Lepidolite Properties

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Interested in finding out more about the properties of Lepidolite and how you can utilize them in your life? Read on to find out more about this stone!

Lepidolite Properties

What Is Lepidolite?

The name Lepidolite comes from the Greek word “lepis” which means “scale” or “scaly”, referring to its appearance.

Lepidolite is known as a stone that can help people who are facing a new stage in their lives – such as a new challenge, job opportunity, or a new phase.

It has been said that Lepidolite helps with situations where there is an unknown path ahead and one must make a decision. This stone also promotes self-awareness and self-confidence.

How Does Lepidolite Work For Spiritual Healing?

Lepidolite is believed to be a powerful tool for spiritual healing. The energy of this stone will allow it to work directly on the chakras (energy centers) within the body.

It works best when used by itself or paired with other stones. When using Lepidolite, one should try to keep the stone close to the heart area since this is where the chakras are located.

You may want to place the stone on top of the chest or under the collar bone.

When working with Lepidolite, it is important to stay calm and relaxed. If you feel anxious or nervous while wearing Lepidolite, then it is not the right time to use it. Try to breathe deeply and slowly.

Lepidolite is a great stone to wear during times of transition. It can be worn alone or with other stones. It can be worn at any time but is usually recommended to be worn before bedtime.

Lepidolite has many uses:

Lepidolite is associated with the element of water and it is believed that Lepidolite works by balancing the body’s energy field.

The Lepidolite crystal structure allows for the release of negative emotions and stress.

It is thought that Lepidolite may be used to balance hormones, increase fertility, boost metabolism, promote healing, relieve pain, and improve sleep quality.

There are several different types of Lepidolite available including:

There are also several different sizes of Lepidolite crystals available. Some Lepidolites come in large sizes while others come in smaller sizes. 

Where Is Lepidolite Found?

Lepidolite is most commonly found in Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, and New Zealand.

Benefits Of Lepidolite

Lepidolites are found worldwide in many different types of rock formations. It can help with many things including:

  1. Helps with anxiety and depression. Lepidolite’s lilac color is calming and can be a great healer for those with chronic anxiety, especially when concerning new stages of life. 
  2. Promotes self-confidence. Lepidolite helps to bring clarity and focus to one’s mind so they can better understand themselves and what they want in life.
  3. Boosts metabolism. Lepidolite increases the flow of blood throughout the body and improves overall circulation.
  4. Relieves pain. Lepidolite reduces inflammation in the body and helps relieve headaches and muscle aches.
  5. Improves sleep quality. Lepidolite encourages deep relaxation and restful sleep.

Lepidolite Geological Properties

Lepidolite Geological Properties

Which Chakras Do Lepidolite Activate?

Lepidolite can be used to open the third eye chakra and the heart chakra. It can also be used to clear away any emotional blockages within these two areas.

The third eye chakra is located at the top of your head and is responsible for intuition, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities.

It is also connected to the pineal gland which controls our sense of spiritual awareness.

The heart chakra is located between the chest and stomach area and is responsible for feelings such as love, compassion, empathy, and joy. It is also linked to the thymus gland.

You can use lepidolite to revitalize both of these energy centers.

How To Use Lepidolite In Your Life

The best way to use Lepidolite is to meditate with the crystal. You can either place it on your altar or hold it in your hands. If you choose to use it in meditation, try placing it over your third eye chakra.

This will allow you to connect more deeply with your intuitive side. If you would like to use it in your daily life, simply carry it with you wherever you go.

If you feel that you need some extra assistance in opening your third eye chakra, try using this guided meditation.

Meditation With Lepidolite

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize yourself sitting in front of a beautiful lake. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and hear the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore.

As you sit there, notice how calm and relaxed you feel. Notice all of the sensations around you. Take another deep breath and let go of everything else.

Focus only on the sensation of being completely still. Let go of all your thoughts about what you should do next.

Just sit there and enjoy the moment. After a while, you may start to see images pass before your closed eyelids. When you begin to see images, don’t worry if they seem strange or out of context.

Simply observe them without trying to analyze them. Continue to relax and just experience whatever comes through.

Stay focused on your breathing and keep your mind free from distractions. Once you become comfortable with this exercise, you may want to practice it every day.

Final Thoughts

When you first awaken your third eye chakra and learn to use its powers, you might have visions that seem very real but aren’t.

You might even think that someone is talking to you when no one is present.

These experiences are common during the early stages of awakening your third eye chakra because you haven’t yet learned how to distinguish between reality and illusion.

However, once you learn how to control your third eye chakra’s power, you’ll find that these types of experiences won’t bother you anymore.

To activate your third eye chakra fully, you must cleanse it of negative energies.

For example, if you’re feeling stressed out, angry, or depressed, you could use a piece of lepidolite to help you release those emotions.

Place the crystal under your pillow and visualize all of the negativity leaving your body through your feet. Imagine that the crystals absorb the negativity into their bodies and then send it back up to the sky.

Once you’ve cleansed your third eye chakra of negative emotions, you can use lepidolites to open it up so that you can receive psychic information.

Hold the crystals in your hand and focus on the image of a clear blue sky. See the clouds moving across the sky as your third eye opens. Allow yourself to be receptive to any messages that come through.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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