How Can I Practice Manifestation Every Single Day?

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Manifestation is the ability to create something out of nothing. This is done through positive thinking and visualization. The goal is to get clear on what you want and then visualize it happening.

How can I practice manifestation every single day?

You can manifest anything you desire. If you want something bad enough, you can manifest it into reality.

To do this, you’ll need to focus on your thoughts and feelings. Let’s take a look at some tips for how to manifest everything you desire.

Be Positive, Visualize Success

You already know that your life is made up of the people you surround yourself with. They have an impact on your mood and energy levels. We’re going to help you harness this power by focusing on being happy.

When you’re feeling down, you are much less likely to be able to think in ways that will help you achieve your goals.

By staying focused on positivity, you build confidence and self-esteem that will lead you towards achieving success.

Think About What You Want

It’s important to make sure that you’re thinking about what you want before you start visualizing it.

Otherwise, you could end up with images or sounds in your head instead of actual visions. Make sure that you write down exactly what you want.

Don’t worry if it seems too simple or not specific enough. Just keep working on it until you feel satisfied with the results.

Feel Your Desires

Once you’ve got a clear idea of what you want, it’s time to start feeling those desires. Start by imagining yourself as having them. See yourself smiling, laughing, enjoying whatever it is that you want.

Get into the details of how you’d enjoy it. Imagine yourself doing all sorts of things that would make you feel good.

Use All 5 Senses

As you imagine yourself experiencing these things, use all five senses. Listen to the surrounding sounds, smell the scents, taste the flavors, touch the textures, and see the sights.

Create A Vision Board

Creating a vision board is another great way to start practicing manifestation. A vision board is like a collection of pictures and words that represent what you want in your life.

Everything from postcards to photographs works well here. You can even use drawings, quotes, mottos, etc. to add meaning and inspiration to your vision board.

Put your vision board where you will see it often so that you’ll be inspired to draw more toward your dreams.

Set Goals

Now that you’ve started to visualize what you want, set some goals. These should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely).

For example: “I’m going to lose 10 pounds” isn’t very SMART because there’s no timeline, measurements, or specifics. On the other hand, “I am going to lose 10 pounds within 90 days” is very SMART.

Permit Yourself To Succeed

Finally, don’t beat yourself up when you inevitably fail. That won’t help you succeed any faster. Instead, learn from your mistakes and try again.

The only person who can stop you from succeeding is you! So go ahead and permit yourself to succeed.

Keep Practicing

If you want to master manifesting, you need to practice it over and over again. This means making small changes to your daily routine and trying out new strategies for achieving your goals.

Stay Focused And Patient

Manifestation takes time. You may get frustrated along the way, but just remember to stay focused and patient. Eventually, your goal will begin to take shape.

Celebrate Small Victories

Every little victory deserves celebration. Find something nice to say to yourself after each one.\

Different Ways To Manifest



An affirmation is a positive statement that reminds you of what you desire. Repeating affirmations regularly helps you to connect your thoughts to your desired reality.

Some people believe that affirmations are “positive self-talk”. However, this type of thinking makes us think that we have complete control over our lives.

While affirmations do train our brains to associate positive thoughts with positive outcomes, they also create an internal dialogue that says, “You deserve this”, or “It’s okay if nothing happens right away”.

We’re not saying that affirmations aren’t useful, but rather that they shouldn’t be used as the primary tool for manifesting.


Visualizing what you want can seem counterintuitive at first. After all, how can seeing something make it happen?

But visualization has been proven to increase brain activity in the areas associated with creativity. Additionally, researchers have found that simply imagining experiences increase our odds of having them.

Imagination does not mean wishful thinking; it means creating images of ourselves enjoying different scenarios.


A mantra is a short phrase that represents a higher truth. When you repeat mantras regularly, it allows your subconscious mind to comprehend those truths.

Over time, your subconscious mind connects these phrases with real-life events, bringing about greater levels of success and happiness.

Gratitude Journals

Writing down three things you are grateful for each morning creates a pattern of thought that promotes feelings of abundance, inspiration, and optimism. It’s easy to feel stuck in unhappy circumstances.

By consciously choosing to focus on blessings and inspirations instead, you’ll raise your spirits and attract more opportunities to you.

Dream Boards

Creating a board where you pin photos, post quotes, and write down dreams is another great way to visualize and plan for tomorrow.

Make sure to update your dream board regularly so that you don’t forget what you originally wanted to achieve.


Keeping track of your daily activities, both successes, and failures, can help you identify patterns and predict future results.

Also, writing down your goals can inspire you to work harder towards achieving them.


Research shows that meditation changes the structure of your brain. In particular, meditation raises gray matter (neurons) in parts of the brain that allow you to concentrate and pay attention.

This is why many experts suggest combining meditation with affirmations to get the best results.

What Is Manifesting?

How can I practice manifestation every single day

Manifestation is the process by which you bring into existence whatever state of being or thing you desire.

You may ask yourself, “Why am I here on Earth? What should my mission be? How can I live a happy, healthy life?”

These are just some examples of questions related to manifestation. The good news is that manifestation is very simple and straightforward. You need only learn four basic steps:

Know Yourself

Understand who you are. If you know your true nature, then you will understand everything else.


Have faith that you already possess all the qualities necessary to fulfill your desires.


Ask the universe to assist you in making things happen.


Allow the desired outcome to come into reality.

The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is one of life’s greatest mysteries. Simply put, this law states that ‘like attracts like’ and through this we create our realities.

Whatever you think about, speak about, read about, hear about, see about, imagine about, remember about, and believe about; you will draw to you more of that same energy.

For example, if you constantly think about failure, complain about your problems, talk about how much money you do not have, speak about your lack of attractiveness, think negatively about your health, worry about getting older, etc., you will find yourself fatter, sicker, poorer, less attractive, and generally feeling worse about yourself and the world.

On the other hand, if you think positively, speak optimistically, read encouragingly, discuss your victories, recall past times when you felt happy and successful, think and speak about your physical appearance, smile as you walk through the world, and spend time thinking about your accomplishments and the positive aspects of your life, you will attract more of those same thoughts and feelings into your mind.

Final Thoughts

Manifesting every day requires consistency. It takes consistent effort over an extended period to change old habits and develop new ones.

However, once you master the art of manifesting, it becomes an easy habit to maintain.

Remember, manifestation is simply the result of thought and energy. As long as you continue to think positive thoughts, you will always experience positive outcomes.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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