Labradorite Affirmation

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Labradorite is an incredible stone that is often used to increase the power of affirmations. Labradorite can be used for just about any affirmation.

Labradorite Affirmation

But it’s best used with affirmations for intuition, change and transformation. That’s because Labradorite is connected to the Third Eye Chakra, which is responsible for intuition and transformation. 

Labradorite can make affirmations more powerful by amplifying their frequency. This means that you will feel the energy of the affirmations much more strongly than if you were not using Labradorite.

If you’re struggling with making your own affirmations, try using one of these affirmations with Labradorite. 

What Is Labradorite? 

Labradorite is a type of gemstone. It has been found in many parts of the world including Russia, Canada, and Mexico.

The name “Labradorite” comes from the region where it was first discovered: Labrador (Canada). 

This gemstone is beautiful, and is known for its translucent glow. Labradorite can be found in a range of colors but is commonly a blue, green, red, yellow, and purple crystal. 

Labradorite is often used to bring good luck, prosperity and abundance into one’s life.

It is a very protective stone, and is often worn as jewelry or carried around the home.

It’s a stone that is used to increase intuition and to clear blockages in the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. Labradorite is a very balancing stone and a great stone for self-empowerment. 

Affirmations To Speak Into Existence With Labradorite

Affirmations To Speak Into Existence With Labradorite

Below are 10 affirmations to speak into existence when using Labradorite. These are powerful affirmations that will make you feel empowered, strong and intuitive.

This affirmation will help you utilize Labradorite to unlock your intuition. By affirming this, you are asking Labradorite to help you unblock your third eye chakra, and discover your personal truth. 

Labradorite can be used to see the world clearly and to help you find your voice.

If you struggle with voicing your own opinions, Labradorite can help you unblock your throat chakra, to help you feel empowered.

Labradorite is a powerful stone, and this affirmation is asking Labradorite to guide you and offer you strength and clarity. 

Labradorite is an incredibly beautiful stone, and even just being in the presence of Labradorite is inspiring.

This affirmation will help you unlock your creative potential, and it asks Labradorite to help guide you with your creativity. 

When you feel negativity coming towards you, Labradorite can help clear out any bad energy, and help you to understand who can be trusted in your life.

If you are going through an emotional period, Labradorite can help you heal, while also helping you develop your intuition, so you can view the world clearly. 

If you want to feel confident about yourself, Labradorite can help. When you feel like you cannot overcome something, Labradorite can help to clear away blocks, so you can move forward.

Labradorite is a wonderful stone for self-belief, and this affirmation is requesting Labradorite to help you believe in yourself and to help you get things done. 

Labradorite helps you to stay focused and to not let distractions pull you off course. It helps to ground you and to keep you from getting lost.

Labradorite helps you to remain centered, and to focus on the task at hand. You can use Labradorite to help you grow as a person and learn new ways to live your life authentically. 

The wonderful gemstone Labradorite brings peace and balance. It will help to calm you down and remove unnecessary fear.

Labradorite will help you to become comfortable with the idea of loving someone else. Labradorite is a fabulous stone for those who are afraid of letting others into their lives, or for those who struggle with trust issues. 

Labradorite is a powerful stone that can help to improve your self-esteem. Labradorite will help encourage you to pursue your dreams and to work hard to achieve them.

You can ask Labradorite to help guide you to find success in your life while asking it to also help you find your confidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Do I Use Labradorite To Speak Affirmations Into Existence? 

Hold Labradorite in your non-dominant hand, breathe (to ground yourself) and say each affirmation aloud.

You can say the affirmation as many times as you want, or you can say the affirmation just once. The intention is all that matters. 

How Clear Should Affirmations Be? 

Affirmations should be as clear as possible because you are asking for something to come into existence. The more clear your affirmation, the better your understanding is of what you actually want. 

Why Is Labradorite Used For Affirmations? 

Labradorite has been used throughout history for its ability to enhance one’s self-confidence and for its ability to increase personal power, as well as unblock the throat and third eye chakra.

It is a powerful stone, which is why it is used for affirmations. 


Affirmations are powerful and will help you connect to your goals and find the inner strength or peace you are seeking.

Using Labradorite will enhance the power of your affirmations, so grab some today and affirm away!

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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