A variety of Calcite, Green Calcite aligns with the Heart Chakra. It can usually be found in Brazil, Mexico, Australia, and Canada.

The green hue of this stone comes from the mineral chlorite that got trapped during the crystallization process of the stone.
In fact, the word chlorite comes from the Greek word “chrolos” which literally translates to “green”.
This stone has lots of healing properties, both physical and spiritual, and in this article, we are going to go over how these properties can help you and your wellbeing.
Transforming Your Space Into A Positive One
Green Calcite is a great crystal to have when you want to transform the energy within your home.
It removes stagnant energy and replaces it with flowing, calming energy. This crystal encourages you to stay productive and motivated.
Keeping Green Calcite in your home or workspace wards off the desire to procrastinate, making you more productive, which means any tasks you need finished will always get done.
If you want an amplifier of prosperity, this stone is perfect to set up around your home.
Cleansing Your Physical Body
If you’re looking for physical health benefits, Green Calcite is great for improving and regulating blood pressure. If you are a very physically active person, it is a wonderful stone to have.
Along with strengthening the joints and bones, it also helps with a wide range of physical ailments, such as inflammation, joint pains, and burns.
In some cases, Green Calcite also helps in relieving the pains of arthritis. It is heavily connected to the heart, lungs, and eyes in terms of physical healing.
So if you’re ever having any issues with these body parts, Green Calcite works wonders in aiding them.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
All In The Mind
Along with the physical benefits and positive transformations within your space, Green Calcite also works wonders for the mind.
Green Calcite helps to break old patterns and habits. It amplifies your ability to create newer and fresher habits, accelerating the healing process of the negative patterns in your life.
By carrying this stone with you, you’ll begin to let go of anything that’s not serving you or your heart, allowing stress to dissipate from your energy field.
One of Green Calcite’s main uses is for healing stress. If you’re ever feeling wound up and need help calming your mind, this stone is perfect for reducing those tensions.
If you have been struggling with laziness or lethargic tendencies, this stone will remove them from your energy field, allowing you a healthier, proactive one instead.
Matters Of The Heart

Having this stone on your person for a longer period of time will help you with many matters of the heart.
As it is a Heart Chakra stone, it’s a great stone that helps with different aspects of your relationships.
Sometimes it’s really hard to move on from a broken-down relationship, but if you meditate daily with this stone, it accelerates your ability to process and move on from it.
Green Calcite brings to light emotions you have buried deep down, making you address this negativity and issues in your life.
It helps you to release any feelings of anger, hate, and resentment, which allows you to deal with your relationships and feelings of the heart with a positive mindset.
Along with external relationships, it will also help you with your relationship with yourself. Sometimes we forget just how strong and wonderful we are, we lose ourselves in our doubts and fears.
Green Calcite reminds us and shows us how to love ourselves again. This stone helps us regain our self-belief and teaches us to love ourselves again, which is something we all need to be reminded of from time to time!
Times Of Change
Change can always be daunting. Getting out of our comfort zones can seem intimidating and hard. Amongst its many other benefits, Green Calcite aids in change, transition, and transformation.
This stone helps you to relax and gain clarity from the changing energy and makes the transition from old to new much easier to accept.
This stone is an overall amplifier of relaxation, so it will always work with you to soothe and calm all turbulent energy you are facing.
Green Calcite helps teens as they are going through puberty, which is another form of ‘big change’.
Keeping this stone in their room or in the house really aids in their development and transition from child to adult.
Tips And Tricks
There are a lot of different techniques you can use to amplify your experience with Green Calcite.
If you are looking to attract more wealth and abundance into your life, you can keep a piece of this stone in your wallet or purse.
If you are struggling to sleep, or you’re having bad dreams, keep a piece under your pillow and watch how your sleep cycle begins to neutralize and become more peaceful.
If you keep Green Calcite in your garden, it will encourage your plants to grow strong. Many green stones are great amplifiers of earthly energy and nature, so they will also help with the growth of crops.
It is heavily advised to meditate with Green Calcite out in nature to fully experience the benefits of its earthly properties.
If you want to help your children’s growth and wellbeing, Green Calcite is a good stone to keep in their bedroom.
All in all, Green Calcite is a fantastic stone to have in your collection. From alleviating pains to manifesting productivity, this stone helps in a lot of different areas. It is very diverse in the ways it can help you.
Green Calcite radiates calmness and relaxation, so if you’re going through a big change or a stressful time, this stone is a powerful tool to help you throughout that process.
If you’re struggling to see outside your habits and usual perspectives, Green Calcite will teach you how to create new and positive ones.
This stone will help you see your self-worth, and inspire you to commit to change.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical