How To Light Incense

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

The practice of burning incense dates back thousands of years. In ancient China, the Chinese burned incense during religious ceremonies. Today, incense has become a part of our daily lives.

How To Light Incense

There are two main types of incense: dry and liquid. Dry incense burns slowly, producing a pleasant aroma. Liquid incense burns faster, creating a stronger scent.

In this article, we are going to give you step-by-step instructions on how to light incense and what incense is used for!

How To Light Your Incense

The first thing that you need to do before lighting your incense is to make sure that it’s not too hot or cold.

If it’s too warm then it will burn quickly and produce a lot of smoke. If it’s too cool, then it won’t burn properly and may even be dangerous.

If you’re using a stick of incense, then just place it in an open flame until it starts to glow red. This means that it’s ready to use.

If you’re using a bowl of incense, then put some water into it. Once the water boils, remove it from the heat source and let the incense sit in the boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, take the incense out of the water and allow it to cool down completely.

Tips For Burning Incense Safely

There are several ways that you can safely burn incense. You can either use a lighter or a matchbox, but there are also safer alternatives. Here are some tips for burning incense safely.

Use A Lighter Or Matchbox

This method requires no special equipment. All you need is a lighter or matchbox.

To use this method, simply light up the incense and hold it over the lighter or matchbox. Wait until the flames go out and then blow away the ashes.

Using An Incense Diffuser

This option is to use an incense diffuser. This method does require a bit of extra equipment. However, it’s easy to use and will keep your house smelling good all night long.

To use an incense diffusing system, just place the incense inside and plug it in. The device will automatically disperse the smoke throughout the room.

Using An Incense Holder

If you want to avoid having to purchase an expensive incense diffuser, you can use an incense holder instead. This method is simple and affordable.

To use an inexpensive incense holder, just fill it with incense and place it near a window. 

Incense has become a popular tool among those who practice meditation. In fact, many people find that incense helps them get into a state of relaxation.

If you’re looking for a way to relax, you might consider using incense to help you unwind.

Incense is very versatile. It can be used to cleanse spaces, purify bodies, and even help you relax.

How To Burn Incense Sticks Properly

When you buy incense sticks, they usually come in packages of 10 sticks. Each stick contains a certain amount of herbs.

When you burn these sticks, the herbs release their essential oils into the air. These oils have different effects depending on which herb you choose.

Here are some of the most common types of incense:

Herbal Incenses

These incenses contain only natural ingredients such as lavender, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, and other herbs.

Herbal incenses are great because they smell wonderful without any chemical additives. They don’t leave behind harmful fumes as synthetic scents do.

Sandalwood Incense

Sandalwood incense is made by soaking sandalwood chips in alcohol. The alcohol evaporates leaving behind the aromatic oil. Sandalwood incense smells amazing and is perfect for cleansing rooms.

Cedar Incense

Cedar incense is made by heating cedar wood chips. Cedar incense is often used during rituals. It’s typically associated with protection, healing, and love.

Wood Incense

Wood incense is made by burning dried leaves and twigs. This type of incense releases a lot of smoke, so it should be burned outdoors. Wood incense is especially good at clearing negative energy from a space.

Myrrh Incense

Myrrh incense is made by mixing myrrh resin with beeswax. Myrrh is known for its ability to heal wounds and promote restful sleep.

What Is Incense Used For?

What Is Incense Used For

Incense can be used as an offering to the gods, as a way to purify yourself spiritually, and as a way to relax after a long day.

It’s important to note that incense isn’t always associated with spirituality. It can also be used to cleanse homes, offices, or other places where people spend their time.

Here are some examples of things that you can use incense for:


You can use incense to cleanse your home, office, car, or any other space that needs cleansing. Just add some incense to a candleholder or diffuser and leave it overnight. 

We use it in our house to clear it of negative energies. We ask for blessings to clear the space and walk around the house allowing the smoke to drift into the corners of the room where negative energy tends to accumulate.


You can use incense to purify your body and mind. There are many kinds of incense that you can buy at local stores.

Some of these include frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli, and myrrh. These incenses have been known to help relieve stress, calm anxiety, and promote spiritual growth.


When you feel stressed out, you can use incense to relax. It works like magic. Simply inhale its fragrance, and you’ll instantly feel relaxed.

Spiritual Growth

You can use incense to grow spiritually. Many religions believe that incense helps them connect more closely with the divine.

Offering to Gods

You can use incense to offer prayers to the gods. It’s believed that when you burn incense, you release positive energy into the air. This energy can then be directed toward the gods.


You can use incense to meditate. As soon as you start thinking about something else, all of your senses shut off.

When you focus on one thing, such as the smell of incense, everything around you becomes less distracting.


Incense has been used throughout history to create sacred spaces. It’s still being used today to create special moments in our lives.

If you’re looking for ways to make your life better, try using incense. You might find that it makes your life even more beautiful!

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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