Moonstone Affirmation

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  7 min read

Moonstone is an incredible gemstone, known for its opalescent shine. Many people are drawn to Moonstone because it is such an unusual color.

Moonstone Affirmation

This gemstone is excellent for those seeking to enhance their intuitive abilities and is linked to strength and balance. 

It’s not surprising that Moonstone is linked to divine feminine energy, and is popular with those trying to connect and heal their feminine aspects. 

Moonstone is an excellent stone to pair with affirmations. This is an incredibly powerful stone that can increase the strength of affirmations.

What Is Moonstone?

Moonstone is an opalescent gemstone. It is a shimmery stone that has fascinated humans for thousands of years. It is a healing stone that is often linked to divine feminine energy.

This means it is a great stone for those who are trying to connect with their own feminine energy, or even balance their masculine and feminine energy. 

Feminine energy is very important because it is linked to intuition and abundance.

It is a stone that can help people focus on self-care, while also increasing their intuition, and bringing new opportunities into their life. 

Moonstone is a very mystical stone that will continue to fascinate humanity, due to its shimmery appearance and magical energy. 

Moon Stone Affirmations 

This affirmation is ideal for those seeking to heal any issues they have with their feminine, or masculine, energy.

Having both energies in harmony is crucial. A balance of energy does not mean someone is half masculine and half feminine, it means that their energies work in harmony.

When their energies work in harmony, they can understand themselves better, and allow themselves to heal any wounds that may have caused the imbalance. 

This affirmation helps anyone who wants to develop their intuition.

They can use this affirmation to help them understand how to improve their intuition, and increase their ability to make decisions based on their intuition.

If you want to become more aware of your intuition, then this affirmation is perfect for you. 

This affirmation works well for those who need protection from negativity. It can help protect those who need to remind themselves to keep away from negative people.

It can also help those who need to prioritize peace and calmness. 

If you are having trouble remembering some of the things that matter most to you, then this affirmation is for you.

You can use this affirmation to remember what is important to you and to help you stay focused.

Spiritual beings need to remember to be grateful for what they have, as this will help them achieve a state of peacefulness, instead of focusing on what they do not have.  

This affirmation can help people who want to express their creativity. It can help them manifest their dreams into reality.

This affirmation can help them figure out what they would like to create, and help them manifest it.

It is a very positive affirmation, because it not only seeks to help the individual, but seeks to help the world through creativity. 

This affirmation helps those who are struggling to get past certain obstacles. It helps them realize that if they truly believe in themselves, they can accomplish anything.

They can use this to help them overcome any obstacles that stand between them and their goal. 

This affirmation helps people who are trying to embrace their femininity. It encourages them to love themselves and their feminine energy.

People often struggle with accepting their own feminine energy, because they feel ashamed or insecure about it. This affirmation helps them accept and embrace their feminine energy. 

This affirmation can help people who are uncomfortable with embracing their feminine energy. It can encourage them to embrace their feminine energy, and recognize its many strengths.

It can help them embrace their intuition, and show them how much they can benefit from honoring themselves. 

This affirmation is for people who are looking to gain more wisdom. By asking Moonstone for help, the person is allowing themselves to learn more about wisdom and their own intuition. 

 Moonstone is a stone of abundance, and one way to become abundant is showing gratitude for the life you already have.

When you show gratitude and realize your own luck, you no longer dwell on what you don’t have.

This makes the person more happy, and they will naturally find it easier to reach the goals that before seemed out of reach. 

This affirmation is for people who want to feel more confident and empowered. It can help them feel stronger and more capable.

It can give them the courage to move towards their dreams, even when they feel scared. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is Moonstone only white and opalescent? 

No, there are different varieties of Moonstone. There is a gray moonstone, white moonstone, blue moonstone, yellow moonstone, peach moonstone and rainbow moonstone. 

Is moonstone just for women? 

No, moonstone is not just for women. Everyone, no matter their gender, has feminine and masculine energies. Moonstone balances these energies. 

How often should someone say affirmations? 

Affirmations should be said at least once a day. Affirmations are usually said out loud.

But if someone cannot speak out loud, affirmations can be written, or the person can say the affirmations in their thoughts. 


Moonstone affirmations are very powerful. Affirmations have the power to help to change someone’s life, by helping them look at the world more positively.

Moonstone is an excellent stone that can help people become more intuitive and confident. 

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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