Affirmations For Patience

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  6 min read

Are you feeling impatient in your life right now? Practicing patience takes time and effort, an effort that we sometimes do not have the will to put in!

Whether we are trying to be more mindful in our parenting, let go of anxieties, or just need our brains to shut up already with the negativity, we could all use a little more patience in our lives!

Affirmations For Patience

Before we get started, let’s discuss – what is an affirmation?

What Is An Affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive statement that you make to yourself. It’s like saying, “I love myself!” or “I am beautiful and I accept who I am.” You can use affirmations in many different ways. For example:

When you wake up in the morning, say out loud, “Today I am going to be patient with my kids.”

Say it when you are driving down the road, “I am patient today.”

Say it before you eat dinner, “I am grateful for this meal.”

Say them every day at lunchtime, “I am loving and accepting of myself.”

How To Start Using Affirmations Today

The first step to using affirmations is to pick one that resonates with you. If you don’t resonate with any of these, then start with something simple like, “I am happy.”

Once you find one that works for you, write it on a piece of paper and keep it where you see it every day. This way you will remind yourself to practice being patient throughout the day.

Let that feeling fill your body – it’s a statement of fact. It is an ultimate truth, and you must embrace that you are capable of self-control and filled with the sense of calm that comes from being a patient person who is in control of their emotions.

Next, notice a time during the day when you feel most anxious or out of control. When you are having a bad day, try to think about how much better things would be if you were able to be more patient.

Then repeat your affirmation as many times as needed until you feel calm again, letting that statement of fact flood your body.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Affirmations For Patience?

Affirmations For Patience

There are so many benefits to using affirmations for patience. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider using affirmations to help improve your patience level:

They Help Us Feel More In Control

Affirmations are great because they give us the power to control our own thoughts. We can tell ourselves whatever we want to hear. We can change our minds to think positively.

We can even change our bodies into feeling good by changing our thoughts.

They Can Help Us Be More Mindful

We can also use affirmations to become more aware of our emotions. By repeating an affirmation over and over again, we are training our brains to think differently.

We are learning to recognize negative feelings and replace them with positive ones.

They Can Help Us Let Go Of Negativity

Negative thoughts often come from our past experiences. Our mind tends to replay those memories over and over again.

Repeating an affirmation helps us to train our minds to think differently. We can learn to let go of our negative thoughts and replace them with positivity.

They Can Help Us Love Ourselves Better

If you are struggling with self-love, affirmations can help you to build confidence in who you are.

You can begin to appreciate yourself for all the amazing qualities that you possess. You can start to believe that you deserve to be loved and accepted for who you are.

They Can Help Us Practice Being Patient With Others

If you struggle with being patient with others, affirmations can help. You can use affirmations to teach yourself to be kinder towards other people.

You can focus on being compassionate towards others instead of focusing on their faults.

They Can Help Us Get A Little Extra Sleep At Night

When you have trouble sleeping, affirmations can help too. When you say an affirmation out loud or think it in your head, you are creating a new habit.

It may take a while for your body to get used to this new thought process. However, once you do, you will sleep better at night.

They Can Help Us Improve Relationships

When you are struggling with relationships, affirmations can help! Say an affirmation aloud or think it in your mind every morning before you leave for work.

Repeat it whenever you need to remember to be patient.

What Are Good Affirmations For Patience?

Here are some examples of good affirmations for patience:

  1. “I am not afraid to wait.”
  2. “I know that everything happens for a reason. I trust God’s/the universe’s plan for my life.”
  3. “I love myself unconditionally. I accept myself just as I am. I forgive myself for any mistakes I make.”
  4. “I am strong. I am confident. I am powerful. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.”
  5. “I am patient and kind.”
  6. “I don’t worry about things that cannot be changed.”
  7. “I am willing to wait for what is best for me.”
  8. “I am calm, that calmness radiates through my whole body.”
  9. “I am peaceful every day.”
  10. “I am happy with my life right now.”
  11. “I am naturally a content person.”
  12. “I am loving.”
  13. “I am accepting of other people and love them always.”
  14. “I am forgiving others’ mistakes.”
  15. “I am always ready to listen.”
  16. “I am always ready for change when change is ready for me.”
  17. “I am open to new ideas from others.”
  18. “I am open to growth at any time.”
  19. “I am open to opportunities in due time.”
  20. “I am flexible to doing things at a slower pace.”
  21. “I am creative and I like to take things slowly.”
  22. “I am optimistic, I have no reason to rush things.”

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, you cannot control other people. There will always be things that you cannot control and things may never happen in your timeframe. Reframe this narrative to focus on what you can control.

You may not feel like it, but you can control how you react to situations and other people.

You are an adult, not a toddler, and you can teach yourself to practice patience and self-control through the use of affirmations and positive self-talk.

You are always in control of how you react, and you are responsible for the energy that you bring into your life and to those around you. It takes time and dedication, but you can do it! Have faith in yourself!

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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