How often do you hear affirmations such as “I am creative” or “I am a good artist”? The problem is, these statements don’t really mean anything.
They are empty words that don’t reflect who you truly are. Affirmations are positive thoughts that you repeat over and over to yourself.

They are meant to boost your self-esteem and improve your life. There are two types of affirmations: internal and external.
Internal affirmations are those that you say out loud to yourself. External affirmations are those that are written down and read aloud.
Affirmations are powerful tools for improving your life. If you want to become a better person, then start practicing them every day.
Here are some examples of affirmations for creativity.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are simply positive thoughts that you repeat to yourself. These thoughts can be about any subject.
You can use affirmations to change the way you think about yourself, others, and even situations in your life.
Affirmations can help you overcome negative thinking patterns.
Negative thinking patterns include blaming other people, being critical of yourself, and worrying too much.
By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you will feel more confident and happy. Affirmations also help you achieve goals.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you could write an affirmation like this: “I have lost 10 pounds today.
I look great!” This affirmation helps you believe that you can accomplish your goal because it reminds you of what you already accomplished.
How Can Affirmations Help Me?
If you practice affirmations regularly, they will make you happier and healthier. Here are some ways that affirmations can benefit you:
Improve Your Self-Esteem
When you tell yourself that you are beautiful, smart, talented, or successful, you begin to feel better about yourself.
When you constantly tell yourself how wonderful you are, you will eventually believe it.
Overcome Depression And Anxiety
Depression and anxiety are common problems that affect millions of people around the world.
Many people suffer from depression and anxiety without knowing why. Some people experience depression and anxiety after a traumatic event.
Others may develop depression and anxiety due to stress at work or school.
Regardless of the cause, many people find that affirmations can help them overcome their feelings of sadness and worry.
Increase Confidence
When you tell yourself something positive, you gain confidence. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you are intelligent, you will begin to believe it.
As a result, you will feel more comfortable talking to new people and taking on new challenges.
Boost Creativity
Many artists and writers rely on affirmations to increase their creativity. When you tell yourself that you have talent, you will begin to act as if you do.
In turn, you will create things that reflect your true abilities.
Achieve Goals Faster
Many people struggle to reach important goals such as losing weight, getting married, or starting a business.
To succeed, you need to set specific goals and follow through on them. However, when you are stressed, it is hard to stay focused on your goals.
Instead, you spend most of your time focusing on what you don’t want instead of what you do want.
We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical
Creative Affirmations

You can use creative affirmations to boost your self-esteem, improve your mood, and become more productive.
Creative affirmations are usually written in the first person. They focus on the strengths and talents that you possess rather than your flaws.
“I Am” Affirmations For Creativity
Creativity is important for everyone. It’s hard to be a creative person every day. We need to learn new ways to grow our creativity.
Use this affirmation to help you develop your creativity.
- I am an unlimited creative person.
- I am a creative solution maker.
- I am inspired by beauty and creativity everywhere.
A creative person is someone who thinks outside the box. He or she is always looking for new ways to solve problems.
Creative people are constantly coming up with new ideas. This person is also self-confident and confident in himself/herself.
- You are a creative person who draws people to you.
- You are confident and skillful in your creative work.
- You are a fountain of ingenuity.
- You are a creative genius.
Affirmations For Thinking Creatively
Each of us has millions of thoughts each day. Most of them are mundane, repetitive, and unoriginal. But occasionally, we do think of something original.
We are creative, and our ideas are worth considering. Being positive helps improve our creativity. We always have lots of unique solutions for problems.
- Your mind is a magnet for inspirational solutions.
- You’re an original thinker who loves to think out of the box.
- You’ve got great creative skills.
- You inspire others with your ideas.
- You’re always ready to take on new challenges.
- You’re a natural-born leader.
- You’re a born innovator.
Creative Affirmations For Writers/Creative Writing
Writing is one of the best forms of expression. Even though writing may seem like a difficult task, it really isn’t.
You just need to practice and keep trying until you get better at it. Write down your own creative affirmations.
Then write about how they affect your life.
- I’m a naturally gifted writer.
- I write well because my soul speaks through me.
- My words flow easily from my pen.
- I love expressing myself through writing.
- Writing makes me feel good about myself.
- Writing is my lifeblood.
Creative Affirmations For Artists
Artists create beautiful things using their imagination. Some artists are famous while others aren’t.
If you enjoy art, then you should try creating some yourself. Artistic people often have strong personalities.
Their creations reflect their inner feelings.
- I am a talented artist.
- I am a master craftsman.
- I am a creator of beauty.
- I am a true artist.
- I make beautiful things with my hands.
- I am a skilled artist.
- I am an artist.
Final Thoughts
Affirmations are simply affirming statements that you repeat over and over again in order to change your thinking patterns.
Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you achieve success in any area of your life. Try these affirmations for creativity today!
Thank you for reading!
Everyday Insight
Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.We know that you, like us, are fascinated by all the intangible things that make life magical