King of Cups Description
The King of Cups depicts a king sat on a throne. He is holding a cup, representing his emotions, and a sceptre representing power and wisdom. This suggests he has control over his own emotions.
On his neck he wears a fish necklace that represents life, renewal and fertility.
He sits on a throne floating on a turbulent sea. The sea representing emotions and the subconscious. Despite this he seems calm and unperturbed.
This suggests that he is full control of his emotions and will not let the emotions surrounding him have any affect on his focus or thoughts. The King chooses instead to let the emotional turbulence run its course.
King of Cups Upright Meaning
When the king of cups is drawn it shows you a great mastery of emotions and the unconscious. You must remain unswayed by not just your own emotions but also the emotions of those around you.
The first stage is to learn to accept your emotions and the emotions of others without letting them affect you.
This will give you great clarity in all situations and enable you to see things clearly so you are able to act fairly and accordingly. This is the most important teaching the King of Cups brings to you, the ability to remain calm and make good decisions despite the possibility of heightened emotions.
You must use your emotional maturity to rise above the noise and navigate your way through it. Using your intellect to make well balanced decisions that are both fair and wise.
The King of Cups has a good balance of mind and emotions and he brings with him a calm, fatherly energy that allows his wisdom to shine through and to be his own best counsel.
He can be both your mentor and guide or invite you to imbue his strengths into the situation in question.
Take a step back and observe the situation without emotion clouding your judgment.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
King of Cups Reversed Meaning
When the King of Cups is drawn in reverse it shows that emotions are running high and that you could be letting them cloud your judgment. You are not using your will power to control your emotions which is hindering your ability to see with clarity.
You may find yourself being triggered by other people more easily and feeling more emotional in general. This could be manifesting is sadness, tears, anger, overwhelm and anxiety.
It could also be that rather than rising above your emotions you are actually on a journey of self discovery; diving deep into your innermost feelings and emotions. You are feeling those emotions intentionally in the hope of better understanding them and perhaps controlling them.
Another aspect of the reversed King of Cups is that of repressing the emotions. Bottling them up. This could lease to all that emotion bursting out in unwanted ways. Seek ways to clear all that emotion from your system whether that is a councillor, hypnotherapist or trained energy healer who can remove those emotions from your energy system.
If the King is drawn in reverse it could be regarding a person in your life who is using emotions to manipulate you or the situation in question. This person has the effect of stirring emotions in you in all manner of ways. To take the lesson from the King you must find ways to use your power and wisdom to take control and rise above the situation.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical