Have you ever wondered if the law of attraction works? What is it, and how can you manifest money into your life through using it?

Read on for the low-down on the Law Of Attraction, and how you can implement it in your life to manifest wealth.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. This means whatever we are thinking about will draw more of those things to us.
So, if you’re focusing on negative thoughts such as “I don’t have any friends” or “My boyfriend doesn’t love me,” then you will attract more reasons why this is true into your life.
If you focus on positive thoughts such as “my boyfriend loves me very much” or “I am making many new friends,” then you’ll start attracting more friendships into your life.
The same principles can be applied to your finances. Now, without taking action, your goals remain just that — mere wishes.
But the law of attraction and the practice of manifestation can help set the foundation on which your actions build a future.
So, let’s take a look at how you can use the law of attraction to build your fortune.
Manifesting Money With The Law Of Attraction
Money is one area where most people struggle with manifestation. They spend months saving up their pennies only to realize that they still owe someone else.
They keep trying to pay off debt only to end up further in the hole. They try to save up for big purchases only to run out of money before they reach their goal.
Manifestation is different from some of these examples. While you can certainly learn to manage your money better, you can’t control how fast it comes to you. That’s where manifestation steps in.
Think about what you would say yes to today if you knew it was going to lead to greater abundance and happiness tomorrow.
What changes do you need to make to align your current lifestyle with your dream lifestyle? Do you need to sell your home, move closer to family, change careers, or make other adjustments?
Take some time now to write down everything you would say yes to if it meant having more money in your life.
What Is Money To You?
Remember – money is just a medium of exchange for goods and services. When manifesting, we don’t want money, we want the things and experiences that money can provide!
We want financial security, the opportunity to go on adventures, experience amazing food, or drive an amazing car!
As we mentioned before, like attracts like. Are you thinking about all of the things you want to do, or are you thinking of paying off your credit card bills and thinking about your debts?
This creates a negative feeling toward money, constantly thinking about what we don’t have and the things that we can’t do.
Instead of thinking about the things we can’t get yet and how far we have to go before paying off the mortgage or clearing debts, think clearly about what you do want to attract wealth into your life.
When you feel stuck in any area of your life, and when you find yourself struggling to create the results you desire, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional.
A coach or therapist can offer guidance, insight, and encouragement as you explore new ways to approach old problems.
By finding a mentor who has been through similar challenges, you can gain valuable perspective and advice.
Write down exactly what it is that you want – not cash itself, but the things you want to do if you had it. The first step to attracting what you want is to be crystal clear in your intentions.
You want the house – not the money to buy the house. You want the relationship – not the actual person. You want the job – not the money to live on.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
The Law Of Attraction: How Does It Work?

We’ve already discussed using affirmations to improve our lives. Affirmations are also great tools for improving our finances.
For example, if you believe that you’re always late, then chances are you will be late. If you believe that you’ll arrive at work early every day, you’re much more likely to wake up and leave the house on time.
You might ask yourself why this happens. Why does bad stuff happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? Why am I not living the kind of life I deserve?
Why should my dreams come true? Why doesn’t the universe give me what I want? These questions stem from the belief that there must be something wrong with us.
But the truth is that we are perfect, whole, complete, and deserving of whatever we want.
If you’re ready to take control of your future, you need to understand where you currently stand financially. Start by taking action and getting a detailed snapshot of your current situation.
Then draw up a plan for achieving your goals. Finally, set firm dates for reaching each objective along the way. Your journey to wealth begins today!
By understanding your current situation, you can make small changes and goals for your future to achieve the things in life that you want.
To manifest anything in life, you need to identify what it is that you truly want. Once you know what it is that you want, you can start working on making it happen.
You Deserve Wealth And Financial Happiness
Remember that thoughts become things. So think positively and let the abundance flow to you naturally.
Focus on the positive aspects of your experience instead of focusing on what you don’t like about your experience.
This simple technique works because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the two.
It receives both signals simultaneously and creates an image of both the negative and positive experiences.
Do you ever find yourself with a bit of money, but as it’s not quite enough to achieve your goals, you find yourself wasting it on small insignificant things rather than saving it?
We passively think that we are undeserving of the things we want and self sabotage our journey.
‘Well, I’m not going to make enough to have the car I want, so I might as well enjoy that fancy meal out as there’s no point in saving.’ Sound familiar?
When you feel that you are worthy of a high paying job, the respect you deserve at work will come to you – you will passively work harder to prove yourself, or you will come to the conclusion that you are not being paid what you deserve and you will have the conviction to ask for a raise, move on, or start your own business.
It will be easier to save because you believe that more money will come your way and you will be able to pay off your debts easily and live the life you want.
Final Thoughts
The Law of Attraction states that if you focus on having money, you will attract more money into your life.
If you focus on not having money, you will not only stop attracting more money, but you will also lose any money that you already have.
If you are looking to create financial freedom, then you must first get clear on what it is that you want. You must decide exactly how much you want to earn per year, per month, per week, per day, etc.
Once you have decided on this amount, you must then determine how much time you are willing to spend working to achieve this goal.
Finally, you must commit to acting upon this decision. The Law of Attraction does not guarantee results, but it does promise that whatever you put your attention on will grow.
If you do not act, then nothing happens. If you do not take action, then you will never realize your dreams.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical