Can you manifest something for someone else in your life? The answer is yes! You can certainly manifest things in the lives of others.

The key is that you have to be clear on what you want and why you want it, and for them to be in agreement that this is what they want.
Let’s take a step back before we get any further, and go back to what manifestation is all about.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. If you are clear about your intentions then you will be able to create them into reality.
I was just reading about how we attract people based on our energy.
They said that when you put out positive feelings and emotions towards another person, you attract that type of individual back into your life.
It’s all about feeling good and attracting goodness. This is so true and is also indicative of the connection of our own thoughts and feelings to those of others.
In other words, it makes total sense that our positive manifestations could be effective when focused outside of ourselves!
How Does This Relate To Manifesting For Someone Else?
The Law of Attraction works when you align your intentions and vibrational energy with your desire. And this also applies when you want to manifest for someone else.
If you want to manifest a new relationship for your friend, you need to be clear on why you want this. Is it because they make you happy?
Do you think they would make someone happier than anyone else? Or maybe you feel that they deserve happiness after putting up with you for so long?
Whatever the case may be, you need to decide why you want this.
If you want to manifest a better job for your partner, you need to be crystal clear on why you want it. Are you hoping that they will earn more money to help support you?
Or perhaps you hope that they will become happier at work? Maybe you want them to stop complaining about their boss?
Whatever the case may seem, you need to decide what exactly you want from this situation.
What About Money?
Can you manifest money for someone else? Yes, absolutely. As long as you are clear on what you want, you can manifest money for someone else.
However, there is one caveat here. You must be very careful to ensure that they too desire this strongly. Otherwise, they won’t experience any benefit.
If you want a bigger house for your family, you need to be sure that you are clear on what kind of home you want. Are you looking for something big and spacious?
Or would you prefer something smaller and cozy? Perhaps you want a home where everyone feels comfortable. These are some examples of questions that you should ask yourself.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
You Must Know What You Want

To manifest anything in life, you first need to get clear on what you want in the first place.
We often find ourselves going through life without even realizing what we truly want. Most of the time, we go through life doing things simply because we are supposed to do them.
This is why you often find yourself wondering why nothing ever seems to happen. Because you haven’t taken the time to figure out what you want.
The truth is that most people don’t know what they truly want. And this is why many people end up stuck in a cycle of never-ending struggle.
When you begin to take the time to figure out how you want to live your life, everything becomes much clearer. This is why you need to start by asking yourself these simple but important questions:
- What do I want?
- Why do I want it?
- How do I want to live my life?
- Can I have it now?
- Will I enjoy having it?
Now, all of this work that you do for yourself, translate it back to the person you are trying to manifest for. Have they taken the time to think about what they truly want?
Are they willing to put in the work, or make sacrifices in other areas of their life to make these things happen?
This leads us to the most important point…
You Can’t Change Someone’s Mindset
The Law of Attraction is all about getting back what you put out, but if the person you are trying to manifest good things for is plagued by a lack of self-belief and negative vibrations.
You sending out good intentions for them into the universe isn’t going to do much.
At the end of the day, they have to do the work themselves to figure out what they want in life.
You can encourage them, and help them to ask the right questions about where they see themselves.
And what they want to achieve (as we know, positive energy attracts positive energy!), but you can’t alter someone’s mindset or their own internalized desires and wants.
Have you ever been harassed or belittled into achieving a task? Be it something as simple as tidying your room? It never seems to work does it.
And if it does, you do so begrudgingly – even if it’s something that you know you’ll benefit from!
The same goes for trying to manifest for someone else. We as humans don’t tend to like being told what to do or how to think.
If you want to manifest for someone, you need to permit them to change their mindset on their own terms.
It doesn’t matter how old they are, or how far along in life they are, you still need to give them the opportunity to grow and embrace a new way of thinking about themselves, and this can take a long time.
Final Thoughts
It can be tricky to navigate manifesting good things for someone. They may not believe that they deserve it or that they can achieve it.
You cannot change this about someone by force of will. What you can do is lead by example.
You may not have the power to change their thoughts, but you as an individual do have the power to decide to believe in them.
And show them what’s possible through the power of manifestation, affirmation, and good old fashioned hard work.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical