Celestine is a rare mineral that has been found only underground and in rock cavities. It’s mostly found in and mined in Madagascar and is extremely rare.

The name comes from the Latin word Celsus, meaning “of the sky.”
The celestine gemstone is most commonly a beautiful blue to greenish-blue stone with yellow flecks in it.
This is one of the most popular stones for healing purposes. It is also used as an amulet or talisman because it is said to bring good luck and protection.
Celestite Gemstones: What Are They?
Celestites/Celestine are naturally occurring crystals that have been formed deep within Earth’s crust.
They can be found in many different colors including white, pink, red, orange, brown, black, gray, blue, green, yellow, purple, and even some shades of gold.
These stones are usually very small but can grow up to several inches long.
Most Celestites are found in geodes. Geodes are natural cavities that form when rocks are slowly eroded by water over millions of years.
When this happens, minerals like quartz, feldspars, and other silicates collect inside these cavities. Over time, the minerals become encased in layers of sedimentary rock.
As the cavity continues to fill with more and more sedimentary rock, the cavity becomes larger and larger until finally, it reaches its maximum size.
At this point, the cavity will collapse and seal off completely. If the cavity remains sealed for enough time, then the minerals inside will crystallize into their own unique shape.
These types of gems are called celestites because they look like stars.
As you might imagine, the color of these stones varies depending on what minerals were trapped inside the cavity during the formation process.
What Does Celestine Mean?
The name celestine comes from the Latin word Celsus which means “celestial.” In ancient times, people believed that celestites had magical properties.
For example, they thought that if you wore them around your neck, you would be connected to the angels, leading to abundance and prosperity.
People also believed that celestites could protect against evil spirits and help you find love.
In fact, there are many legends about celestites. One legend says that celestites were created when God made the earth.
He took all of his power and put it into the center of the planet where he created the first star.
When God was finished, he looked at the earth and saw that everything was perfect except for one thing – there wasn’t any light.
So, he decided to give celestites to the world so that everyone could see the beauty of creation.
Another legend says that the celestite was given to the gods by Hercules. Once again, the story goes that Hercules was traveling through the mountains and came across a cave filled with celestites.
He went back to tell the king about the caves and how wonderful they were. The king told him that he should take the celestites home and make them into jewelry.
There are many theories about why celestites are considered sacred. Many believe that they were once part of the sky.
Others think that they were once living creatures who became buried under layers of sedimentary rock thousands of years ago. Still, others think that they are the result of volcanic eruptions or meteor strikes.
Whatever the case may be, celestites have always been revered as being special. They have been used throughout history as symbols of good luck, wealth, protection, and healing.
Today, celestites continue to hold a special place in our hearts and minds.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
How To Use Celestine Crystals

If you want to use celestites in your life, you can wear them around your neck or keep them close to you at all times. You can even carry them in your pocket or purse.
Celestites are believed to have a link to the angels and heaven. Wearing it will bring you closer to God.
It is said that wearing celestites helps you connect with the divine realm. If you are looking for guidance or answers, celestites can help.
You can also use celestites to attract love and happiness into your life. Since celestites are associated with the heavens, they are linked to the higher powers.
This makes them very powerful tools for attracting positive energy into your life.
Celestites can also be used to heal yourself. They are known to promote health and well-being. They can help you overcome depression and anxiety.
They can also help you get rid of negative thoughts and feelings.
Many people believe that celestites can help you manifest money. It’s not uncommon for people to say that they have found their true purpose in life after finding celestites.
Many people also believe that celestites are helpful in overcoming addictions. They are often worn on the wrist because this area is related to the heart chakra.
Celestine Crystal Facts
- The color of celestites varies depending on what kind of stone they are made out of. Most celestites are white, but some are yellow, pink, green, blue, purple, red, gray, brown, black, and more.
- Celestite comes from different parts of the world. They are found in places like Brazil, Madagascar, India, Thailand, Australia, Africa, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and other countries.
- Celestites are sometimes referred to as “sky stones”, “heaven stones”, “angel stones”, “god stones”, “divine stones” and “spiritual stones”.
Final Thoughts
Celestine has been around for centuries. Celestites have been used by shamans, priests, mystics, and spiritual leaders for thousands of years. The earliest records of celestites date back to ancient Egypt.
In ancient Egypt, celestites were used to protect against evil spirits and bad omens. In fact, Egyptians would put celestites inside coffins to protect the dead person.
They were also used during religious ceremonies. Priests wore them when performing rituals. They were believed to increase psychic abilities.
Today, celestites are still widely used in spiritual practices. They are especially popular among New Age practitioners.
Celestine would be a great addition to any home and would bless divine protection for you and your household.
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical