Howlite is a beautiful crystal that radiates calming energy and can be used to help deal with anxiety, stress, and tension.

But how can we utilize Howlite’s power in our lives to make the most of this special crystal?
The answer lies within your vibration. Each person has their unique frequency which they emanate out into the world.
This frequency is called an aura or aura field. It is said that everything you see around you is made up of what you are vibrating at.
For example, if you are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, then it will show on your aura as well as your physical body.
If you feel happy, peaceful, and relaxed then it will show on both your aura and your physical body.
The more positive vibrations you send out into the world, the better your life will become.
So, by using Howlite to clear away negative energies and replace them with positive ones, you will start to change your life for the better.
What Is Howlite?
Howlite is a beautiful stone that helps to balance emotions, heal emotional wounds and bring about inner peace.
It is also known as ‘the healer’ because it can help us to release old issues, patterns, and beliefs that no longer serve us.
It is believed that Howlite was created when the Earth split open due to the forces of Mother Nature. The crystals formed inside were then pulled through the cracks in the earth.
These crystals have been growing inside the earth ever since. They are now ready to come back to the surface and connect with all living things.
Howlite is found in many different colors including white, pink, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, brown, black, and gray.
The most calming and common color of howlite is white or gray and has distinctive dark veins running through the stone.
It is the ultimate calming stone for meditation and self-regulating your emotions in times of stress and anxiety.
Why Use Howlite?
Howlite is a powerful healing tool that can help you to overcome any obstacles that may be stopping you from reaching your full potential.
When you use Howlite, it will cleanse your aura, releasing unwanted energies and bringing new light and love into your life.
You don’t need to go to a psychic medium or spiritualist to get good results from Howlite. You just need to know how to work with it.
Howlite can help you to create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lifestyle. It will help you to find answers to questions that you may not even realize you have.
You can use Howlite to help you to:
- Release past hurts and traumas
- Heal emotional wounds
- Clear out negativity
- Bring about inner peace
- Create a healthy mind and body
- Find solutions to problems
- Get rid of bad habits
- Improve relationships
- Feel calmer and less anxious
- Be more confident
- Gain clarity and direction
- Let go of limiting beliefs
- Have more patience
- Overcome addictions
- Discover hidden talents
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
How Does Howlite Work?

Howlite works by balancing your emotions so that you can move forward in life. It does this by clearing out negative energy from your aura and replacing it with positive energy.
When you use Howlite, you will notice that there will be a shift in your mood. Your emotions will calm down and you will feel lighter and happier.
This is because Howlite is helping you to let go of the past and embrace what’s ahead.
When you use Howlite, your thoughts and feelings will begin to flow freely again. You will feel more energized and motivated.
Your intuition will improve and you’ll be able to see where you want to take your life.
Howlite will also help you to make changes in your life. For example, if you’re feeling stressed and worried, Howlite will help you to relax and focus on something else.
If you’re struggling to cope with addiction, Howlite can help you to stop using drugs and alcohol.
Howlite is one of the best stones for getting over grief and loss. It can help you to accept that someone has left your life and move on.
Howlite helps people who are looking for guidance and inspiration. It can help you discover your purpose in life and give you the confidence to follow your dreams.
If you’re feeling stuck and unable to move forwards in life, Howlite can help to release old patterns and bring you back into balance.
Howlite can also be used as a protective charm. It can protect you against negative influences such as telepathy, possession, and witchcraft.
Meditating With Howlite
There are many different ways that you can meditate with Howlite. The most popular way is to place Howlite under your pillow at night. You should do this before going to sleep.
As soon as you fall asleep, Howlite will start cleansing your aura. Once your aura has been cleansed, you will enter a deep state of relaxation.
As you drift off to sleep, you will experience visions and insights that come through to you during your meditation.
These visions and insights will guide you toward making decisions that will benefit your future.
Another method of meditating with Howlite is to hold it in your hands while sitting in front of a mirror. You can also sit in front of a window or look up at the sky.
As you stare intently at the stars, you will have visions and insights that will help you to make important choices in your life.
You can also try holding Howlite in your hands when you’re walking around town. When you walk around, you will receive messages about the things that need changing in your life.
You can also carry Howlite with you everywhere you go. Whenever you feel like you need some extra support, just reach inside your pocket and pull out Howlite.
Howlite Protection Charm
This is a very powerful protection charm. It can be worn either on your body or carried in your pocket.
It can be used to protect you against psychic attacks, possession, and witchcraft. It can also be used to protect yourself from telepathic influence.
Howlite Affirmations
Here are some affirmations that you could say to Howlite:
- I am calm and relaxed. I am free from stress and anxiety.
- My mind is clear and my energy flows freely.
- I am open to new ideas and possibilities.
- I am ready to take action and live my dreams.
- I am confident and positive.
- I am happy and joyful.
- I love myself and others.
- I trust my intuition.
- I am strong and courageous.
- I am healthy and fit.
- I am protected by the power of Howlite.
- I am safe and secure.
- I am blessed and lucky.
- I am guided by the wisdom of Howlite.
How To Use Affirmations
Affirmations work because they create a pattern of thoughts within your brain. This pattern of thought becomes your subconscious belief system. Your subconscious believes everything that you tell it.
When you repeat an affirmation often enough, your subconscious starts to believe it.
Eventually, your subconscious will become so convinced of what you’ve said, that it will begin to act according to those beliefs.
For example, if you repeatedly tell your subconscious that you’re not afraid of spiders, then eventually your subconscious will stop being scared of them.
If you want to use affirmations effectively, you must first decide what you want.
Then, you must write down the affirmation that you would like to see happen in your life. Finally, you must repeat the affirmation every day until it begins to affect your reality.
Final Thoughts
The best way to get started using Howlite is to buy one for yourself.
If you don’t already own one, you’ll soon find that Howlite has many uses beyond its ability to bring you good luck. Use it to calm your senses and help you to sleep well.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical