Affirmations For Self-Doubt

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  6 min read

Self-doubt affects more people than most of us tend to think.

In fact, self-doubt is a natural psychological reaction in the mind when a new opportunity or situation presents itself, not too dissimilar from the fight-or-flight response.

Affirmations For Self-Doubt

First of all, it’s important to remember that self-doubt starts in the imagination.

Fears as to whether you can overcome an obstacle, due to doubts in your abilities, are natural but also a total manifestation of the mind.

In other words: self-doubt is ultimately imaginary – at least until those self-doubts—what you fear might happen—become real life.

And in the same way self-doubt is manifested, it is possible to conquer self-doubt by manifesting comforting thoughts through positive affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations can be described as mantras, inner pep talks, and self-motivation.

Typically short and memorable, affirmations are great for recalling and repeating to yourself whenever negative thoughts or feelings are present, such as fear and self-doubt.

The key to affirmations is to find ones that personally resonate with you, therefore making them memorable and powerful when you need them.

You may have already used affirmations in the past without realizing it.

Saying or repeating a phrase such as “I can do this” is an affirmation in itself – something that affirms your abilities and confidence when an obstacle or difficult situation arises.

Do Affirmations Work?

The fact is, the mind is a powerful tool that can either make or break you.

What you think about yourself often dictates the choices you make, which can be either governed by confidence or self-doubt.

Thankfully, your mind is moldable.

Your mind can be trained to become stronger, more optimistic, and more affirmative of what you think of yourself, and affirmations are one of the simplest, most effective ways to do this.

“I Have The Power To Do Anything I Put My Mind To”

Self-doubt is only as effective as how much you believe in it or listen to it.

But if you choose to believe in the opposite, instead, using this kind of affirmation, you can harness the power to do anything you choose as long as you put your mind on success and not failure.

“My Past Doesn’t Define My Future”

The past, including where you have failed, given up, or passed up on opportunities altogether due to fear and self-doubt, can cloud your perception and govern your choices.

This affirmation, however, can remind you that the past does not define your future; what defines your future is the present and the positive steps you are taking now.

“What I Have Inside Me Is Greater Than Any Obstacle”

“What I Have Inside Me Is Greater Than Any Obstacle”

Obstacles are hurdles, not brick walls. And because of that, they are not impossible to get over.

Self-doubt might make obstacles seem impossible, or highly difficult, but that’s where believing in yourself, the limitless potential you have inside of you, is of utmost importance – as it is the key to making it over to the other side.

“Comparing Myself Is Pointless”

In today’s world, especially where social media can feel like a constant competition, it’s easy to compare yourself to others in a way that manifests self-doubt.

Despite that, we are all entirely unique which, in theory, makes it completely pointless to compare yourself with others.

“Mistakes Are Learning Opportunities”

Self-doubt can come with the fear of making mistakes.

It’s essential, however, to remember that making mistakes is the means to learn and grow, so it should not be something to be afraid of.

After all, the only people who do not make mistakes are those who do not try. This affirmation can help you remind yourself of that.

“Failure Is Ok As Long As I Get Back Up Again”

Just like mistakes, failure should not be something to be afraid of.

Any failure is also a learning opportunity, which can offer new insights or even lead to new opportunities.

Through this affirmation, remember that failure is not failure – as long as you make sure to get back up again.

“I Am Growing And Becoming”

Whether you are making constant mistakes, trying new career paths, or taking time to discover yourself, this affirmation can remind you that you are on a constant path of growth.

Sometimes it can feel like you are stagnant in life, but it’s important to recognize that it is only a feeling or thought.

“I Trust The Process”

Even when you are trying our hardest, it’s easy to feel like the results you desire are not happening fast enough – if at all.

This affirmation, however, can help to overturn this form of self-doubt. As long as you have a plan and are trying your best, trusting in the process is important.

“I Am Perfect Exactly As I Am”

Imperfection is what makes each of us perfect in our own way.

So it’s important to not only remember that you shouldn’t strive to be perfect, but already accept yourself as perfect as you are.

Failing to achieve perfection can come with self-doubt, which is why this affirmation is worth remembering.

“I Am The Master Of My Mind”

Self-doubt starts in the mind.

It can stem from your past or perceived lack of ability, but ultimately it is imaginary – at least until those self-doubts happen in real life.

This affirmation can remind you that you do not have to listen to self-doubt; you are ultimately in charge of your mind, which means how and what you think is your choice.

Final Word

Affirmations are simple, memorable statements that you can recall and recite when negative thoughts or feelings arise, including fears, anxieties, and self-doubt.

Effectively, affirmations are powerful mental tools that can help “flip” your mindset in any given moment and, over time, train your mind to be more positive-thinking.

While self-doubt is common and natural for all of us, it is ultimately a negative manifestation of the mind – which you can choose to believe in or not.

By recalling affirmations when you need them, you can reduce self-doubt and manifest confidence in your ability to overcome the obstacles ahead.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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