Lapis Lazuli Affirmation

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

The lapis lazuli is such a beautiful crystal, with its rich purple color and deep blue tones.

Lapis Lazuli Affirmation

It is said to be the stone of protection, love, healing, intuition, creativity and inner peace. And that’s quite the remit!

So, if you’re interested in programming your crystals with affirmations, you’ve certainly got a wide range of options with lapis lazuli, and it’s certain to bring plenty of positivity to your life.

In this article, I’m going to quickly explain how to program your lapis lazuli with positive affirmation, before suggesting some of my favorite affirmations that work really well with lapis lazuli.

Please feel free to scroll ahead to any section that jumps out at you. Here goes.

A Quick Guide To How To Program A Lapis Lazuli Crystal With An Affirmation

(This guide is going to assume that you already know what an affirmation is.)

Ideas For Your Lapis Lazuli Affirmations

Ideas For Your Lapis Lazuli Affirmations

Now that I’ve explained how to program your lapis lazuli, it’s time for me to share with you my favorite affirmations for the lapis lazuli crystal.

Affirmation One: I Am Happy

The first affirmation I recommend for the lapis lazuli crystal is “I am happy.”

Why is this affirmation special? Because it helps us to connect with the universal source of happiness. It reminds us that we already have what we desire – happiness.

This is an excellent affirmation to use when you’re feeling sad, depressed, anxious, stressed, angry, frustrated, or any other emotion that makes you unhappy.

Because whatever you may be going through, you can find something to be happy about.

It’s also great to use when you’re having trouble sleeping at night. Simply visualize yourself being happy while you sleep, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

Affirmation Two: I Am Calm

Another good affirmation for programming your lapis lazuli is “I am calm.”

Why is this particular affirmation special? Because it reminds us that we are not our emotions. We are not defined by them.

We cannot control our emotions, they come and go. But they do not have to define who we are. We are much greater than our emotions.

Our emotions are temporary, they pass away. And even though they may cause us pain, they only last for a short period of time.

So instead of letting our emotions run our lives, we should learn to live in harmony with them. We should learn to let them come and go without reacting to them.

And if we do react to them, then we must learn to forgive ourselves for doing so.

Affirmation Three: I Am Love

Yet another powerful affirmation for programming your lapis lazuli is “I am love.”

Why is this specific affirmation special? Because it teaches us to accept ourselves as we are.

When we say “I am love,” we mean that we accept ourselves for who we are. We believe that we are worthy of love, and that we deserve to receive it.

But most importantly, we realize that love is everywhere. It exists within every single person, animal, and even in plants.

And because we know that love is always present, we don’t have to search for it. We don’t have to wait for someone else to give it to us.

Because we understand that love is all-pervasive, we no longer feel the need to prove anything to anyone. Instead, we simply accept ourselves unconditionally.

Wrap Up

So, using lapis lazuli can really boost positivity in your life. You can program your lapis lazuli with affirmations such as “I am happy”, “I am calm”, and “I am love”.

And the more you learn to associate these affirmations, the better you will feel when you touch or wear your beloved crystal.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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