Upright: Manifestation, Learn New Skills, Financial Opportunity
Reversed: Learn from Failure, Lack of Progress, Procrastination
Page of Pentacles Description
The Page of Pentacles depicts a young man stood in an open pasture of grass and wild flowers. In the background you see a small grove of trees, a newly ploughed field and a mountain range.
The meadow of flowers and the newly ploughed field symbolise the birth of new life and coming abundance. The mountain range in the distance show possible obstacles that he may have to overcome.
The man is holding a gold coin in his hands and gazing at it. As if he were looking for the inspiration and motivation to manifest more prosperity and abundance into his life. This signifies the Page’s desire for earthly treasures.
Page of Pentacles Upright Meaning
The Page of Pentacles, and the suit of pentacles, is linked to the Earth and all the fruits and abundance that she, Mother Earth will bring. Page is calm knowing that he is protected and one with nature.
The Page is a messenger of new beginnings, exciting new ventures, renewed inspiration and motivation for new projects. He is firmly planted in the present but his gaze and thoughts are on the future and what it will bring.
The message is not that of fulfilling those dreams but of the excitement and enthusiasm you have gained by starting them. You are to start to put plans in place to get this new project off the ground. Lay the foundations for your grand plans. Just as the Page looks at a single coin with a calm belief that abundance and prosperity is coming, so must you look at your idea or project knowing that this is the start of something very exciting.
You must however remain with your feet planted fully on the ground. There is work to do to make this new venture work. This card is not a sign of coming fortune or prosperity, it is telling you to stay focused on what it is you want to achieve and who you want to be.
The Page is telling you that if you stay focused and consistent then that new project or business venture will find success. There is abundance and prosperity coming but you will have to stay on course to get there. Let the one coin (idea/project) you hold grow and multiply.
The Page is a voracious student, always learning new things and skills that will help him to achieve success in the long run. The Page of Pentacles often appears when you are ready to level up your skills and learn something new to better equip you to manifest your goals and dreams. This card is an invitation to broaden your mind; take a class, learn new things and grow.
Allow yourself to feel excited about the future but be sure to stay grounded knowing that there will be some obstacles in your path.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Page of Pentacles Reversed Meaning
The Page of Pentacles reversed can mean a few things relating to your new endeavours. Have you found yourself taking action but you seem to be contiuously encountering obstacles or being taken off your chosen path?
Perhaps nothing you are trying seems to be working at all. This could be a result of you not being well enough prepared or that you have lost your initial motivation and inspiration.
The reversed Page of Pentacles could also mean that you have been procrastinating. Choosing to spend your time daydreaming about your projects and future rather than taking any action.
Perhaps you are not actually ready to start your new project or you have been delaying starting the idea through fear of failure or from deep seated limiting beliefs.
Lastly the Page of Pentacles reversed is letting you know that you have an opportunity to learn and grow from past mistakes. As you know the Page is an avid learner so even in times of trials and tribulations you can take time to reflect and see what you can learn from them.
It’s important when you draw the reversed Page of Pentacles that you take it as an opportunity to step back from your current project and regroup.
Take some time to journal on the subject by asking yourself important questions like, “What could I have done different?” And “What is it that I truly want from this venture and is that aligned with the person I want to be?”.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical