Affirmations For Heart Chakra

By Everyday Insight •  Updated: 08/03/22 •  7 min read

The heart chakra is one of the most important elements of the Hindu, Yogic, and Buddhist beliefs in chakras.

It is one of the four primary chakras contained within the body, and it is responsible for a sense of trust, peace, and generosity.

It also helps you to better control your emotions, as well as impact your relationships with others in your life.

Affirmations For Heart Chakra

This energy center is located at the heart, which is the center of our being. It’s where we feel love, joy, happiness, compassion, gratitude, and many other positive feelings.

Occasionally, the heart chakra needs to be strengthened so that your positive feelings can defend against some of the negative forces out in the world.

One of the best things to utilize is affirmations. Affirmations can change how you perceive and interact with the world, and thus are very beneficial to the heart chakra.

Let’s look at some of the best heart chakra affirmations!

I Live In Harmony With All Other Beings

Crucial to a healthy heart chakra is the ability to have strong relationships with other people out in the world.

The heart chakra is responsible for positive emotions that can lead to a sense of harmony, which can bring you better in touch with other people.

This affirmation will help you to feel more in touch not only with others around you but also with the nature around you, which creates a sense of peace and serenity.

My Heart Is Free From Past Hurt

Our heart chakras can often be damaged, especially when we are hurt by those around us, or even worse, those we love.

Healing your heart chakra can be particularly difficult, especially when dealing with feelings of regret and hurt from past experiences.

This affirmation reinforces the importance of letting go of the past and embracing the future so that you can create a more positive present.

Being present and “in the moment” can help you to further achieve a sense of peace.

My Heart Is Filled With Joy And Gratitude

As we explored earlier, the heart chakra is responsible for positive emotions such as joy and gratitude, and thus this affirmation is perfect if you feel that your heart chakra needs a little pick-me-up and a little reminder of how much there is to be joyful about and grateful for.

I Choose Love Every Single Day

It’s important for the continued health of your heart chakra that the people that you attract to your life actively bring positive energy to it.

This affirmation reminds you of the importance of positive energy and that in some cases you may have to actively seek it out.

I Choose To Love Myself As Deeply As I Love Others

We sometimes offer so much love to the special people in our lives that we forget to extend some of that love back to ourselves.

Being able to love yourself unconditionally, and forgive yourself for past mistakes is crucial for allowing yourself to love others.

If you want to strengthen your relationship with loved ones, then this affirmation is perfect for helping you to do just that.

You can use it to remind yourself of the power of unconditional love and how it can transform your life, whether you give it to yourself or others.

I Embrace Silence And Know Deep Inner Peace

Affirmations For Heart Chakra

We all know that meditation is crucial and highly beneficial in healing and strengthening the heart chakra. But sometimes entering the perfect headspace to be able to meditate can be quite difficult.

This affirmation is perfect if you find that you are having trouble entering a state of meditation to exercise your heart chakra.

Repeat it multiple times per day, and you will find yourself much calmer the next time you meditate.

I Am Worthy Of Love And Care

To truly feel love from others, or even from ourselves, we need to be receptive to it.

Often we can find ourselves feeling unworthy of love and care, and so this affirmation provides the perfect remedy for this problem.

This affirmation reminds us that we are deserving of the love in our lives, no matter what we do with our lives.

This helps to elicit a sense of peace and is perfect for alleviating anxious and self-defeating thoughts.

My Best Is Good Enough

Ever given your all to someone or something, and felt like it still wasn’t enough?

This amazing affirmation seeks to do away with that feeling of uselessness and instead reinforces the idea that your best is good enough.

It also serves to remind you of the fact that you should always strive to improve upon your current level of success and never be complacent, while still being appreciative of what growth you have experienced so far.

If you’re struggling to get motivated because you fear the idea of failure, then this affirmation will easily get you feeling motivated.

My Inner Joy Expands When I Share It With Others

Because the heart chakra is so deeply entwined with feelings of happiness, it is important to not only fill it with joy but also to spread that joy out to others around you.

Knowing that those around you are feeling joy can bring plenty of joy as it is, which means that you can add more joy by spreading it out to others.

The more joy you share, the more joy you’ll experience in return. This affirmation is great for reminding you of the importance of sharing joy with others and helps you to feel much closer to those you value.

I Am Happy To Be Alive

It can be easy to find yourself looking desperately for reasons to be happy, and thus forgetting that being alive is a source of joy unto itself.

Knowing that you are alive and that life can be good can do wonders for your self-esteem, especially your mood.

Being content simply with just being alive is perfect for your mental health, as it will lead to a more consistent state of happiness throughout your everyday life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Blocks The Heart Chakra?

Blockages of the heart chakra can generally come about as a result of negative energies from other people, and even from yourself.

If your heart chakra becomes blocked, then you will have lower self-esteem, and may even experience low energy and low moods.

This is why it is crucial to keep the heart chakra healthy, to be able to deal with these negative energies in a way that protects your positive energies.

How Do You Heal A Heart Chakra?

If you have found that your heart chakra has been damaged by negative energies, then you may want to utilize things such as meditation, yoga, or healing crystals.

Each of these can help to slowly bring your heart chakra back to a normal state so that you can then begin to strengthen it again.

What Element Is The Heart Chakra?

Five of the main chakras are closely aligned with five of the elements, being earth, water, fire, air, and space.

The element that the heart chakra represents is air. This is because it’s located at the center of your body, and is surrounded by all the other chakras.


Keeping your heart chakra healthy is important for maintaining a sense of self, and a sense of harmony with the universe around you.

It is also beneficial as it can greatly improve your mood in a consistent manner, which leads to a much greater quality of life.

Make sure to try out some of these affirmations to keep your heart chakra fuelled and to improve the quality of your life!

Everyday Insight

Richard Pryn, the man behind Everyday Insight, is a professional composer and has always been fascinated with the esoteric & spiritual. He has trained as a Pranic Healer and as a Dowser. These spiritual studies have included the study of crystals, earth energies, manifestation and lifestyle design.

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