if things start to feel really bleak as the day draws to a close, I can assure you that a night of good quality sleep can make a considerable difference to your outlook.
And when you wake up, the day that follows can be written as you see fit, with the heaviness of the previous day lifted and gone.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Affirmation Three: I Choose To See The Positive In Every Situation
As humans, we can often be plagued by all kinds of circumstances that are less than perfect.
But, I can confirm, as someone who’s been around a long time, every situation that you find yourself in has at least one redeeming quality to it – usually more.
Every cloud has a silver lining, as they say, and if you look hard enough you’ll be sure to find it.
Focusing on the positives in your life is key to preventing feeling too sad, anxious or stressed.
Affirmation Four: I Know The Universe Wants What’s Best For Me
When you are going through trying times, it can feel like the whole world is against you.
Things don’t always go well, and people can be harsh, moody critics. But you can find some real strength with affirmations like this one.
If you know that the universe has a plan for you, you can view your life’s journey as one of challenge and growth. You can learn your life’s lessons and take your wisdom forward to whatever you face in the future.
However difficult your circumstances may be, you can find comfort in believing that you are right where you need to be.
Affirmation Five: I Determine How I Feel

This is an incredibly empowering affirmation. It can be all too easy to let the freshness of a bad set of circumstances drag you down.
But once you believe in your bones that it’s you who determines how you feel about any and every aspect of your life.
Then you can turn things right around, and choose to be happy, even if there continue to be negative influences in your life.
Affirmation Six: I Can Do Anything I Put My Mind To
This too is a very empowering affirmation. More often than not, the only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams is you.
But, you know what? Just about everything those celebrities do that you admire so much, you can do too.
No matter how big an obstacle may seem at first, if you consistently chip away at it over time, I can assure you most things are possible if you are suitably determined.
Affirmation Seven: I See The Best In Myself And Others
This is a great affirmation for both boosting your self-esteem, and for seeing how the other people in your life can be a force for good.
And that they aren’t against you, and that you can live in harmony with them.
How To Program Your Smoky Quartz With Your Chosen Affirmation
And, now that you have 6 great affirmations to choose from to program your smoky quartz with, all you need to know is how to program it with your preferred affirmation.
- So, now I’ll tell you in just 200 words how to do so. Here goes…
- Choose your affirmation by looking at the list above.
- Find a quiet place to sit comfortably, either alone or somewhere with others.
- Sit quietly for 5 minutes, breathing deeply.
- Hold your chosen affirmation in your mind (or out loud), repeating it to yourself until you feel relaxed and calm.
- Once you’re ready, hold your smoky quartz crystal in front of you, close your eyes and repeat your affirmation 3 times.
- Open your eyes and look at your stone again.
- When you’ve finished programming your stone, leave it alone for 10 minutes before using it. This will allow it to absorb the energy of your affirmation, and give it a chance to work its magic.
From this point on, you will be able to access the full power of your affirmation every time you touch or wear your crystal.
Wrap Up
Programming your smoky quartz is easy, and now you’ve got 7 different affirmations with which to program your crystal that can serve to lift you from sad, anxious and unhelpful thoughts. Namaste.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical