Affirmations For Hope

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

Hope can be a driving force in life: a positive sense that good things are around the corner to both believe in and anticipate.

There is nothing wrong with hoping for something to happen, as hope itself can often manifest into positive energy that attracts more positivity in return.

Affirmations for Hope

No matter what you are hoping for—the hope to succeed, heal, be a better person, find happiness and contentment, or achieve something—affirmations are a great way to turn hope into positive feelings, ideas, and actions.

Affirmations, like any motivational inner dialog, can offer comfort and optimism in any given situation.

They are simple and memorable, allowing you to find strength, positivity, and direction when remembered or repeated.

Below, find some examples of affirmations of hope that you can use to not only find comfort in your path, but healthy optimism for the things you hope to happen.

What’s Meant For Me Will Be Mine

By accepting both the good and bad as things that are meant for you—for reasons that benefit you—it’s possible to find comfort in life’s many surprises, together with the hope that everything will turn out alright in the end.

This includes the things that are meant to both happen to you and come to you.

This affirmation does not just offer comfort, but the contentment that everything that may or not happen in the future is meant to be, for reasons that will make sense in the moment, or later down the line.

Everything Is Happening As it Should

A big part of hope is patience, and this affirmation can be a powerful reminder that everything that is happening, to us and around us, is as it should be – all in good time, and at a time that is right.

Too often we look forward to the future—what we desire to happen—and associate it with our eventual happiness. In doing so, however, we subconsciously associate the present with unhappiness.

I am Exactly Where I Am Meant To Be

It’s important to remember that all our experiences, choices, and the people we have met along the way have guided us to where we are now – whether we realize it or not.

For this reason, we must trust what we have learned and experienced to continue to guide us on the path ahead.

This affirmation is ideal for when you feel doubtful about your current situation – where you are in life and the future that lies ahead.

Find gratitude in everything that led you here while feeling hopeful that, no matter where life continues to take you, it is exactly where you are meant to be.

What I Give Out Will Come Back To Me

Manifesting positive energy can lead to receiving more positivity in return.

Likewise, the more effort you put in—and the more love and kindness you give out—the more you can expect to receive as a reward for your efforts.

This kind of positive attitude can come with the hope that things will always happen in your favor as long as you constantly put more into life.

Whether it is work, your relationship, or something other, this affirmation can remind you to live life with greater enthusiasm.

My Efforts Will Not Be In Vain

When results seem slow or like they are not going to happen at all, it can be easy to lose hope in the efforts you have made.

This is where it’s important to remember that progress can be difficult to discern, and may even go unnoticed when we focus on time, the achievements of others, or the things that have gone wrong.

This affirmation can help you to trust in the process, including the efforts you have made and are continuing to make.

Applying ourselves is the best we can possibly do, and through that results will come to fruition – even if progress seems slow.

I Am Safe, Supported, And Loved

Too often we overlook friends and family, simply because they are such an integral part of our lives.

Friends and family offer hope, however, as for many of us they can be relied on to help us through obstacles, hardships, and times of need.

No matter how difficult a situation you are presented with, this affirmation of feeling safe, supported, and loved can provide the hope that you are, in fact, never alone; friends, family, and close loved ones will be there to support you – regardless of what may happen.

I Trust In My Intuition And The Path I Have Taken

Similar to affirming to yourself that you are where you are meant to be, it’s important to not look back on the past with regret.

Intuition has led you here for reasons that were right at the time, and so we must trust in that same intuition for the paths we are yet to take.

With trust comes hope – the hope that any future path you take is meant for you, guided by the intuition that you have developed through experience and lessons learned.

This affirmation, as a result, can offer comfort in times of uncertainty.

I Have Enough Time

As we hope for things to happen or come to us the clock remains ever-present, which can come with the pressure that time is running out.

This sense of pressure can also diminish the hope that something we desire will happen – if at all.

This powerful affirmation can be recited as a reminder to let go of expectations in relation to time.

There is nothing wrong with hoping for things to happen, but it’s also important to trust that it will happen at a time that is both justified and earned.

I Hope Because It Is Possible

Hope is often associated with idealism, so it’s worth reminding yourself that the fact you are hoping for something is because there is an element of realistic achievability in what you desire or want to achieve.

In other words, you hope for it because you believe it can happen. This affirmation is a short testament to that; a reminder that your hope is not ill-placed, fantastical, or a result of poor judgment.

The Universe Offers Infinite Possibility And Beauty

When things are not going your way, or falling apart altogether, this affirmation provides a sense of comfort that the universe—the fact that you are alive, on earth—offers limitless possibilities and moments of beauty that can be yours for the taking.

There is hope in this affirmation – the hope that, no matter what difficult situation you are facing, there is more waiting beyond it: a universe full of choices to make, inspiring people to encounter, and experiences yet to be had.

Final Word

Hope is not idealism, nor is it the path to disappointment. Hope can be a means to manifest dreams and the actions we need to take to make them a reality while finding contentment in the path taken, as well as the path that lies ahead.

Affirmations, such as the ones listed above, can provide strength in hope – plus meaning and reasoning behind the things we have chosen to hope for.

They are short yet memorable, offering comfort and support in the times when we need them.

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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