Affirmations For The Sacral Chakra

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  8 min read

The sacral chakra is linked with creativity, sexual intimacy, sensuality, and the divine feminine.

It is an incredibly important chakra because sex and sexuality is an integral aspect of having a human experience.

Affirmations For The Sacral Chakra

When the sacral chakra is blocked, spiritual beings can have issues with sexual intimacy and may suffer from low libidos, detachment, and a loss of creative energy.

The good news is that the sacral chakra can be unblocked, and one way to unblock the sacral chakra is through using the power of affirmations.

Affirmations are powerful tools that are used to unblock chakras so that a spiritual being can live a happier and more authentic life.

Affirmations can be used to build confidence and help heal personal wounds.

This article is all about affirmations for unblocking the sacral chakra, so that a spiritual being can once again feel aligned and healthy within their own sexuality and creativity.

What Is The Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is the second chakra and is located in the lower abdomen.

Like all chakras, the sacral chakra is an energy center, but the sacral chakra governs creativity, sexuality, sensuality, and passion.

When the sacral chakra is balanced, a spiritual being will have a healthy relationship with their body, and their own sexuality.

The being will also have a healthy relationship with sexual intimacy, and healthier relationships with other people.

The sacral chakra is vital for healthy sex, and honoring one’s desires. When the sacral chakra is balanced, there is no fear or shame around sexuality.

A person who has a balanced sacral chakra knows how to love themselves and honor their needs.

When the sacral chakra is unbalanced, a person may find it difficult to connect to their own sexuality, and they may experience very little sexual pleasure.

The individual may have a low libido and a lack of creativity. However, it is also possible that a being who is hypersexual has an unbalanced sacral chakra.

The individual is not having sex for their own happiness and enjoyment, but is using sex as a method of escapism, and may not even derive pleasure from sex.

Why Might A Sacral Chakra Be Blocked?

There are many reasons why a sacral chakra could become blocked.

An individual may suffer from a blocked sacral chakra if they do not feel connected to their sexuality, creativity, or divine feminine aspect.

This can be due to low self-esteem, low self-image, or low confidence.

It is also possible that an individual has an unhealthy view of sex and sexuality, which can cause an unbalance.

The individual may have negative views about sexuality. This could be due to society, family, or religion.

A person may view sex and sexuality as something shameful, rather than a normal human experience.

These are just a few reasons why someone’s sacral chakra may be blocked, and if you suffer from any of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean your sacral chakra is blocked.

If you are concerned about your sacral chakra being blocked, then try the below affirmations, which will help to unblock the sacral chakra.

Sacral Chakra Unblocking Affirmations

Sacral Chakra Unblocking Affirmations

It is safe to experience pleasure. I give myself permission to enjoy my body, and my sexuality. I am willing to learn what feels right for me, and I give myself the right to have my own boundaries.

This affirmation is ideal for those who are struggling to enjoy sex.

By saying this affirmation, the spiritual being is giving themselves permission to enjoy sex, instead of being afraid of sex.

However, by stating they have boundaries, the spiritual being can feel safe and secure.

I am worthy of experiencing pleasure. My body deserves to be treated well, and I deserve to experience pleasure. I am worthy of receiving pleasure in all aspects of my life. I am worthy of feeling joy, and I deserve to receive pleasure.

The second affirmation helps to balance the sacral chakra since it is important to remember one’s self-worth.

If someone struggles with low self-esteem, then this affirmation would help them to recognize that they deserve to be connected to their sexuality, and they deserve to experience healthy sex.

I accept myself as I am. I accept my body, its shape, size, age, and everything else about me. I love myself unconditionally, and I accept myself completely. I accept my flaws, and I love myself anyway. I love myself no matter what.

By affirming that they accept themselves, the spiritual being is accepting themselves for who they are, and they are loving themselves unconditionally.

If the spiritual being is struggling with seeing their own self-worth, then this affirmation can help them recognize they are worthy of healthy sexuality.

I am creative. I allow myself to express my emotions through art and creativity. I let go of inhibitions. I am free to create whatever I want, because I have unlimited creative potential. I am the creator of my own reality, and I hold much power.

When the sacral chakra gets blocked, it can often lead to a decline in creativity. The spiritual being needs to embrace their creativity.

They need to realize that they are themselves creative beings, with unlimited creative potential.

I am powerful. I release old patterns and beliefs. I trust my intuition and promise to honor my desires. I trust myself to look after myself, and I know I am safe in my body.

This affirmation helps to release old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving the spiritual being.

Some people may find it difficult to have sex, and may not feel safe in their own bodies, even when they are in a completely safe sexual situation.

This affirmation can be used to affirm to the individual that they are safe, and they are looking after themselves, always.

I trust my partner and I honor my partner. I give myself permission to be vulnerable with my partner, and fully engage in sexual and emotional intimacy. I honor any feelings of anxiety I may feel, and know that I am safe with my partner, and I give myself permission to connect physically, spirituality and emotionally with my partner.

This affirmation helps to release the fear of connecting spiritually, emotionally, and physically with a loving partner.

It gives the spiritual being permission to open up to their partners and to fully connect with them.

For some spiritual beings, it is difficult to be vulnerable, and an important aspect of sexuality is being vulnerable with oneself, as well as a partner.

This affirmation can help spiritual beings connect with themselves and their partner.

I am confident. I believe in my ability to achieve anything I desire. I believe in my worthiness to live life on my terms. I am creative, I am powerful, and I am free.

A spiritual being needs to believe in themselves, and believe that they deserve to live their lives on their terms.

When the sacral chakra is blocked, a person may feel like they lack creativity, and they are not free.

It is important to affirm one’s personal freedom and acknowledge one’s unlimited creative potential.

I love myself. I love my physical form. I love my mind. I love my spirit. I love my soul. I love my heart. I love my emotions. I love my energy. I love all aspects of me.

Affirming this will help a spiritual being to learn to love themselves, and all aspects of themselves.

It is important for a person to recognize who they are, and what makes them unique.

A being who affirms that they love themselves can help to unblock their sacral chakra, as they learn to re-connect and love themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should Affirmations Be Said?

Affirmations should generally be said every morning, and/or every night. The amount of affirmations depends on the individual.

Some like to say the affirmation multiple times, whereas others prefer to say the affirmation just once.

Affirmations can be said at any moment in time, but it is good to have a routine.

Do You Have To Say Affirmations Out Loud?

Affirmations are said out loud because it helps the person hear and absorb the powerful words.

However, for some people, saying affirmations out loud is not possible. It is also okay to say affirmations in your head or write them down.

What Is The Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is an energy center that governs one’s sexuality, sensuality, ability to engage in sexual intimacy, and creativity.


Unblocking the sacral chakra takes time, and will not happen overnight.

Affirmations are a way to help unblock the sacral chakra so that spiritual beings can have a healthy relationship with their sexuality and creativity.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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