Affirmations For Positive Energy

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you improve your life. They can also help you overcome negative thoughts or feelings.

Using affirmations is a really great way of taking care of yourself and ensuring that you are providing yourself with the support and comfort that you need.

Affirmations For Positive Energy

Recently, we’ve been trying to attract more positive energy, and give out more positive energy into the world too.

We know what it is like to feel as though you are surrounded by negativity. If you feel like this too, why not try to change it using affirmations?

Take a look at our favorite affirmations for positive energy below. You won’t regret it!

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help us improve ourselves.

According to experts, affirmations involve repeating a phrase or series of phrases that embodies who you want to become.

Together, with honesty and concrete action steps, affirmations can be a great tool to change your behavior or your outlook on life.

Affirmation has become very popular in recent years because of its effectiveness and because of how simple and accessible a method it is.

You can affirm anything from your goals to your health. For example, you might say something like, “I am happy and healthy.

I am grateful for my family and friends.” Or, “I am confident and strong. I am successful.”

How Do Affirmations Work?

Research shows affirmations work well at the conscious level.

However, affirmations work even better when combined with some deep inner reflection and some honest self-reflection.

Affirmations aren’t a cure-all, but they do help people feel better about themselves.

You can use positive affirmations in many ways. We’ve listed some of the most common and popular below.

Affirmations For Positive Energy

Now that we’ve covered the basics, we can get into the good stuff!

If you are currently feeling negative yourself, or as if you are surrounded by the negativity of others, you should try to bring positive energy into your life using affirmations.

What Is Positive Energy?

To be able to bring positive energy into your life using affirmations, you first need to understand what positive energy is.

Positive energy is an attitude that can be defined as encouraging and productive. People with positive energy often express their positivity by:

Benefits Of Having Positive Energy

Benefits Of Having Positive Energy

Having positive energy can help people cope with stress. This is thought to be because a positive perspective of oneself is associated with resilience.

Whilst positive people experience the same amount of stress as negative people, research shows they are more easily able to bounce back after a setback.

Additionally, people who engage in positive thinking actually tend to live longer than those who engage with negative thinking!

As such, using positive affirmations and accompanying these with actions can really have an incredible impact on your well-being and life.


Below, we’ve listed our favorite affirmations for positive energy. Be sure to give some of them a try!

  1. I am a positive person.
  2. I attract positive people.
  3. I instill a sense of positivity in others.
  4. I love life.
  5. I am blessed.
  6. I love myself.
  7. I am a joyful person.
  8. I have much to give to the world.
  9. I am content.
  10. My body is powerful.
  11. The universe guides me in miraculous ways.
  12. I am abundant.
  13. I am worthy of the very best in life.
  14. My mind is filled with positive and nourishing thoughts.
  15. All is well.
  16. I am resilient and can handle negativity.
  17. I have the power to transform negative energy into positive energy.
  18. I accept myself and those around me.
  19. All of my thoughts are ok.
  20. Today represents a new beginning.
  21. I give myself permission to release negative thoughts to make room for positive energy to flow in.
  22. The universe is always sending me opportunities.
  23. I am generous.
  24. I am able to let go of anyone or anything that prevents me from being authentic.
  25. I can take responsibility for my life.
  26. I am always growing and evolving in a positive direction.
  27. I accept and welcome positive energy.
  28. I am exactly where I should be.
  29. I have much love to give.
  30. I am valued by those around me.

How To Use Affirmations

Affirmations should be said out loud and as enthusiastically as possible. You can visualize or feel what you are affirming as you say them.

Additionally, consistency is key. Choose some of your favorite affirmations and set time aside each day to say them.

It is also worth mentioning that, for the best results, you should combine these affirmations with actions.

For instance, if you feel as though you are surrounded by negative energy, reach out to friends who radiate positivity, or even try to meet new people.

If you yourself are feeling negative, engage in activities that make you feel positive and powerful.

Cook your favorite dishes, learn how to skate, or start playing a musical instrument.

You could also volunteer for a good cause to feel generous and valued. Finally, it is important to remember that this process takes time.

Be kind to yourself – it is unlikely that you’ll feel better straight away.

When it comes to changing your perspective, outlook, and behavior, consistency and kindness are key.


Using affirmations to build up your own personal energy is a great way to improve your overall wellness.

However, it is important to remember that they work best when paired with positive action.

It is also necessary to remember that consistency is key – you can’t expect huge changes overnight.

Instead, look forward to taking small steps and experiencing mini successes on your journey to becoming more positive.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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