How To Manifest On A Pink Moon

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Working with the powerful energy of the moon can help us align with our inner feminine power, and is a great way to delve deeper into the mysteries of manifestation and rituals in your everyday life.

How To Manifest On A Pink Moon

What Are Moon Rituals?

Moon rituals are a type of ritual that is used to connect with the moon and its energy.

The moon has been associated with many things throughout history, including fertility, love, spirituality, healing, and more. 

In modern times, people have begun to associate the moon with different aspects of their lives as well.

For example, some people believe that the moon affects their moods, while others think that the moon influences when they sleep. Some even believe that the moon can affect what they eat! 

Whether or not you agree with any of these beliefs, there’s no denying that the moon plays an important role in our everyday lives.

There are many different types of moon rituals and they vary from person to person. Some people like to do them alone while others prefer doing them together or even having friends join in.

Some people don’t care for any type of ritual at all. The most important thing is that you find something that works for you so that you can get the most out of your experience!

Whilst there are eight phases of the moon, the two most commonly associated with rituals are the full moon and the new moon.

These two phases are considered to be the most powerful because they represent the beginning and end of each lunar cycle.

This means that they are perfect to focus on during certain parts of your life.

The Full Moon

During the full moon phase, the moon is closest to Earth and therefore appears larger than usual. This makes it easier to notice changes happening around you.

Because the full moon is the peak of the lunar cycle, it is said to bring out the hidden potential within us. The full moon is often used to start new projects or make big decisions.

During the full moon, we are usually feeling very emotional and energetic. We may feel restless, angry, sad, happy, excited, etc.

When the moon is full, it is believed that we should try to avoid anything that could upset us.

The New Moon

The new moon occurs when the moon is shadowed by the Earth, blocking it out from our eyes. This makes it appear smaller than normal.

However, it still packs quite a punch! The new moon symbolizes change and rebirth. During this time, we are usually feeling calm, relaxed, and peaceful.

As such, this is a good time to reflect on past events and decide what needs to happen next.

It is recommended that we avoid doing anything too strenuous during the new moon phase. Instead, we should try to relax and enjoy ourselves.

What Is The Importance Of A Pink Moon?

What Is The Importance Of A Pink Moon

Full moons occur at the end of the lunar cycles. Full moons and the days surrounding these times are a wonderful time to let go of anything that’s weighing you.

The Pink Moon falls in spring, so it also relates to themes of rebirth after the cold of winter.

“Pink” is the color of the first spring flowers. Use this moon to charge your magic tools outside while connecting with the natural world.

It’s also known as the Paschal Moon because Easter Sunday always falls on the Sunday after the Full Moon. As with full moons, Easter is often a time to think about new beginnings.

Rituals can help celebrate the Pink Moon. It’s also important to know the astrological sign in which the moon falls when you’re planning lunar rituals, as well as the day of the week.

How To Manifest On A Pink Moon

As a Pink Moon symbolizes renewal, new beginnings, and fresh energy, it is a great time to harness this energy to manifest for the rest of the coming year. 

To help you achieve your goals, here are some tips:

  1. Get clear on what you want to manifest. Make sure you have written down everything you want to create before you begin. If you need more motivation, consider using the power of intention to guide your actions.
  2. Set up an altar space where you will perform your ritual. You can use candles, crystals, incense, herbs, oils, and other items to aid your magical work.
  3. Find a time when you won’t be disturbed.
  4. Start by cleansing yourself physically and mentally.
  5. Perform your ritual outdoors if possible so that you can bathe in the presence of the moon. If this isn’t possible, it’s also a good idea to practice near a window or with a view of the moon if possible. 
  6. Focus on the positive aspects of your life.
  7. Visualize your goal. Imagine how it would look, feel, sound, smell, taste, and even touch. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goal.
  8. Take action. Follow through on all steps.
  9. Be patient. Your manifestation process takes time. Don’t give up until you see results.

Other Ways To Harness A Pink Moon

Manifesting a goal for the future isn’t the only thing you can do with a Pink Moon. Here are a few ideas that you could implement during this first full moon of the season to benefit from its potent energy.

You don’t need to have a full-on ritual or altar set up if that doesn’t serve you; just carving out some time for yourself to be mindful and set your intentions for the next season can be beneficial.


This is one of my favorite ways to connect with nature and get clarity for the upcoming months. I find that meditating under a tree or by a lake helps me focus better than anywhere else.

Go For A Walk In Nature

Sometimes we forget how beautiful our surroundings are. Taking a walk around your neighborhood in the moonlight can remind you of the beauty of Mother Earth.

Write Down What You Want

Writing down your desires can help you remember them easier. It can also make them seem less abstract.

Do Something That Makes You Happy

We tend to put ourselves last when we’re feeling stressed. But taking care of yourself is essential to staying happy. So take a moment to do something that makes you smile on the eve of the Pink Moon.

Charge Your Crystals

Crystals hold a lot of energy. They can be used to cleanse negative energies from your body. Some people like to wear their crystals at night while they sleep.

Others prefer to charge them throughout the day. Either way, the Pink Full moon is a great time to charge up your crystal’s energy by letting them soak up the moonlight either outdoors or on a windowsill. 

Do A Tarot Reading

Tarot readings are another great way to gain insight into your future. The cards can tell you about past events as well as predict what may happen next.

You can tailor your practice towards the intentions of the pink moon, focussing on ideas of rebirth and renewal. 

Final Thoughts

The Pink Moon is a powerful time to work on your goals and intentions. It’s important to note that there will be many more opportunities to harness the moon over the coming year.

Use this opportunity wisely, but there are also many other charged moons coming, so don’t be disheartened if you didn’t get around to doing much this year!

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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