If you’ve been feeling off lately, and not quite yourself, your chakras may be out of balance.

You’re probably aware that crystals can be a big help when it comes to aligning your chakras, but where do you begin? Read on for our guide to getting balance back into your life!
How To Align Chakras With Crystals
The first step is to determine what’s going on in your life right now. Is there something bothering you or upsetting you?
Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you feel like you’re losing focus at work? Whatever it is, figure out if it has anything to do with your chakras.
The next thing you need to do is find some crystals that will help you get back into balance. There are many different types of crystals available, so don’t worry too much about which ones you choose.
It’s best to pick up a few different kinds because they all have their own unique properties and some will work better with certain chakras than others. For example, amethyst helps bring peace, while citrine brings energy.
Once you have chosen your crystal(s), place one on each of your chakras. Each time you use your crystal, think about what you want to change about your situation.
Think about what you would like to see happen, and then visualize this happening. Visualize yourself being happy again, feeling better, and enjoying life once more.
Once you have used your crystal, wait until the next day before using it again. This way, you won’t accidentally create any unwanted side effects.
After doing this three times, you should notice a difference. Your chakras will start to align themselves properly, and you’ll start feeling happier and healthier once more.
Let’s go into more detail about each chakra and what crystals can help open them and shift negative energy that may be stored within your body.
Root Chakra
The root chakra is located near the base of the spine, between the anus and genitals. As its name suggests, this chakra deals with the foundation of your entire existence.
When your root chakra is balanced, you can ground yourself, and stay grounded throughout your daily activities.
Without proper grounding, you could easily become overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, along with physical manifestations of lower back pain and constipation.
Aligning your root chakra with black tourmaline or smokey quartz will help you achieve inner strength, stability, and self-confidence.
Black tourmaline also helps you connect with your ancestors, as well as the earth itself. Smokey quartz helps you release anger, frustration, and resentment from past experiences.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Sacral Chakra
Located just below the navel, the sacral chakra is responsible for creativity, sexuality, and physical pleasure. When this chakra is unbalanced, you might experience problems with intimacy, as well as sexual dysfunction or an eating disorder, and intestinal discomfort.
To restore balance to your sacral chakra, try placing a red jasper stone, orange calcite, or carnelian on it.
Orange calcite helps to increase your ability to express yourself through art and music, and carnelian stimulates the mind. Red jasper is known to stimulate the senses and improve sexual desire.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Situated in the center of your chest, by your diaphragm, the solar plexus chakra regulates your emotions and gives you the ability to control your thoughts.
When this chakra isn’t working correctly, you may struggle with anger issues, depression, anxiety, and lack of confidence.
A yellow sapphire stone placed under your solar plexus chakra will help you overcome emotional obstacles.
Yellow sapphires are said to help you feel calm, peaceful, and confident. They also help you gain clarity when making decisions.
Heart Chakra
Located at the center of your chest over your heart, the heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is the center of your being and the center of all of your other chakras.
When this chakra gets out of whack, you may suffer from low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, and feelings of loneliness as well as apathy.
Try placing pink rose quartz beneath your heart chakra to help heal old wounds, and bring new love into your life.
Rose quartz is known to attract positive people towards you, and give you the courage to pursue your dreams.
Throat Chakra
Located in the middle of your throat, the throat chakra is responsible for communication skills, expression, and personal power.
If your throat chakra is not functioning properly, you may have trouble expressing yourself, speaking up for yourself, and feeling empowered.
Placing a blue lapis lazuli stone underneath your throat chakra can help you find ways to communicate more effectively.
Blue lapis helps you speak your truth, and allows you to be heard. Turquoise and blue lace agate are also good choices to place under your throat chakra.
Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is located between your eyebrows, about two inches above your pupil. The third eye chakra is related to intuition, psychic abilities, and insight.
When this chakra becomes blocked, you may struggle with insomnia, lack of focus, and forgetfulness.
Dark blue crystals such as azurite, malachite, or smoky quartz are great stones to place under your third eye. These crystals help you see beyond the surface of things, and connect with your inner wisdom.
Crown Chakra
Located at the top of your head, the crown chakra is connected to the divine, spirituality, and enlightenment. When this chakra is open, you can receive guidance from spirits, and live an abundant life.
To activate your crown chakra, try placing white coral, amethyst, or clear quartz around it. White coral brings spiritual awareness and connects you to the higher realms.
Amethyst is said to help you achieve deep states of relaxation while clearing away negative energy. Clear quartz helps you stay grounded, and remain centered.
How Do I Use Chakra Healing Stones?
Once you have chosen what stones you want to use to clear your chakras, and have determined which of your chakras may be blocked.
You’ll want to know how you can use them to re-tune your sacral energies and rebalance your chakras.
Here are a few ideas of how you can use the stones in your everyday life:
- Place one crystal on each of your seven chakras. You can do this by placing the stone directly on your body where its corresponding chakra is located. Or you can put the stone on a piece of paper, then place that paper on your body.
- Choose one stone to wear every day. Wear the stone during meditation, or when you feel stressed.
- Keep a bowl of healing water near your bedside table. Fill the bowl with water, add a drop of essential oil, and soak your healing crystals in the water. Then, before going to sleep, take a bath pouring in the charged mixture.
- Carry a pouch with your crystals in it with you at all times. Whenever you need to release stress or calm down, simply hold the pouch close to your heart or your affected chakras.
Final Thoughts
Many different types of crystals and stones can be used for chakra healing. It’s important to choose ones that resonate with you, and that you believe will help you heal.
Your mind is a powerful tool and your body holds onto things we wouldn’t think possible such as heartaches and traumas, and this can easily come to the surface manifested in physical ailments.
Pay attention to what your body is telling you, and you will be on the way to better physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical