Opalite is such a beautiful crystal, with its pale pastel shades and smooth texture.

But did you know that as with other crystals, you can program it with your favorite affirmations to give you that all important boost whenever you need it?
Well, in this article, I’m going to discuss what opalite gems are good for, before sharing with you some of my most favorite affirmations for use with opalite gemstones.
And explain how you can program the crystal with your chosen affirmation – here goes!
What Is Opalite Good For?
Opalite gems are good for the following:
- Spiritual growth and Opening the third eye
- Clearing and removing chakra blockages
- Balancing Yin and Yang energy and moods
- Emanates Joy and stimulates a positive attitude
- Useful during meditation because of its relaxing energy
Affirmation One: I Am Receptive, And I Have The Gift Of Insight.
This is an excellent affirmation for spiritual growth and opening the third eye, because it helps you to be open to receiving divine guidance in your life through both intuition and spiritual guidance from your angels.
It also encourages you to become more aware of your inner self, which will help you to develop your psychic abilities. This affirmation works particularly well when used at bedtime or while meditating.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Affirmation Two: I Am Creative And Intuitive
This affirmation is great for clearing and removing chakra blockages, because it helps you connect with your higher self, allowing you to tap into your own intuition.
It also helps you to manifest ideas from your mind into reality.
Use this affirmation when you feel stuck on a project, or if you want to make something happen in your life.
Affirmation Three: I Am Happy And Joyful
This affirmation is perfect for balancing yin and yang energies, and for stimulating a positive attitude.
It also helps you keep a balanced perspective on life, and makes you less likely to get caught up in negative emotions like anger and jealousy.
Use this affirmation to help you stay calm and relaxed, and to maintain a cheerful outlook.
Affirmation Four: I Am Vibrant, Healthy And Full Of Life
This affirmation is useful for helping you to release any physical ailments and illnesses, and to strengthen your immune system.
It also helps you overcome depression and anxiety, and gives you a strong sense of wellness and wellbeing.
Affirmation Five: I Am Loving And Compassionate
This affirmation is perfect when you’re feeling lonely, sad or depressed. When you say it out loud, it reminds you to love yourself, and to remember that you are lovable.
It also helps you let go of feelings of guilt and shame, and allows you to forgive yourself for mistakes you may have made in the past.
Affirmation Six: I Am Free And Liberated

This affirmation is great for clearing chakra blockages. It helps you to break away from limiting beliefs and habits, and lets you live life as you choose.
It helps you to accept change and to grow, and embrace new experiences.
Affirmation Seven: I Am Powerful And Confident
This affirmation helps you to believe in yourself and to take control of your life.
It helps you to gain confidence in your decisions, and to act upon them. It also helps you create a better future for yourself by taking action now.
Affirmation Eight: I Am Beautiful, And I Attract Good Things My Way
This affirmation is great when you want to attract someone special into your life. You can use it to attract money, health, happiness or success. Say it out loud and watch what happens!
Affirmation Nine: I Am Safe And Protected
This affirmation is great when you feel threatened or unsafe. It helps you to relax and be comfortable in your body, and to trust your instincts.
It also helps you feel secure and grounded, so you don’t need to worry about anything bad happening to you.
Affirmation Ten: I Am Whole And Complete
This affirmation is great to remind you of who you really are, and to bring balance to your life.
It helps to clear all the blocks that prevent you from being able to see yourself clearly, and it helps you to understand how important you are in the world.
Affirmation Eleven: I Am Loved And Accepted
This affirmation helps you feel more connected with others, and brings harmony to relationships. It helps you to appreciate other people’s differences, and to celebrate their uniqueness.
Affirmation Twelve: I Am At Peace
Use this affirmation whenever you feel stressed or anxious. It helps you find inner peace and tranquility, and to stop you from worrying about things that may not even happen.
How To Program Your Opalite Gem With Your Chosen Affirmation
Programming your opalite with your chosen affirmation. All you have to do is as follows:
- Take the opalite in your hand, close your eyes, and visualize the energy of the affirmation flowing through your hands and into the stone.
- Place the stone on your heart area (or anywhere else on your body where you would like to receive the affirmation).
- Open your eyes and repeat the affirmation out loud.
- Repeat steps 1-3 until you feel completely relaxed and calm.
- Keep repeating these steps every day for several weeks, and notice any changes that occur in your life.
You can follow these steps on a daily basis, and as time goes on you will come to believe so strongly in the words of the affirmation.
That you will no longer need to carry out this ritual, because you will already be feeling all those wonderful emotions you want to evoke.
But you should keep repeating this ritual until you reach that point. That way, you can prevent unwanted negative emotions from ever creeping in.
Wrap Up
Opalite is a beautiful gem with multiple uses, and programming it with wonderful affirmations such as these can really lift and empower you. Just allow it to work its magic, and you will achieve wonders!
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical