Affirmations For Strength

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  7 min read

Sometimes our minds just need a little bit of a nudge back in the right direction.

Our minds are incredibly powerful, and can very quickly alter how we behave and how we view not only the world around us but ourselves and our place within it.

Affirmations For Strength

Self-defeating thoughts affect many of us every day and convince us that we’re not good enough to be happy or successful, or that we are not good enough to accomplish certain tasks.

It’s remarkable just how much sway a simple thought can have over our self-esteem. Luckily, this also means that more positive affirmations are just as effective.

Have you been looking around for some positive affirmations to increase your sense of strength?

Then you have come to the perfect place, as we are going to look at some of the best affirmations for strength. Read on below to get started!

I Can And I Will And I Am

Reminding yourself that you can do something is very simple but very effective.

It helps you to put into perspective the things you have already achieved in your career or in your life, which then helps you to know that you can handle whatever the future will throw at you, no matter how difficult it may end up being.

And simply stating “I Will” really helps to create a sense of determination that will really drive you forward.

Saying “I Will” is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you will do everything necessary to ensure that it comes true.

Saying “I Am” tells your subconscious that you are already doing it. This is the most powerful part of this affirmation and forms the basis for a great deal of powerful affirmations.

I’m Always Growing My Knowledge And Learning

This simple affirmation is great for reminding yourself that though you may occasionally make mistakes, those same mistakes are crucial in helping you to develop into a better person.

We are all works in progress that change with time and with our experiences.

This affirmation helps to remind you that though bad things happen, you have the power to take them on head-on.

I Am Blessed With Infinite Potential

Sometimes we often feel like we are trapped by the circumstances around us, and that we are powerless to change our lives for the better or to make a real positive change to ourselves and the world around us.

This affirmation helps to remind us that there is always an opportunity for change and that it is just a matter of seizing it.

Being reminded that you have infinite potential helps you to feel more in control of your destiny and your future, which in turn makes you feel powerful.

I Am Enough As I Am. I Do Not Need To Prove Anything To Anybody

Sometimes we can feel that we must change ourselves in order to appear a more positive way to those around us.

This can often cause us to act outside of ourselves, which can lead us to feel self-resentment, which in turn leaves us feeling powerless.

While it is great to be flexible and accepting of change, we should be sure that we are not losing a sense of our own unique identities in order to seek approval from others.

This affirmation is a quick reminder of this and is perfect in those times when you are feeling low in self-esteem and need a little pick-me-up.

I Am Resilient Even With The Weight Of The World On My Shoulders

This affirmation is perfect if you want something that will help you to keep positive even during the absolute lowest periods when you may feel powerless, and when the world seems like it is pressing down on you.

This simple affirmation helps you to get through the toughest times so that you can come out the other end a much stronger person who has grown from the weight of their experiences.

I Am Ready For Whatever Today Brings

I Am Ready For Whatever Today Brings

Stating this to yourself first thing in the morning can do absolute wonders for your mind and your sense of power.

It will help you to feel that you are definitely ready to take on the tasks of the day ahead.

Once again, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy and stating to yourself that you are ready for what the day throws at you will help you to actually feel that way.

Having a positive mindset like that also means that, should you fail, you will feel far less catastrophic. You will know that it is just part of being human!

Today, I Take Action

If there is a task or a goal that is proving to be quite daunting, then reminding yourself that not only can you take action, but that you will take action is a very helpful step.

No matter what the end result of the task may be, you are ready to take it on and find that out for yourself.

Reminding yourself that you are ready to take action gives you the confidence to go forward and take the plunge.

I Am So Much More Than My Mistakes

Sometimes it can be very easy to get wrapped up in our mistakes, to the point that we feel that we cannot possibly improve.

Focusing entirely on your mistakes can be a very difficult trap to escape from, but this affirmation makes it much easier to break out of that trap.

It reminds you that though your mistakes may have impacted you in the moment, you also have a number of successes already under your belt, and you have so many more successes yet to come!

I Am Learning From My Shortcomings

Becoming a better person is always a process. You have to be able to recognize your shortcomings and actively seek to improve from them.

However, many of us, upon recognizing our shortcomings, come to believe that we are stuck with them and that we cannot improve from them.

This could not be further from the truth, and this affirmation is perfect if you ever need a reminder of that fact.

This affirmation will help you to know that even though you have shortcomings, you are learning from them, that you are powerful enough to change them, and that you are still worthy of love.

To Finish Up

We hope that some of these affirmations prove useful to you.

Make sure to use them and focus on the words whenever you need a little bit of positive energy in your life.

They help you to quickly regain control and feel a little stronger and more powerful when it comes to changing your future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Choose An Affirmation?

Generally, the right choice of affirmation can come down to gut feeling. If you feel that the affirmation will have a positive impact on you, then make use of it!

You should also try to choose affirmations that directly tackle the problem you may be dealing with.

For instance, if you are dealing with negative thoughts about your career, choose an affirmation that makes clear the progress you have already made in your career.

What Is A Positive Mantra?

Positive mantras are similar to positive affirmations, except they are used in meditation as a way of assisting the meditation process.

Positive mantras can be used to heal, as some believe that they emit certain frequencies that aid in healing, both for physical and mental ailments.

How Do You Make A Positive Mantra?

To create a successful mantra, you need to ensure that it includes the word “I”. This ensures that every time you repeat the mantra it will be connected directly to you.

It’s also important to be concise so that you can repeat the mantra to yourself quickly for immediate effectiveness. Shorter mantras are also easier to recall and repeat.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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