Feminization Affirmation

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

As a woman, I know that if you identify as a woman, you want to feel pretty and feminine.

Feminization Affirmation

Whether you were born a woman, or are transitioning, or have transitioned, there’s that desire to be everything that is woman.

We don’t always feel feminine. We might wake up with a bad hair day, or be unhappy with our body shape. 

But with the right affirmations, we can be the female superheros we were meant to be!

In this article, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite affirmations for feeling truly feminine.

And as a bonus, I’m also going to share with you which crystals work best with feminization affirmations. Here goes!

Affirmation One: I Embrace Being A Woman.

Being or identifying as a woman is a truly wonderful thing. You can take on so many roles in life, and do so in style.

Being a woman means you can be a mother, even if you are not a birth mother, or you can get to be a daughter or a sister.

And it means you have a greater range of expression in terms of how you wish to be seen.

You can wear anything from frilly dresses and skirts and dainty floral blouses all the way through to striking, glamorous evening wear and women’s power suits.

You can basically be anyone you want to be whenever you want. And in today’s day and age, as well as being a homemaker, you can have a career, too.

Being a woman is a joy and a privilege. Enjoy every minute of it!

Affirmation Two: I Am Grateful To Be Living In This Feminine Body

If you happen to be lucky enough to be rocking a stunning female body, that’s amazing!

And if like many women there are parts of your body that you’re not 100% happy with, this does not go to say that you are not feminine.

Think about your most feminine features. Maybe it’s your eyes, or your flowing locks, or maybe you have great legs. You don’t have to be perfect to be feminine. None of us are perfect.

But an empowered woman is one who is body positive. So long as you are healthy, it really doesn’t matter if you have put on a few pounds since high school, or if you don’t have a perfect hourglass figure.

You are beautifully feminine. Trust it, feel it, live it.

Affirmation Three: I Am Sexy

Women are the sexiest creatures on God’s earth. And if you use this affirmation and believe it every single time you say it to yourself. Y

ou will ooze sex appeal and attract the attention and desire of those who are blessed to be in your presence. You lucky gal!

Affirmation Five: I Am A Beautiful Soul, And I Embrace My Feminine Qualities

Being feminine is not just about appearance and looks. Being feminine also means possessing all those wonderful feminine energies that make this world such a great place to be.

Feminine qualities include such things as empathy, nurturing, compassion, kindness. All the qualities we need to heal the world from suffering.

Being feminine deep down inside means having a beautiful soul. A soul that strives to understand, to nurture, to forgive, and ultimately, to heal.

Affirmation Six: I Love Myself

Affirmation Six I Love Myself

This is another very important aspect of being feminine. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you should hate yourself because you aren’t perfect.

But what if you loved yourself? What if you were kinder to yourself than you would ever be to someone else? Would you still think that you needed to change something about yourself?

The answer is no. Because loving yourself means accepting everything about you, flaws and all. Loving yourself means knowing that you are worthy, valuable, lovable and deserving of happiness.

Affirmation Seven: I Am A Powerful Woman

A lot of people struggle with their self-esteem and confidence levels. They often feel weak and powerless. This makes them vulnerable to negative influences.

If you are feeling low in energy, then it might be helpful to take some time out for yourself.

Go somewhere quiet, sit quietly and meditate. Feel how good you are, how strong you are. Feel the power within you.

It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are struggling. Just remember that you are worthy of love and support. We all deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

Affirmation Eight: I Am A Goddess

I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out. When you look at the stars, do they look like little dots to you? Or do they seem more like tiny points of light?

Well, the same thing goes for our bodies. Our bodies are made up of billions of cells. Each cell has its own personality. Some cells are stronger than others. Some cells are weaker than others.

And yet, somehow, these cells work together to create a whole living organism. The body is an amazing creation. So why can’t we see ourselves the way we see the universe? Why don’t we see ourselves as divine beings?

We have so much potential. We are capable of so many incredible things. We could be anything we want to be. We could be the best version of ourselves. We could be the most powerful women on Earth.

We are goddesses!

Which Crystals To Use For Feminization Affirmations

Here are some of the most popular feminine crystals:


Moonstone is a feminine crystal. It helps bring balance between masculine and feminine energies.

Moonstone is said to increase intuition and psychic abilities. It is used to boost creativity and artistic expression.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. Rose quartz is known to promote feelings of acceptance and compassion.

Wrap Up

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and are inspired to use some of the affirmations I have suggested. Being and feeling feminine really is something to celebrate – enjoy! 

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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