Affirmations For Letting Someone Go

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 05/24/22 •  6 min read

Are you ready to let go of someone who has hurt you or broken your heart? Affirmations can help you release negative feelings and move forward with your life.

Affirmations For Letting Someone Go

If you’ve ever felt stuck in a relationship, affirmations can help you get out of it. They can also help you let go of someone who’s hurting you.

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you overcome obstacles and achieve success. In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite affirmations for letting go of someone.

Why Affirmations Are Important For Letting Go Of The Past And Moving Forward

When we’re upset about something from our past, we often feel like we have no control over what happened.

We might be angry at ourselves for not being able to change things, but we don’t know how to make them different. This is where affirmations come into play.

Affirmations can help us take back control by reminding us of all the good times we had together, even if they were brief.

They can remind us of all the ways he made us happy, so we can focus on the positive aspects of our relationship instead of dwelling on the negatives.

They can give us strength when we need it most. When we’re feeling weak and vulnerable, affirmations can provide inspiration and encouragement.

How To Use Affirmations

I recommend using affirmations as a way to start your day. You can do this before you even leave the bed. It will help you wake up with a fresh attitude and put you in a better mood.

You can use affirmations throughout the day too. If you’re having trouble focusing, try writing down an affirmation on a sticky note and putting it somewhere you can see it throughout the day.

You can write your affirmations, or you can use the examples we are going to list below!

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Someone

  1. I am free from him/her.
  2. He/she cannot hurt me anymore.
  3. I forgive myself for allowing him/her to hurt me.
  4. I love myself more than I did before.
  5. I’m moving on with my life.
  6. The pain of his/her absence is gone forever.
  7. I’m stronger now because of him/her.
  8. My life is complete without him/her.
  9. I am worthy of happiness.
  10. I am a beautiful person.
  11. I deserve to be loved.
  12. I am free to live my life.
  13. I am safe.
  14. I am strong.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Fear

  1. I am fearless. I trust myself.
  2. I am letting go of what I fear.
  3. I am not afraid to move forward.
  4. I embrace my fears, and I overcome them.
  5. I am courageous.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Stress And Worry

  1. I am calm.
  2. I am relaxed.
  3. I am focused.
  4. I am patient.
  5. I am at peace.
  6. With every inhale and exhale, I release all my stress.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of The Past

  1. I am ready to accept my past.
  2. I forgive myself for my past mistakes.
  3. I am willing to learn from my experiences.
  4. I am proud of my past.
  5. I am grateful for my past.
  6. I am healing from my past.
  7. I am growing from my past.

Why Is Letting Go Of Someone So Difficult?

Affirmations For Letting Someone Go

It’s difficult to let go of someone who has been part of our lives for such a long time.

We may feel guilty for hurting their feelings, and we may worry that we won’t ever get over it. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting closure.

When we think about letting go of someone, we may also think about losing them.

That’s why it’s important to remember that we’re not losing anyone. Instead, we’re simply letting go of the negative emotions associated with them.

We have no idea how much energy we’ve spent holding onto these thoughts and feelings. By releasing them, we’ll finally be able to experience true freedom.

Letting go of someone doesn’t mean forgetting them. On the contrary, it means remembering them fondly. We can still hold on to positive memories of them.

Letting Go Of Someone Who Has Hurt Us

If someone has hurt you, you may want to focus on letting go of the negative feelings they caused.

However, if you were the one who hurt them, you should realize that you need to work through your guilt first.

If you truly regret hurting someone, then you owe it to yourself to make things right. This could take many forms, but it usually involves apologizing and making up for any harm you’ve done.

In addition, you might consider talking to this person to clear the air. It would be best to do this face-to-face rather than by email or phone call.

If you don’t talk to them, you may find yourself feeling resentful toward them later on.

Letting Go When You Are Sad About Someone

Sometimes we become sad when we lose someone close to us. We may even cry for days on end. Although it’s normal to feel sad after a loss, it’s important to understand that sadness isn’t always bad.

Sometimes, sadness helps us process grief. In other words, it allows us to reflect on our relationship with the deceased.

If you are grieving, it’s natural to feel sad. However, you shouldn’t dwell on your sadness. Instead, you should try to move on.

Letting Go After A Breakup

After a breakup, we often feel like we’re going crazy. Our hearts ache, and we feel empty inside.
However, as painful as it is, letting go of someone is necessary. Otherwise, we’ll never heal.

Although we may feel like we’ll never get over someone, we will eventually come out stronger. As long as we continue to love ourselves, we’ll eventually find someone else.

Final Thoughts

Using affirmations to let go of someone is a great way to release negativity. While it may seem strange at first, once you start using them, you’ll see just how effective they are.

You’ll soon discover that letting go of someone is easier than you thought. Once you begin thinking positively, you’ll notice that you feel better.

You can use affirmations to let go whenever you want. They can help you let go of anything from a friend to a job to a family member.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you don’t need to know exactly what you’re letting go of. Just focus on releasing whatever emotion comes to mind.

Once you do this, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll feel lighter. Your life will change for the better, and you’ll enjoy a renewed sense of happiness.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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