Dumortierite Meaning

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

Many people rely on the properties of crystals for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Crystals are natural substances that have been used for thousands of years to improve health and well-being.

Dumortierite Meaning

It can be used in many ways to help you heal your body, mind, and spirit. People believe that each type of crystal has different uses. 

Dumortierite is no different. Dumortierite is a mineral with unique properties that makes it one of the most powerful crystals.

It’s also known as a healing stone because of its ability to bring balance between the body, mind, and soul. Despite this, it is a rather underrepresented crystal, though we hope to change that. 

In this article, we will cover the meaning of dumortierite and how it can be utilized to feel the full effects of its power. 

Dumortierite, What is it?

Dumortierite is a mineral composed primarily of aluminum silicate. The name “dumortierite” was coined as an acknowledgment of the man who discovered the mineral, namely Eugène Dumortier.

This French paleontologist found the crystal in the Rhône region of France in 1881. Nowadays, it can be located across the globe, such as in Italy, Sri Lanka, and Austria.

The mineral can be obtained in an array of different colors. Some common colors include yellowish green, blue, red, pink, brown, and purple.

However, some colors are rarer than others. For example, violet shades are considered rare while blue is fairly common. 

The color of the dumortierite crystal does not necessarily indicate its use or purpose. In fact, there is no specific relationship between the color and the energy of the crystal.

On the other hand, some people simply prefer to use certain colors.

What Does Dumortierite Mean?

When it comes to dumortierite, it means something very special. As mentioned above, it’s a healing stone. But beyond that, it’s used to activate psychic abilities.

Many people utilize blue stones for this effect, such as lapis lazuli. It’s believed that dumortierite helps to connect us to our spiritual side and our higher self. It allows us to tap into our intuition and gain insight from the universe. 

Dumortierite works best when connected to the eye chakra. This is where the third eye resides. When activated through meditation, it gives you access to the intuitive part of your brain.

This can be incredibly useful, as the crystal can enhance your memory. Therefore, if you are studying for a test, you may want to try meditating with dumortierite.

Likewise, the crystal is renowned for its intellectual ability. 

Additionally, this crystal can make you feel more emotionally stable. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, or stress, then dumortierite could provide you with much-needed relief.

You may even notice a reduction in pain after using the crystal. This is because the crystal helps to synchronize its user. 

Though dumortierite is most connected to the eye chakra, it can also be used for the throat chakra and crown chakra, which are the two closest to the eye.

The crown chakra is related to consciousness, hence why a stone connected to the mind is a perfect fit.

Meanwhile, the throat chakra relates to communication and expression. Thus, dumortierite can help you express yourself better.

Moreover, this crystal has some useful healing properties. It can help to clear out negative energies from the body.

Many people draw on the properties of this crystal to heal their skin. For instance, it is said to heal acne and sunburn. Additionally, dumortierite can aid in relieving headaches.

How Can Dumortierite Be Used?

How Can Dumortierite Be Used

There are various ways to use dumortierite depending on what you need it for. Here are just a few examples:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dumortierite Good For Me?

Yes! Dumortierite is a wonderful stone to have in your collection. It’s one of our favorite stones, and we think it’s safe to say that almost everyone would benefit from having it in their possession.

It has developed a reputation in the crystal-using community for its powerful energies. 

What Does Dumortierite Look Like?

As mentioned, dumortierite comes in many different colors. On the other hand, it is often found in blue. As a result, it is regularly mistaken for other blue crystals, such as sodalite.

The prismatic crystals of this mineral are transparent and normally very small. 

Closing Remarks

Overall, dumortierite is a fascinating crystal. It has been used by humans for thousands of years, but only recently have scientists begun to understand its true potential.

We hope that this article sheds light on what dumortierite truly means and why it should be included in every crystal collection, especially if you wish to expand your psychic abilities.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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